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Syrix: Dark Phoenix

Posted: Sat May 14, 2022 7:28 pm
by Hawk
I'm working on cracking Syrix, since my wife is interested and we don't currently have a Rakdos deck we like. Here's my draft:
Syrix: Carry On, My Wayward Phoenix

Commander: 1

Approximate Total Cost:

The ratios on this one are tricky - so I have no idea until we start testing if this deck has enough ways to sacrifice and pull back phoenixes to reliably trigger all parts of Syrix's text, and no idea if it can actually, ya' know, win once it is doing so. We'll see, but I'm very open to suggestions since I haven't ordered cards yet!

Budget-wise I don't have spare copies of Ashnod's or Blade right now so those are getting ordered. I'm open to spending $20 on different cards if something seems more powerful here.

Re: Syrix: Dark Phoenix

Posted: Sat May 14, 2022 7:36 pm
by Ulka
Ashes of the Fallen seems like it would fit at home here. also I would try to fit Flayer of the Hatebound into the list to allow your pheonix's to do even more damage.

Overall I like the feel of the list.

Re: Syrix: Dark Phoenix

Posted: Sat May 14, 2022 7:45 pm
by TheAmericanSpirit
Shard Phoenix and Skarrgan Firebird are pretty easy to recur and give your phoenix package a little more oomph. Firebird in particular can do some massive damage with Syrix considering most phoenix have <4 power.

Re: Syrix: Dark Phoenix

Posted: Sat May 14, 2022 8:11 pm
by Hawk
Ulka wrote:
2 years ago
Ashes of the Fallen seems like it would fit at home here. also I would try to fit Flayer of the Hatebound into the list to allow your pheonix's to do even more damage.

Overall I like the feel of the list.

Wait does Ashes of the Fallen work for triggering Syrix? Does Syrix see them as a "phoenix dying" if I just clamp the Skeleton? If so that's brilliant and I do have a spare Ashes (wheras I don't own and am having trouble finding a copy of Maskwood Nexus). And I knew I was forgetting some sorta win con - Flayer of the Hatebound does seem clutch in this deck even though a lot of the phoenixes (phoenixi?) go to hand - enough go to the battlefield for sure.
TheAmericanSpirit wrote:
2 years ago
Shard Phoenix and Skarrgan Firebird are pretty easy to recur and give your phoenix package a little more oomph. Firebird in particular can do some massive damage with Syrix considering most phoenix have <4 power.
I am not a fan of Shard Phoenix's "only on your upkeep" trigger - but I am a fan of Firebird's Bloodthirst. Definitely going to cut one of the other top-end phoenixes (Immortal, Magma, or Kuldotha probably) for it. Thanks!

Re: Syrix: Dark Phoenix

Posted: Sat May 14, 2022 11:54 pm
by DirkGently
Hawk wrote:
2 years ago

Wait does Ashes of the Fallen work for triggering Syrix? Does Syrix see them as a "phoenix dying" if I just clamp the Skeleton?
Unfortunately I'm 99% sure the answer is "no".

Re: Syrix: Dark Phoenix

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 1:00 am
by BeneTleilax
Nice to see someone else building Syrix! One of the things I've found playing mine is that discard outlets are generally much better than sac outlets for this deck, because most of the creatures you want to loop are expensive, only recur to hand and/or don't care how they get to your graveyard. Relatedly, dredgers are really good for filling your graveyard and turning draws into Syrix triggers. I've also swapped out several creature removal slots in favor of ways to give Syrix deathtouch; because he's hard to reliably kill, you can lean a bit more on having access to him.

Re: Syrix: Dark Phoenix

Posted: Fri May 20, 2022 9:02 pm
by Hawk
BeneTleilax wrote:
2 years ago
Nice to see someone else building Syrix! One of the things I've found playing mine is that discard outlets are generally much better than sac outlets for this deck, because most of the creatures you want to loop are expensive, only recur to hand and/or don't care how they get to your graveyard. Relatedly, dredgers are really good for filling your graveyard and turning draws into Syrix triggers. I've also swapped out several creature removal slots in favor of ways to give Syrix deathtouch; because he's hard to reliably kill, you can lean a bit more on having access to him.
That's interesting - I thought having on-board ways to kill Phoenixes at a moment's notice were the most important things since it lets you recast Syrix at-will. Any discard outlets that you've found particularly potent beyond Tortured Existence and Undertaker? I was worried that Skirge Familiar, which was in my maybeboard, was a bit too cludgy.

Re: Syrix: Dark Phoenix

Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 1:30 am
by BeneTleilax
Hawk wrote:
2 years ago
Any discard outlets that you've found particularly potent beyond Tortured Existence and Undertaker? I was worried that Skirge Familiar, which was in my maybeboard, was a bit too cludgy.
Skirge is too expensive for this. I like real cheap effects so I can get something in the bin before casting Syrix the first time, especially looting as that fuels dredge, so I've got Faithless Looting, Faithless Salvaging, Body Launderer and even Hollowhead Sliver (the incidental Conspiracy synergy is not nothing). Then for other discard outlets, I'm running some real jank: Putrid Imp, Haunted Dead. Skirk Ridge Exhumer, and then of course Chainer, Nightmare Adept as an actual good card. You'll probably want less than me, because I'm trying to be real cute with stuff like Garna and Konrad, but it does help to be able to just dump stuff into the bin at instant speed.

Another thing I'm gonna test is putting in a lifegain/food module with the obvious cat & oven, but also Asmie, Blartist and Veinwitch Coven, maybe throwing in Silversmote Ghoul, though I increasingly want my recursive dudes to be able to recur on opponents' turns to get a more reliable stream of Syrix triggers.