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Test results from MH1 and WAR

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 2:21 am
by Simple_Man
I have some test results to report from my MH1 additions!

Serra the Benevolent: I expected the card to be good, but it managed to exceed my expectations. She comes down, drops a big angel, and in 2 turns she can do it again. Didn't see the emblem, but the threat of a 5/5 Vigilance Angel on the attack made it a very fast clock, and the player who drafted her also paired it with Spectral Procession to take advantage of her +2. The size of the token was a true headache and made attacking Serra a challenge. I would rate her just below Gideon, AoZ and is a solid addition to my Cube.

Seasoned Pyromancer: Looked really good when I saw it in action. Plays a role in Red midrange decks, filtering draws in the early game and provides card advantage later on. The bodies it creates are always relevant. Didn't blow my mind in the initial testing, but seems a solid addition.

Hexdrinker: I got to play with this wonderful card in a GW deck, and what a blast it was! I managed to get it to max level twice, and both opponents noted how strong it was. The first game went late, and after a sweeper hit me I dropped the snake, leveled it up to 5, then maxed it the following turn for a quick clock. In another game, I dropped it early, leveled it when I could, and eventually it took over the game. Great card.

Deep Forest Hermit: Player who had her said it was better than Deranged Hermit. If you liked the OG you'll love the remix.

Wrenn and Six: Saw play in a Temur shell alongside the new Horizon lands and Wasteland. Provided solid, repeatable value and also sniped down small creatures in the air. Didn't break the game in the little time I saw it, but it has a bright future.

Vista and Horizon lands: Performed as expected. Run these cards.

Additional test results from WAR!

God-Eternal Kefnet: I played Kefnet in a UB shell, and I really liked it. Even without the spell doubling (which I could've done easily with JtMS and Vampiric Tutor), the fact that it was a 4/5 flier meant it was a threat that could not be ignored, and was also a huge hurdle for the opponent when playing defensively. I'm a big fan.

Ilharg, the Raze-Boar: Solid midrange star, and the potential to bring in something like Dragonlord Atarka or an Inferno Titan is huge. I've also seen it in cheat decks where an opponent dropped in an Emrakul on the attack. The card is a lot of fun and a good additional overall.

Ugin, the Ineffable: A 6-drop finisher that can go in decks of any color gave a lot of flexibility to players during the draft portion of the game, and both of Ugin's abilities play very well. The tokens he creates are a source of card advantage when they die, and the - 3 is greatly appreciated against problematic permanents.

Teferi, Time Raveler: Tiny Tef continues to impress, and it simply took over a game in a control mirror, stranding two counterspells in an opponent's hand. Outside of that, the bounce is great in buying time and getting a bit of value, and being able to cast powerful sorceries like Balance and Fractured Identity end of turn is fantastic.