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Goblin deck, what are the must have ?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 6:12 pm
by Jordan King
Ok I have 150$ budget and I want to build a Goblin deck.
I'm watching some youtube videos, but I'd like to see your opinion on some "must have" goblins in the deck :)

Thanks !!

Re: Goblin deck, what are the must have ?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2022 9:11 pm
by ISBPathfinder
Do you have a commander in mind? I think spending your money on a high impact commander is probably going to be the first and foremost starting point. When you have a budget like this you are going to see a lot better return by choosing someone like Krenko, Mob Boss than you will with a commander like Muxus, Goblin Grandee where the composition of your deck is a lot more important and you will see a loss when going with a more budget approach.

Krenko, Mob Boss would be my suggestion of commanders when it comes to budget goblins as a lot of the cards you need to run in the 99 can be somewhat budget and what you have on hand. But your commander choice is going to dictate a lot of what suggestions I would make for what to include in a goblin deck.

Re: Goblin deck, what are the must have ?

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2022 3:38 pm
by Chromaticus
Goblin Chirurgeon is one you should not overlook. Him and Skirk Prospector are cheap and must have.

Re: Goblin deck, what are the must have ?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 3:36 pm
by ISBPathfinder
I am going to make some suggestions of which several of these are going to be geared a bit more for Krenko, Mob Boss as I still don't know what your commander option intentions are. Chromaticus' suggestions are good and cheap so I will just tag some suggestions onto the back of those also being good.

Goblin Chieftain - Giving Kranko haste is huge. GIving his new swarm of goblin tokens haste and buffing them to be twice is big is also kind of huge. I think this does a lot for Krenko and it might in my opinion be the best pickup for the money for that specific commander.
Goblin Warchief - I think that the anthem of Goblin Chieftain is better than the cost reduction here but I think both are really great.
Goblin Trashmaster - Its an anthem but the big take away is the ability to smash a bunch of things on demand.
Goblin Lookout - Its cheap $$$ to pick up and its a good anthem if you go super wide with a commander like Krenko.
Goblin Matron - It adds to your goblin count and goes and gets a friend.
Pashalik Mons - It can help as a little bit of a buffer against sweepers. His token gen is bad but his on death trigger is a fairly decent punish for sweeping or blocking.
Legion Warboss - Tokens
Siege-Gang Commander - Tokens
Gempalm Incinerator - Cheap answer that also cantrips. Its nice to have when in the tribe and given how wide you ideally go its a solid answer.
Goblin Instigator - Budget Tokens
Mogg War Marshal - Budget Tokens
Beetleback Chief - Budget Tokens
Hordeling Outburst - Budget Tokens
Krenko's Command - Budget Tokens
Dragon Fodder - Budget Tokens
You See a Pair of Goblins - Budget Tokens
Goblin War Party - Budget Tokens
Goblin Rally - Budget Tokens
Swarming Goblins - Budget Tokens

Some non goblin cards that I think suppliment this idea well:

In the Web of War - An outlet for haste as well as pumping the token army.
Ogre Battledriver - Its a cheaper money and mana version of In the Web of War that has the downside of being on a non goblin creature rather than an enchantment.
Shared Animosity - Its a little pricy for your budget but a strong finisher for red when working with big waves of tokens.
Tears of Rage - Its sort of the budget brother of Shared Animosity.
Impact Tremors - non goblin finisher option. It bypasses needing to use combat which has its advantages.
Skullclamp - Expensive for the budget you outlined but its great draw when dealing with a bunch of chaff tokens.

Re: Goblin deck, what are the must have ?

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:52 pm
by Outcryqq
You've gotten some great suggestions so far. Some others i'd add are Skirk Prospector if you go tokens as a great source of ramp, Goblin Wardriver as a cheap anthem if you go tokens, possibly Metallic Mimic for team pump, and Legion Loyalist.

Edit: Nevermind on mimc and loyalist, I had no idea they got so expensive (over $7 each), probably not worth it for your budget.