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Umbris Wins

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 8:14 pm
by Ertai Planeswalker
I hardly ever play Dimir, but after I saw Umbris, Fear Manifest, my brewing senses started tingling. Now I'm not much of a tribal fan so I did not want to build Horror/Nightmare tribal, but I think I've found a nice little niche for him to function as a relatively standalone commander. Of course I've had to dedicate some slots to making sure enough stuff get's exiled but there's been some cards printed in recent years that mill a decent amount of cards in one go with each opponent which instantly makes Umbris hit for lethal once you've exiled one or more graveyards. For the rest, this aims to be a Dimir control deck with lots of interaction (Some of you may have read in another recent thread of mine that I'm trying to up the amount of interaction in my decks to keep up with my meta) and some value to just durdle and protect itself until we've accumulated enough value or until the big man himself comes out to play. I think in practice the deck will be around 50/50 when it comes to just winning by turning bodies sideways and smacking with a big Umbris. Anyway, this is the list:
Umbris Wins


Approximate Total Cost:

Some remarks:
  • Card Draw: Verity Circle: I've played this card for a while now and there's always at least one deck with mana dorks or somesuch. This is sometimes a little worse, but also sometimes even better than Rhystic Study as people can't deny you the card. A bit meta dependent, but it works wonder for me.
  • Mill: These are all cards that will just instantly mill enough cards to make Umbris lethal after one max exile effect.
  • Mass Exile: These are all cards that will exile a lot of cards, either instantly all opponent's graveyards or just stuff as the game progresses and it hits their graveyard. I've made sure I only included effects that hit my opponent's graveyard so I do keep my graveyard around for The Scarab God and Phyrexian Reclamation .
  • Other:[/b] These are just cards that will fit well with the game plan. Special mention goes to Confounding Conundrum. This might also be a meta call, but in my meta there's at least one guy playing THE fetches and one or two others playing the budget versions on top of decks utilizing extra land drops. This is going to do work.
  • Lands:I will be playing less basics, and instead play all kinds of duals, however these are the non-basic lands that I got my eye on other than mana producers. If you have any tips, I would love to hear them. Note that Scavenger Grounds has you sacrifice a desert, not neccesarily itself. That is why Ifnir Deadlands and Ipnu Rivulet are included.
Now I really want to add the cards from the maybeboard as I feel they will be strong in the deck, especially the tutors. However, I'm not sure what to cut for them so any advice would be much appreciated.