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Preview Option

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 1:54 pm
by WizardMN
I kind of like the idea of the "full editor" being its own thing as I never used the buttons anyway; I always just typed in the BBCode needed. I see that the "Quick Reply" option is just that so the rest of the options are not visible. But, I always like to preview my posts prior to posting them so I know they look right and any BBCode is working that I typed in. Is it possible to give up the option for "Preview" without opening up the Full Editor?

The main reason for this is that the Quick Reply puts the reply at the bottom of the thread so I can easily scroll up to see the rest of the thread. Whereas the Full Editor moves it to the top and the rest of the thread is condensed into a smaller area that I then need to scroll through. It would be preferable to be able to see the Preview inline with the thread so I can still easily read what I am responding to or what has been said in the thread so far.

Re: Preview Option

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 4:24 pm
by Gaea's Regent
There's a scrollable thread review at the bottom of the full editor, ICYMI.

Re: Preview Option

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 4:33 pm
by WizardMN
No, I saw that. That is what I was referring to when I mentioned being in a smaller area. So, it isn't like it is completely unusable or anything. I just would like the Preview to be an option outside of the full editor.