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Karazakir - Picking Fights for Fun and Profit

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2021 12:56 pm
by Sharpened
I wanted to make something out of my comfort range. Rakdos is definitely that, as is finding ways to be political.

Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant struck my fancy, so lets try that. I wanted to find ways to use him, and I wanted it to be fun. Which means no hyper efficiency. I wanted splashy and fun effects designed to push people into fighting each other with me on the sidelines benefitting.

Here's what I have put together so far:
You guys should fight about it
Approximate Total Cost:

I suspect I'm removal light.

Some insight on how I built this -
I want the Commander to matter, so I want to pick fights, and force my opponents to attack each other. Meaningful Goad effects, cards that force combat, and cards that say, attack someone other than me.

I want big splashy effects that work on theme. Nothing is more on theme than Cruel Entertainment, even if it's not good. Impressive and cool is more important than good. Good is nice, and the deck should be good enough to pull off some impressive and cool things, but sheer power is not the more important thing.

With a 5 drop commander, I need to generate mana. Also, a 3-drop rock is fine to curve into the commander, so I get to play 2 of the new and most fun rocks that I didn't have a home for in Manascape Refractor and Cursed Mirror.

Any thoughts on what I'm missing? Things to pull the strategy together? Big splashy effects that will be more entertaining? Bizarre and amusing cards that might find a home here?

Re: Karazakir - Picking Fights for Fun and Profit

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2021 6:48 pm
by yeti1069
Caltrops, and similar effects could be worthwhile. The issue with all the goad stuff except Disrupt Decorum is that they work well on individual big/dangerous/utility creatures but don't handle swarms well. Some of the enchantments you have, like Marchesa's Decree can help there, but if you're going to force combat, you could try punishing those attackers. I'll tell ya, forced combat pisses people off.

As for big and splashy, there's always Mob Rule or the like.