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Ideas for Rem Karolus

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 6:02 am
by Ertai Planeswalker
cards/innistrad-midnight-hunt/68352-rem ... rt-slayer/
So before we had Rem Karolus, we had Tajic, Legion's Edge. I theorycrafted Tajic back then as a weenie deck with damage based boardwipes to make them one sided. But the fact that Tajic did not save himself made the deck more clunky than necessary trying to include ways to save him too.

Enter Rem Karolus. He does everything I wanted Tajic to do and more. So a traditional white weenie deck with burn is definitely an option. However, the format sped up some since Tajic, so I 'm looking for alternative plan B's that could help the deck out. I'll post a first draft once I get to it but for now if you have some good card tips or playlines that will make the deck not fold to one wrath of god that would be awesome.

Re: Ideas for Rem Karolus

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:00 am
by Treamayne
Ertai Planeswalker wrote:
2 years ago
... But the fact that Tajic did not save himself made the deck more clunky than necessary trying to include ways to save him too...

Enter Rem Karolus. He does everything I wanted Tajic to do and more...
Keep in mind that Rem also does not prevent damage to himself.
If a spell would deal damage to you or another permanent you control, prevent that damage.
If you proceed, maybe consider:
Stuffy Doll
Dolmen Gate
Fanning the Flames
Gift of Immortality
Together Forever

Packages to consider:
Lifeline/Enduring Renewal package (Ways to reanimate discarded creatures, like Emeria, the Sky Ruin and Sun Titan - ways to prevent return, if using lifeline, like Reito Lantern)

Re: Ideas for Rem Karolus

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:15 am
by Serenade
Toralf, God of Fury // Toralf's Hammer
Torbran, Thane of Red Fell
Rolling Earthquake
Blasphemous Act

EDIT: There are not a ton of options with this angle, but you could use cards that set every creature's power/toughness (then use spells that deal one less damage to wipe). I was thinking of Harmonious Archon.

Re: Ideas for Rem Karolus

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 4:00 pm
by onering
He can't prevent damage to himself, but since he has flying that does mean he dodges some of the red damage based wipes like Earthquake, so you could lean further into those.

Re: Ideas for Rem Karolus

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 6:29 pm
by Ertai Planeswalker
Damn i misread the card. Well then, then i'll abandon this idea. Sorry for wasting your time.

Re: Ideas for Rem Karolus

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 6:44 pm
by Wallycaine
If you don't want to abanon it entirely, Pyroclasm type wipes synergize particularly well with him: He survives, thanks to 3 toughness, and everyone else's stuff takes 3 thanks to his third ability. And as mentioned above, anything that specifies "without flying" such as Earthquake works well with him. I feel like that still gives the idea a lot of room to play, and you can always run the larger wraths as a "break glass in case of emergency" option.

Re: Ideas for Rem Karolus

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:11 pm
by DirkGently
Ertai Planeswalker wrote:
2 years ago
Damn i misread the card. Well then, then i'll abandon this idea. Sorry for wasting your time.
That's so weird, I misread the card in the exact same way. Maybe we both subconsciously thought the "another" meant "other than you the player" lol.

Flying does help a lot, as does having a butt larger than his attack, though. I think there's around 2 wipes that exploit one or the other, maybe that's enough? But tbh playing wipes in an aggro deck feels dicey anyway, if they kill rem you're so screwed.

Re: Ideas for Rem Karolus

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:40 pm
by Cyberium
Pariah is an old trick that still works.

Re: Ideas for Rem Karolus

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2021 10:22 pm
by Hawk
How funny that I also misread this card and was simultaneously so excited and so bored by "damage-based boardwipe.dec".

There's more Earthquake-type effects than you'd think though:
Approximate Total Cost:

That's just the top 10 that aren't locked at 3 damage or less - rounding out the honorable mentions would be Hammerfist Giant (really slow, but repeatable!) and Street Spasm (very inefficient as a wipe, but also flexible and naturally asymmetric)