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Wulfgar, Super Punch Out

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 6:59 pm
by Tevesh
When I read the books, Wulgar was my favourite character aside from Artemis Entreri. Well, here he is and he isn't garbage or a broken piece of %$#% so I guess I'll try my hand at him.
Bam Bam

Commander - 1

Instant - 1

Approximate Total Cost:

Changes 10/15/22
Changes 10/15/22
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Changes 09/22/22
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Changes 01/05/22
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Changes 11/25/21
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Changes 11/16/21
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Re: Wulfgar, Super Punch Out

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 10:20 pm
by Tevesh
First retooling:
Going more into Wulgar's doubling of triggers. I would have liked to squeeze in Purphoros, God of the Forge but I couldn't find my copy.

Re: Wulfgar, Super Punch Out

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 2:06 pm
by Tevesh
Changes 11/16/21
Approximate Total Cost:

I thought Delina rolling 15+ meant I kept that Creature but that's just my wishful thinking attempting to bend reality. In her place comes Vicious Shadows which murders tables if I get Wrathed and I need a way to win that doesn't involve turning sideways. Still can't find my copy of Purph which is annoying, I hope he didn't grow legs at some point playing with the stickies at the LGS the random times I've been. Perhaps Shadows should be Warstorm Surge but I like that Shadows converts dinky 1/1 Goblins or mighty 5/5 Dragons into respectable damage versus Surge not being that impressive if all I am doing is pooping out Goblins.

Snow Lands comes in to turn Field of the Dead on.

Re: Wulfgar, Super Punch Out

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 4:14 am
by Tevesh
Embracing the Creature Aggro:
Explore is a solid value card but I'm looking to put bodies down and turn them sideways so Wulfgar's Double Melee trigger looks impressive. Joraga Treespeaker is called 'The Green Sol Ring and so I should probably put that in this deck. It's a Creature so there's lots of ways for it to draw me cards to offset the loss of Explore's Cantrip.

With half of the Basics being Snow for Field of the Dead and the addition of the Gruul Snow Duals in this update, Into the North is now strictly superior to Rampant Growth.

I'm Aggro, I probably shouldn't be dropping Wraths. Smuggler's Copter is a solid filtering device and with Wulfgar's doubling of triggers, the ole Looter Scooter can help me dig dep and fast. I did think of cutting Eternal Witness but she can do silly shenanigans with Kogla, the Titan Ape which seems like a better match than trying to push in Seasons Past.

The Lands added are mostly the 'Battlecruiser Staples' with two Ramp Lands. Two Snow are added for Into the North, as well as cards that can fetch typed Duals. Strip Mine comes in to stop the The Book of Exalted Deeds onto a Mutavault shenanigans.

Re: Wulfgar, Super Punch Out

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 8:47 am
by Nimbaway
Wulfgar is going to be my next little deckbuilding project, so definitely will take some of your card choices and opinions under consideration. So thanks for sharing it

Re: Wulfgar, Super Punch Out

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 1:44 am
by Tevesh
Nimbaway wrote:
2 years ago
Wulfgar is going to be my next little deckbuilding project, so definitely will take some of your card choices and opinions under consideration. So thanks for sharing it
Cool. Well, come along my journey of punching faces.

Found my Purph!:
Changes 11/25/21
Approximate Total Cost:

Goreclaw looks great on paper but I actually have very few Creatures with 4 Native Power relative to my strategy. This means her Cost Reduction rarely comes into play. Sure, it's great that it always works on my Commander but I want more than a handful past that to work. Now, once my team's power gets pumped, they can benefit from her +1/+1s and Trample. I rather have guarantees than hoop jumps. One of the ways to have guarantees is my Battledriver's Haste, I have quite a few Creatures that can pump and provide Trample to my Creatures yet they die before I get a chance to pay them off. With the Battledriver, I'll be able to threaten them and maybe that means that the Battledriver eats removal instead of my Pathbreaker Ibex.

With the realization that I had so few Native 4 Power Creatures, Garruk's Uprising misses more than hits. While giving my Creatures blanket Trample, I'm putting in Purph because he also gives me reach with his Shocks and Firebreathing. Purph means I have another alternative if I can't turn sideways at the table.

Re: Wulfgar, Super Punch Out

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 1:25 am
by yeti1069

Re: Wulfgar, Super Punch Out

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 5:25 am
by Tevesh
yeti1069 wrote:
2 years ago
No Ghired, Conclave Exile?
I lack White?

Re: Wulfgar, Super Punch Out

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 1:07 pm
by yeti1069
Yeah, duh. Sorry.

Re: Wulfgar, Super Punch Out

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 4:56 pm
by Tevesh
Land Quality Increase:
Changes 01/05/22
Approximate Total Cost:

Something to Fetch for Wood Elves or Nature's Lore, plus it Cycles if I rather Draw later in the game.

Re: Wulfgar, Super Punch Out

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 4:05 am
by Tevesh
Seems simple enough, I guess:
Changes 03/03/03
Approximate Total Cost:

It's pretty close, close enough that I thought to axe Captain Lannery Storm but I am loathe to up my curve in an Aggro deck. On average, with double triggers, the Ogre makes 3 mana while the Tanuki makes 4. What makes the Tanuki attractive is Reconfiguring onto a big boy and making something like twenty mana which is well within the realm of possibility as Wulgar gets to ten Power with his doubled Melee trigger.

Re: Wulfgar, Super Punch Out

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 4:03 am
by Tevesh
Injecting Velocity:
This is an Aggro deck, if I'm using the worst strategy for Multiplayer Magic then I think it's more than fine to include fast mana elements to make up for it without straying too heavily into Pubstomp territory. Fangren Firstborn wasn't that impressive, sadly; his triple Green made him hard to curve out on and I'm a slave to curve when it comes to Aggro. I did a count of how much Draw and Ramp I have; I aim to have twenty of each in a deck. That way I'm always making land drops, expanding my deck's power and being able to play threats. In this deck, I had something like 25 Ramp and only 15 Draw - which made me decide to cut three of the Ramp Men for another source of draw and two more ways to give Wulgar reach. His lack of Trample is a real slog, especially when he usually gets massive; Mage Slayer and Loxodon Warhammer will help me make my opponents dead. Furthermore, I am a little light on life gain which I find is useful in Battlecruiser Magic so the Warhammer will help. Lastly, Topiary Stomper will help me Ramp and is a body that can attack to help with Wulgar's Melee triggers.

The two two drop search Sorceries got axed for Moxen fast mana.

Without having so many ways to tutor for Forests or Snow, I cut the three ETBT Lands and a Basic for an upgraded, untapped mana base. That should also aid with velocity; with Ancient Tomb being another form of fast mana, Taiga for good fixing and both Yavimaya's for fixing and defense, respectably.

Re: Wulfgar, Super Punch Out

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:56 pm
by Tevesh
The two necessities:
Changes 09/22/22
Approximate Total Cost:

Ramp and draw, draw and ramp; those are the two things that make sure I have enough sustain to keep hitting in battlecruiser. Vengeful does not ramp nor draw and so it gets the axe for Durnan who should let me poop out creatures on the cheap. The fact that I can keep those cards in exile indefinitely means I'm not forced to cast them like a lot of red's impulsive draw and I can keep the critters in reserve after a wrath comes down. I think that's a big deal and that's before Durnan also ramps me by giving those cards Undaunted.

I think Hour of Promise is one of the best ramp spells in the game; however, this is an aggro deck and so I really need to make sure I am putting pressure on my opponent. Sure, fetching two deadly lands like Field of the Dead might put pressure, but in some cases it might be a total whiff. I can't really allow that. Rulik gets me ramp if I'm lucky and bodies if I'm not. I can then use those bodies as a baseline for blocking but the 1/1s might be fed into easy attacks to pump Wulfgar's Melee up, trigger Druids' Repository or put them into a Skullclamp.

Re: Wulfgar, Super Punch Out

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 4:53 am
by Tevesh
Changes 10/15/22
Approximate Total Cost:

I much prefer Loxodon Warhammer's Trample to Basilisk Collar's Deathtouch, even if the Warhammer costs more to play and Equip. This deck doesn't have mana problems once we get into the mid-game because of the absolute absurd amount of mana the deck can generate from its various 'make mana on attack', especially if I can store it up like Treasures.

I said I wouldn't be bothered by Gallia's random draw and it turns out I'm a liar, it's not that good. I tried to think of other draw within that mana value but had to concede to go looking at MV 3 and the Bestiary stood out as something that was obviously great. I like the draw smoothing, it comes down before I really start putting creatures on the board and I can keep drawing as I send out my beasties to die.