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Kynaios & Tiro of Meletis - Landfall combo

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 12:30 am
by cryogen
Pretty self-explanatory. Play lands, be degenerate. Slight subtheme with elementals, since I decided early on to run most of the Omnaths.
Approximate Total Cost:

Re: Kynaios & Tiro of Meletis - Landfall combo

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 1:32 am
by MeowZeDung
I'm curious, why Eureka Moment over Growth Spiral? Honestly, I expected both in a landfall deck.

Ha, I thought of doing the ol' Perilous Forays durdle engine with Scute Swarm/Rampaging Baloths and company in my Karametra, God of Harvests deck but decided I was being silly enough with my commander plus Whitemane Lions. Glad to see it's getting love. Shame you can't play it with Bloodghast here.

Ok, last question: what's your favorite card in the deck and why is it Mystic Reflection? Gosh I love that card.

Re: Kynaios & Tiro of Meletis - Landfall combo

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:15 pm
by Zerro
Love the deck! It seems really solid at a glance but please let me know how it plays. Cards that i am especially interested in knowing how they perform are Faith's Reward and Geode Rager. Looking forward to hearing about the way the deck plays.

Re: Kynaios & Tiro of Meletis - Landfall combo

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 6:16 pm
by kraus911
I. have a similar deck, same general, and I like Cavalier of Flame for card draw, beats, and a possible finisher with that last trigger. I have a lot more put lands back and forth from the gy than you do so more synergy there, but still might do work in your deck. Also an elemental. . Nice list!

Re: Kynaios & Tiro of Meletis - Landfall combo

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 11:18 am
by cryogen
MeowZeDung wrote:
3 years ago
I'm curious, why Eureka Moment over Growth Spiral? Honestly, I expected both in a landfall deck.
Uh, not sure. I know since EM is new I wanted to try it and figured the draw 2 would be more relevant late game.
Ok, last question: what's your favorite card in the deck and why is it Mystic Reflection? Gosh I love that card.
Haven't actually cast it yet. Favorite card is probably Geode Rager because I absolutely *love* the goad mechanic. The MVP is probably the very boring Amulet if Vigor though.
Zerro wrote:
3 years ago
Love the deck! It seems really solid at a glance but please let me know how it plays. Cards that i am especially interested in knowing how they perform are Faith's Reward and Geode Rager. Looking forward to hearing about the way the deck plays.
Thanks! So far it has done well enough. Last game I early game cast Approach and then intentionally cracked a fetchland. That backfired because then instead of "knowing" when it was coming back around I got targeted since there was no way of knowing. Geode Rager gave me some breathing room, and then a top deck Constant Mists saved my bacon until I could draw Approach again much later. I'm still learning all the combo lines and the deck pushes the lines of my playstyle as well as the power level of our stream, so I don't play it very often.
kraus911 wrote:
3 years ago
I. have a similar deck, same general, and I like Cavalier of Flame for card draw, beats, and a possible finisher with that last trigger. I have a lot more put lands back and forth from the gy than you do so more synergy there, but still might do work in your deck. Also an elemental. . Nice list!
Thanks! I can't remember if I considered Cavalier when I was searching all the elementals. I'll have to revisit it though.


List hasn't been reflected yet but I added Sakashima to combo with a bounceland and the landfall token makers. I'll alsoake changes for MH2, notably the new 3cmc Lotus Cobra that makes treasure tokens.

Re: Kynaios & Tiro of Meletis - Landfall combo

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 12:05 am
by cryogen
Made a few changes to the deck, notably adding Vesuva and Valakut. I have been pleased with how its performed. Haven't picked up any MH2 yet so no changes on that front.