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Re: Nexus of Fate

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 10:16 pm
by motleyslayer
I'll move this thread to the finance thread to better answer your question

Re: Nexus of Fate

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 12:57 am
by SquirrelToken
I'm not really a fan of buyouts in general, but beyond that this seems like a really poor target. Unless you have a source that will let you buy your copies for less than $25 per (current TCG Low), you're hoping that this goes up to $60 so you can double your money? Secret Lair really punishes this kind of spec. I don't want to park north of seven grand in an easily-reprintable card that has to hit $60. It's also not a limited print run - Mark Rosewater has publicly stated that there are more copies of Nexus of Fate in the wild than of any other M19 mythic. So while yes, it's a good and playable card, it's already $30 and it just doesn't have as much room to grow. If you have enough money to buy 250 copies of this card, I'd look at Strixhaven Archives. They're bottoming out around now. Pick your favorite one and bet on that instead.

Re: Nexus of Fate

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 2:15 pm
by The Fluff
the OP looks like a legit post... but somehow it reminds me of the "nexus of fate" bots, that were rampant in creating "nexus of fate" threads in the forum last year. One characteristic of this spam bot is it just creates a thread, then leaves, not making another post. So I'm observing if the OP will post again.