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Cramming in Tiamat (Deck help)

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 10:12 pm
by Gashnaw

Commander (1)

Planeswalker (1)

Approximate Total Cost:

So that is my decklist, I am looking for cuts to include Tiamat along with a few other cards. Ramos, Dragon Engine, Beledros Witherbloom and Moritte of the frost

Now, of course i want Tiamat in first and foremost and I don't want to weaken my deck by doing so. Which is why the other three are ONLY of it can be done smoothly. It is a Cattlebruiser deck, I am not looking for major Combos, if I was, I would be Running Scion of the Ur-dragon.

Thing is I have been fine tuning this deck to be what i want since C16 was released (Literally picking up the deck n my way home from work, didn't even bother going to my LGS, it was too out of the way and i just came off a graveyard shift, so I was sleepy) There was a hobby shop on the way home so i stopped there instead. (It was also cheaper to buy it there than it would have been at my LGS)

ANYWAY, after learning of Tiamat i wanted to toss her into the deck, but to do so, I need to remove a card. While the deck may not seem to synergize, it actually works well. i have draw power, I have the ability clear boards while keeping my army. i have direct damage, protection, I even have some control. Along with tutors. Tiamat will just help get some dragons into my hand. But once again, I need help on what to remove.

Re: Cramming in Tiamat (Deck help)

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 4:24 pm
by Dunharrow
I run a similar deck. I would drop Broodmate Dragon. I just don't think there are many scenarios where Broodmate is better than any of the other dragons you want to fit in there. Tiamat also gets you more dragons so although you spend more mana you end up with more dragons.

How good is Clever Impersonator? So many targets are legendary... I think Beledros would be better just so you can untap mana and play more dragons.
The other question I have is for the 'Stars'. With no sac outlets, not even a Phyrexian Tower, they seem like punisher cards and you are not getting optimal use.
Actually Clever Impersonator seems like the only way to kill one of them. That and Rite of Replication.

Rite of Replication and Clever Impersonator is my vote for cuts. You have... 8 targets other than the 'Stars'. Is it worth running them for that?

And then I would even cut the stars. They are good cards but unless you are sacrificing them and recurring them what are they actually accomplishing?

Anyway, those are my thoughts. I you want to keep the stars and rite of replication I get it, but then I would cut Clever Impersonator and Broodmate Dragon.
And I would replace with Tiamat and Beledros.


Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 5:09 pm
by FenrirRex
Easiest cuts are Ojutai, Soul of Winter and Sarkhan the Masterless- Sarkhan doesn't protect himself half as well as I want in my previous experience, and seven mana Ojutai is typically not what a deck like this wants to be doing at that stage of the game. Otherwise I'll second that the clones are only okay.

Re: Cramming in Tiamat (Deck help)

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 5:35 pm
by Gashnaw
Sarkham has actually helped.memoutnin a pinch multiple times. That static ability has been a life saver.
Being able to tap things down is a good ability has also helped.

Broodmate has seen my shirt list. And the stars can often persuade them not to attack me..especially when I have kokushonornryesei as 9/10 ryuseibcan wipe a broad.and kokushonjust nets me 10-15 life easily. Yossi also threatens them.

I think broodmate and steel hellkite. I almost never break stuff with hellkirte. I seldom have the Mana open to optimize it a d it just gets chump blocked if they have a flyer.

Re: Cramming in Tiamat (Deck help)

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 5:38 pm
by pokken
Dragonlord Ojutai seems really medium in this deck tbh. Would you rather tutor 5 or anticipate? :P

Re: Cramming in Tiamat (Deck help)

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 12:16 pm
by Gashnaw
pokken wrote:
3 years ago
Dragonlord Ojutai seems really medium in this deck tbh. Would you rather tutor 5 or anticipate? :P
Tiamat took the place of Steel hellkite (Since ii rarely get to use his ability making him a rather dead draw) And Beldros Witherboom took teh place of broodmate dragon.

Moritte of the Frost changed places with Clever impersonator and I am now looking for a slot for Bower Passage

Re: Cramming in Tiamat (Deck help)

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 11:04 pm
by Arebennian
What benefit does Moriette give that Impersonator doesn't?

Re: Cramming in Tiamat (Deck help)

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 2:30 pm
by Gashnaw
Arebennian wrote:
3 years ago
What benefit does Moriette give that Impersonator doesn't?
Can be fetched with tiamat or Sarkhan's Triumph

Also works in tangeant with like Herald's horn and Cavern of Souls

Re: Cramming in Tiamat (Deck help)

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 9:53 pm
by Arebennian

Thanks for the clarification. I'd somehow overlooked some of the changeling benefits. Ta for the idea. Might look to include it in some of my own tribal decks. However someone below mentioned the impracticalities of Clever Impersonator. Do you think that the clone effect is that powerful?

Some thoughts on your tutor suite:
Do you think Sarkhan's Triumph is actually wroth playing? Have you considered Bring to Light?

At 3 mana I'm not sure it is worth it, even at instant speed. Is the general play pattern EOT Triumph and then go get the most appropriate dragon to play the dragon in your turn? If so, do you find that you have anything else to do with the 3 mana that you hold up given that you have only 2 other instant at CMC 3 or less?

Bring to light won't find you many of you dragons, but it will get many of your strongest utility pieces, particularly your strong enchantments and, well, Patriarch's Bidding into play for the same cost.

Re: Cramming in Tiamat (Deck help)

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 5:06 am
by Gashnaw
Arebennian wrote:
3 years ago

Thanks for the clarification. I'd somehow overlooked some of the changeling benefits. Ta for the idea. Might look to include it in some of my own tribal decks. However someone below mentioned the impracticalities of Clever Impersonator. Do you think that the clone effect is that powerful?
It use to be Phyrexian metamorph. Impersonator gave more options. And now Moritte allows it to be fetched and still cost the same as impersonator thanks to cost reduction form ur-dragon
Arebennian wrote:
3 years ago
Some thoughts on your tutor suite:
Do you think Sarkhan's Triumph is actually wroth playing? Have you considered Bring to Light?

At 3 mana I'm not sure it is worth it, even at instant speed. Is the general play pattern EOT Triumph and then go get the most appropriate dragon to play the dragon in your turn? If so, do you find that you have anything else to do with the 3 mana that you hold up given that you have only 2 other instant at CMC 3 or less?

Bring to light won't find you many of you dragons, but it will get many of your strongest utility pieces, particularly your strong enchantments and, well, Patriarch's Bidding into play for the same cost.
I will look into it, but currently, i would probably still rathe stick with Triumph for now. Getting something like Tiamat EoT would be nice, to cast her on my turn and get 5 more dragons. I have 5 instants, holding up three mana means i am either holding up teferi;s protection or Sarkhan. (If i am holding 7, chances are i am using rift, or I plan on getting an extra turn. (Nexus is OP)