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Mono Red - Old Border Only... Is it playable?

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 7:36 pm
by lord33dry
Hi everyone!
Sorry in advance for eventual typing errors or wrong usage of words, I'm not a native english speaker.
Anyway, I've been searching this forum since its beginning and I have to say it's one of my absolute favourite to browse for interesting ideas for unusual commander decks.
I've been playing MTG on and off since '94, with a long break for about 8 years in between. Since I sold nearly every piece of my collection, (which was never that big anyways ;)) I'm playing mostly Commander on MTGO and I have to say that the expierences I had over there are very mixed. 5 years ago, playing commander on MTGO was more interesting imo since most decks weren't solved if you managed to avoid the strongest tables but oh my things have changed!
By the time decks all over the place became more and more optimized and I want to withstand that and try to build unique, ambitioned, un-optimized or narrow decks and mix it up a little. So I came up with an idea based on Old-School Proxy Events which some of my friends started a couple years ago: Why not play Old-Border only cards on MTGO where most of them are very much more affordable than on cardboard?
Started building several different decks (f.e. Tetsuo Umezawa or Asmira, Holy Avenger ), most of them sucked badly and were unplayable except for super-casual tables. No surprise here...
Mostly i like playing in the so called 75% meta but these kinda decks seem to not reach that power level.
Right now I'd like to ask you guys for a ideas to make Mono-Red somewhat playable in Old-Border cards only!
So far my commander of choice is Starke of Rath but honestly since you don't have too many choices either in the commander or the 99 it seems to be more about assembling the best red Old-Border cards available and see where to get from there.
Not sure whtat to make of the new remastered Timeshifted catds though, I mean Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker is a handful, right?
Excluding these, this is what I came up with so far:

Old Border Red
Approximate Total Cost:

Please guys, let me know if you have any suggestions to get this weird one going!
Thanks in advance!

I imported that list from mtgo but it doesn't take the right printings rightaway, be sure it's all Old-Border! ;)