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Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 5:39 pm
by ISBPathfinder
So, starting out there was a few things that lead me to this concept and commander:
  • I have seen a lot of the new lifegain matters cards coming out in the last year and it has made me interested in if the payoffs are good enough yet.
  • Speaker of the Heavens is new and in combination with the traditional Soul Sisters and Serra Ascendant, it made me want to explore the Ranger of Eos / Ranger-Captain of Eos packages further.
  • Lurrus has lifelink and like I just said I was already exploring the Ranger of Eos / Ranger-Captain of Eos packages so a low curve lifegain concept seemed viable.
  • Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim and Karlov of the Ghost Council seemed like the competition with Lurrus. In comparison I felt that both of them can sort of force the table to 3v1 you due to opponent perception. I liked Lurrus from the standpoint of being a little lower key and I found a lot of ways to potentially make him a draw engine on top of being good at making my cards sticky. I felt like both Ayli and Karlov attempt to take over the game with a central focus on the commander where as Lurrus felt a little lower key value / stickiness which I just preferred in my command zone.
So, I started building with the idea of a lot of the deck having just a nice low curve. I started out with a bunch of Mishra's Bauble / Urza's Bauble effects in the list but given I can only recover one card a turn and I realized that for a little mana I could have grave hate effects that still cantrip I felt a lot better cutting some of the do nothing chaff and trying to keep my cantrip effects to actually doing something relevant for me still.

I assume someone is going to ask me why I don't run Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose and Sanguine Bond. In a nutshell, I didn't feel that the lifegain payoff was strong enough to justify their inclusion. Its the same reason that I rarely run Exsanguinate, they don't affect the board and if they don't quickly eliminate players I don't feel that effects that can only swing opponents life totals are very good. Lifegain itself is somewhat of a weak mechanic and I would generally value an effect that only lowers opponents life total lower than I would raising my own. There are some other lifegain payoff cards like Regna, the Redeemer that also didn't make my list but its possible it could in the future. I didn't value two 1/1 non flying tokens all that highly without being a little more aristocrat build but its entirely possible she could make the list yet.




Approximate Total Cost:

Re: Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 8:07 pm
by Zerro
I was actually looking to build a lifegain deck and had a maybe list of commanders that i was considering. Lurrus was pretty low on the list but after looking at this list I am impressed with how low to the ground and recursive the deck seems. Let me know how games go with this shell.

Re: Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 9:32 pm
by ISBPathfinder
Zerro wrote:
3 years ago
I was actually looking to build a lifegain deck and had a maybe list of commanders that i was considering. Lurrus was pretty low on the list but after looking at this list I am impressed with how low to the ground and recursive the deck seems. Let me know how games go with this shell.
Will do, some of my fear is just that Lurrus only lets me recast one a turn which is part of why I didn't go too deep on cheap things that sacrifice. I put in the order for cards and its a bit surprising what some things like Auriok Champion and Polluted Bonds are up to these days considering I have never felt that they traditionally felt all that good for most commander decks and both seem a touch slow for modern (although champ sees a little sideboard play when red deck is expected for modern).

All in all though, I am very happy to see the lifegain matters effects starting to feel like they are maybe getting to the point we need them to.

Re: Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:06 pm
by EonAon
I've never been a fan of polluted bonds unless I know the table around me is green ramp on many players. It is just too passive and comes down semi late unless your early in the turn rotation. I've had this suggested to me before in that Dictate of Erebos which would be on curve if you swap out polluted from its spot and since lurrus is your engine and the main way of recursion, making the entire table pay if it dies seems like it be a better card exchange using dictate.

A lot of the lifegain seems fairly passive as well and I'm not seeing how your going to activate some of your token generation. Hitting the 4 and 5 life you need consistently for Resplendent Angel, and Angelic Accord seems hard. Yes resplendent can turn on lifelink but the 6 mana you need seems like it be hardish to get to early on land drop wise. Basilisk Collar seems like it be decent since it is returnable with Lurrus and fetchable with your equipment sub-theme. Felidar Umbra which prevents Lurrus and anything equipped by it from dying once and can be returned by Lurrus and titan.

I don't believe Blackblade reforged is that good in this deck since it only has four targets excluding Heliod. The 7 equip to a normal creature is pretty prohibitive.
All That Glitters on the other hand with the amount of enchants and artifacts seems like a interesting recursive beat that can be played on all creatures.

I'm unsure why Plague Engineer is in here since the effect seems semi random. If you play Dictate and Plaguecrafter removing engineer, its either 2 creatures or one creature or discard a card. Recursive with titan as well for just overall removal/discard.

Unless you want to add just more lifelink creatures in genera la card I might suggest is Angel of Vitality in that if you keep passive lifegain you may be able to +1 your life more and activate more cards like resplendent and accord easier that and its usually a 4/4 flying beater on turn three.

Last cards I want to mention are Sword of Light and Shadow which is pretty on theme for this deck. Command the Dreadhorde which is funny as all get in this kind of deck as a high end play since with as many one and two drops you can replay a good chunk of the deck for a measly amount of life and can actually gain most it back assuming you stack your coming into play triggers. Assuming that works.

Re: Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 12:09 am
by MeowZeDung
Hatred makes for some solid player removal and plays especially well with lifegain in general and lifelinkers specifically.

Daxos, Blessed by the Sun and Suture Priest might also fit the bill.

Re: Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 4:04 am
by Phoenixlance
Would adding a minor blink package of things like Ephemerate and Restoration Angel be useful/relevant? It would allow for more triggers off your Soul Sisters and if you blink Lurrus it will allow you to recast something else from your graveyard.

I'm not sure how you feel about infinite combos, but you could always include Walking Ballista as a way to close out games with Heliod, and it can be recurred with Lurrus (albeit only for X=1). Although because of the way Lurrus interacts with X-spells in the 'yard it may not have a lot of flexibility outside of just being an "I win" button.

Re: Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 5:05 am
by ISBPathfinder
EonAon wrote:
3 years ago
I've never been a fan of polluted bonds unless I know the table around me is green ramp on many players. It is just too passive and comes down semi late unless your early in the turn rotation. I've had this suggested to me before in that Dictate of Erebos which would be on curve if you swap out polluted from its spot and since lurrus is your engine and the main way of recursion, making the entire table pay if it dies seems like it be a better card exchange using dictate.

A lot of the lifegain seems fairly passive as well and I'm not seeing how your going to activate some of your token generation. Hitting the 4 and 5 life you need consistently for Resplendent Angel, and Angelic Accord seems hard. Yes resplendent can turn on lifelink but the 6 mana you need seems like it be hardish to get to early on land drop wise. Basilisk Collar seems like it be decent since it is returnable with Lurrus and fetchable with your equipment sub-theme. Felidar Umbra which prevents Lurrus and anything equipped by it from dying once and can be returned by Lurrus and titan.

I don't believe Blackblade reforged is that good in this deck since it only has four targets excluding Heliod. The 7 equip to a normal creature is pretty prohibitive.
All That Glitters on the other hand with the amount of enchants and artifacts seems like a interesting recursive beat that can be played on all creatures.

I'm unsure why Plague Engineer is in here since the effect seems semi random. If you play Dictate and Plaguecrafter removing engineer, its either 2 creatures or one creature or discard a card. Recursive with titan as well for just overall removal/discard.

Unless you want to add just more lifelink creatures in genera la card I might suggest is Angel of Vitality in that if you keep passive lifegain you may be able to +1 your life more and activate more cards like resplendent and accord easier that and its usually a 4/4 flying beater on turn three.

Last cards I want to mention are Sword of Light and Shadow which is pretty on theme for this deck. Command the Dreadhorde which is funny as all get in this kind of deck as a high end play since with as many one and two drops you can replay a good chunk of the deck for a measly amount of life and can actually gain most it back assuming you stack your coming into play triggers. Assuming that works.
Polluted Bonds - In general I agree with you that this card is lackluster. The idea I was going for was that most people want to make at least a land drop per turn and sometimes they have fetchlands or ramp so getting 1-2 triggers per turn per opponent seems reasonable to consider. I am going to be honest...... I have literally no idea how much to value lifegain triggers on opponents turns and in general. The upside of this effect is that I should be able to expect 3-6 triggers a turn rotation and they are all on opponents turns. That means that things that trigger once per turn or every time you gain life get a number of triggers. I don't know if this card makes sense or not but I felt like it gives me a good number of triggers in a turn rotation and life on opponents turns which is harder to come by. The pressure and lifegain it gives is ass, I agree.... I just don't know how much I value triggers especially on opponents turns which is why I was looking at it in the first place. Its possible that it makes less sense than Authority of the Consuls or maybe these ideas are just bad, I won't really know until I can try and see how they go. As a whole though, I agree Polluted Bonds is underwhelming and I don't know that I have included it in a deck in the last 10 years of playing commander. It MIGHT work here, but as of right now I need to do some testing to see what my thoughts are when it has more synergy than its usual.

Dictate of Erebos - Early on I did some consideration of some Aristocrat concepts with Blood Artist and such. I sort of felt like it was over diversifying my concept but I could see dipping in a little. It just felt like I wanted a lot of different things to make it work and in the end my holdup was more on the fact that Lurrus can only recover one permanent per turn. I could just throw in Grave Pact / Dictate and use it as removal but I see a TON of tokens in my meta which has really put me off of these effects as sort of a meta thing.

Lifegain Triggers - The 4/5 life in a turn triggers on opponents turns is going to be hard. I think it should be fairly easy on my own turn but the only thing I really came up with that could do this all that well on opponents turns were one shot effects that couldn't be reused. I didn't care much for the one shot effects outside of like the two that make angels per turn so I didn't think they were really worth doing. I think that the 4/5 life gain angel spawning should be fairly easy on my turn though. I don't know how bad it will be on opponents but I guess I will see. If you have a suggestion I guess I would be open to hearing it.

Basilisk Collar - Its ok.... I just don't have a ton of big creatures to make the lifelink great and even as a deathtouch enabler I don't have a lot of expendable flyers so I just don't feel like a non flying deathtouch on defense is really that appealing. I tend to turn to this card a lot more when I have things that ping for damage.

Felidar Umbra - It doesn't seem very appealing to me. It does have the whole being able to recast with the commander and while lifelink is also good I don't think that Totem Armour is actually a very good protection effect.

Blackblade Reforged - Lurrus has lifelink. Making him big means hitting hard with lifelink. I could have no second legend in the list and I would play it for the same reason. Suit up and ship it.

Plague Engineer - Tokens tokens tokens. It shuts them down hard. It also occasionally hits tribal decks but its 99% of the time there for tokens. It also has deathtouch and is cheap so its usually semi decent in my experience.

Angel of Vitality - My issue with it is more that it needs a lot of setup to do anything. I get that it would make the 4/5 life gain in a turn easier but its dependent on having a lot of other things in play. Also I have like.... 3 effects in the deck that it would help. There is the issue that its kind of a bad creature and it doesn't do anything itself. Another thing that bugs me about it is that its a replacement effect so things that trigger each time we gain life it doesn't help trigger more. I really don't care for it.

Sword of Light and Shadow - Its alright. I considered if I wanted a lot of other grave abuse effects too but in general I like to keep my graveyard abuse specific cards a bit light when my commander has graveyard interaction. Its nice in that it has lifegain on it too so.... maybe. I guess I will see after I get some play in potentially.

Command the Dreadhorde - I generally don't care much for mass reanimation just from the standpoint that the effects tend to be sort of all or nothing. I agree that it does fit this deck but I would probably be more likely to run Agadeem's Awakening given that it can be a land which is really nice and versatile. I am running Living Death but given the amount of grave hate I am running I felt like it was also potentially just a decent answer.

When a list is brand new I don't necessarily know what sort of balance is off and or what effects might be weak. I often have a hard time making a bunch of changes until I can get some games under my belt and figure out where I am going to have issues. With this deck its tricky as I don't know where I stand on lifegain enablers vs lifegain payoffs. Lots of my effects only care that I gain some life or trigger per instance of lifegain which was my justification as to why I am running the Soul Warden effects.
MeowZeDung wrote:
3 years ago
Hatred makes for some solid player removal and plays especially well with lifegain in general and lifelinkers specifically.

Daxos, Blessed by the Sun and Suture Priest might also fit the bill.
Hatred - Yea..... its cool. I guess I would be slightly more keen on it if Lurris had evasion. I have always had a hard time committing to this card in that a player who is doing well often can defend themselves from a 3/2 non flyer. So.... it feels like its kind of a kill option for someone struggling which I don't really love.

Daxos, Blessed by the Sun / Suture Priest - I figured I would wait and see how things go first. They are both worse than the Soul Warden effects for the most part given what I want them to do for me. They could happen but I want to get some games in and see how things go first.
Phoenixlance wrote:
3 years ago
Would adding a minor blink package of things like Ephemerate and Restoration Angel be useful/relevant? It would allow for more triggers off your Soul Sisters and if you blink Lurrus it will allow you to recast something else from your graveyard.

I'm not sure how you feel about infinite combos, but you could always include Walking Ballista as a way to close out games with Heliod, and it can be recurred with Lurrus (albeit only for X=1). Although because of the way Lurrus interacts with X-spells in the 'yard it may not have a lot of flexibility outside of just being an "I win" button.
Blink - I don't know that it quite fits here. I have a few ETBs but its really not my focus. I tend to prefer flicker when doing a little more dedicated etb concept.

Walking Ballista - I don't execute combos so it kind of loses some of its appeal. I think Aetherflux Reservoir is a bit similar but I don't like executing things like that so I try to stay away from them. Outside of combo, I have played it before but it tends for me to be an inclusion in decks that generate a lot of mana but don't have great draw. For instance I once played it in a Neheb, the Eternal deck and I thought it was quite reasonable. I honestly don't even know what the rules for casting it from the grave with Lurrus is but I think even if it does work with any X I just don't love it.

Re: Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 6:36 am
by Zerro
After using your shell as a basis, I did some brewing and I just wanted to hear thoughts on both Authority of the Consuls and Righteous Valkyrie.

Re: Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 7:01 am
by kraus911
Bishop of Rebirth as a second Sun Titan. I'm curious about Custodi Soulcaller as well, though the requirements on that one are pretty restrictive. Doing a search to find the Bishop I found Return to the Ranks which is also nice as your lil dudes can help cast it. You have 17 historic spells making Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle a possible consideration, especially recasting artifacts with Lurrus out.

Re: Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 9:22 am
by MeowZeDung
ISBPathfinder wrote:
3 years ago
Hatred - Yea..... its cool. I guess I would be slightly more keen on it if Lurris had evasion. I have always had a hard time committing to this card in that a player who is doing well often can defend themselves from a 3/2 non flyer. So.... it feels like its kind of a kill option for someone struggling which I don't really love.
I hadn't even thought of it with lurrus for the sneaky 21 dmg kill. I was thinking more of you using it with Serra Ascendant (a tutor target), Resplendent Angel, Archangel of Thune, etc. You also will be spitting out bats and angels in some games. A single evasive creature makes it a highly impact spell, and even if you find yourself in a situation where the archenemy has 1 fewer blockers than you have attackers, a 1/1 can take out a player - and you'll have the life to spend usually. Worst case scenario you can use it with a lifelink critter being blocked or chumping just to get some triggers or stay alive. It seems like a solid mix of versatile and powerful to me.

I do tend to bias towards a couple swingy game enders in a deck. You mentioned not loving Exsanguinate though, so I can see you not wanting Hatred for similar reasons.

Re: Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 11:22 am
by Ardeyn
Hey, I really like this take on the Lifegain theme.

In my Karlov list, Leonin Elder does really good work and it seems it would be even better here with you recurring small artifacts "constantly". Also it's another creature to fetch off your Rangers.

Have you considered Martyr's Bond? This will work as a grave pact effect but will also encompass artifacts, thus triggering off your sacrificing little trinkets.
Another nice lifegain/Sac option is Martyr of Sands.

Really interested in how this list will play.


Re: Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 2:50 pm
by ISBPathfinder
Zerro wrote:
3 years ago
After using your shell as a basis, I did some brewing and I just wanted to hear thoughts on both Authority of the Consuls and Righteous Valkyrie.
Authority of the Consuls - It got cut somewhat late into my developing the list but I think its probably my highest consideration among additional Soul Warden effects. I think that lifegain triggers on opponents turns are going to be one of the things that is more important and frequency of triggers is also something I really need to keep an eye on. We want a high frequency of lifegain triggers and to trigger a bunch on opponents turns which I think this card probably achieves. Going into my first few games with this deck my objective was more to keep the ones I felt were strongest and just see what kind of impact they have. The ETB tapped portion of this card while not irrelevant felt a bit opponent specific as far as stopping haste threats. It still gives some level of disruption for blockers but I think that is quite minor. I think this card is likely to be tested and or included if the Soul Warden effects end up working for me.

Righteous Valkyrie - As a source of lifegain I think its likely going to miss a bit heavily. As an anthem..... its alright. Anthems on creatures are kind of fragile and while I do have a decent bit of token production, lots of my situation we get somewhat of quality over quantity with tokens. Its possible I could push harder on my token production and it might make more sense to go for an anthem. At the same time for 2 more mana we could get Dictate of Heliod and honestly, the effect just isn't that spectacular even at a mana cost discount. If we could recast it with Lurrus I might feel a bit different but it feels a bit at a weird place and I think that 1-2 stat anthems on average don't work that well in this format.
kraus911 wrote:
3 years ago
Bishop of Rebirth as a second Sun Titan. I'm curious about Custodi Soulcaller as well, though the requirements on that one are pretty restrictive. Doing a search to find the Bishop I found Return to the Ranks which is also nice as your lil dudes can help cast it. You have 17 historic spells making Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle a possible consideration, especially recasting artifacts with Lurrus out.
They are a bit different but going down a similar path there are also Bygone Bishop and Mentor of the Meek. I think both could work but given that we have access to black draw I put a lot more emphasis on the potential to just tutor for Necropotence or Skullclamp instead.

Bishop of Rebirth / Custodi Soulcaller - In general I have always felt that my expectations with Sun Titan is that I cast it, recover something, and then it eats removal. If it continues to live beyond that its gravy but I don't expect it to live to attack on average. The big delay in needing to attack to get the value is a big reason I generally don't run Bishop of Rebirth effects. I would usually opt to run Sevinne's Reclamation instead given the fast use of it over the potential to reuse the effect. I think that generally speaking I would want somewhat of consistent access to haste or flash to really enjoy those two cards to the point of running them. I also think its important to not go too deep on a graveyard focus when we have the consistency of our commander already focusing on it though as it can put all of the eggs in one basket.

Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle - I think that 17 historic options is also really low as far as a number count that I would want in order to include him. There are also only seven creatures at the three mana cost which I think is important to look at considering Lurrus could recover all of the one or two mana creatures if somewhat slowly. I think that Teshar is a challenging creature to include in the 99 as I would want a lot of rez targets and a lot of historic spell triggers. I do probably have sufficient rez targets in here but I think that the historic count is a tad low and its also a bit redundant with my commander. I would be surprised if I ran it if I got more than one or two rezes out of it at which point I think it would be stronger to just run some sort of one shot rez effect than Teshar just due to consistency in historic casts.
MeowZeDung wrote:
3 years ago
I hadn't even thought of it with lurrus for the sneaky 21 dmg kill. I was thinking more of you using it with Serra Ascendant (a tutor target), Resplendent Angel, Archangel of Thune, etc. You also will be spitting out bats and angels in some games. A single evasive creature makes it a highly impact spell, and even if you find yourself in a situation where the archenemy has 1 fewer blockers than you have attackers, a 1/1 can take out a player - and you'll have the life to spend usually. Worst case scenario you can use it with a lifelink critter being blocked or chumping just to get some triggers or stay alive. It seems like a solid mix of versatile and powerful to me.

I do tend to bias towards a couple swingy game enders in a deck. You mentioned not loving Exsanguinate though, so I can see you not wanting Hatred for similar reasons.
Yea I suppose just sending it through on some random creature is a thing. I would probably rather just run Aetherflux Reservoir but I am not too interested in running either to be honest. Hatred just has such a big backfire potential if anyone at the table can interact with it and especially if my plan is to use it on a lifelinker I feel like more people would be interested in depriving me from recovering said life even at the cost of not eliminating someone.

I do see the potential in it, I just really don't enjoy OTK / combo like concepts. I have always been more of someone who builds ignoring wincons and just sees how efficiently I can make the core concept work rather than worry about closing things out lol.
Ardeyn wrote:
3 years ago
Hey, I really like this take on the Lifegain theme.

In my Karlov list, Leonin Elder does really good work and it seems it would be even better here with you recurring small artifacts "constantly". Also it's another creature to fetch off your Rangers.

Have you considered Martyr's Bond? This will work as a grave pact effect but will also encompass artifacts, thus triggering off your sacrificing little trinkets.
Another nice lifegain/Sac option is Martyr of Sands.

Really interested in how this list will play.

Leonin Elder - I guess it would depend a bit on what your meta looks like and the frequency and count of artifacts being run. I think from our own deck perspective it should be fairly normal to see more creatures entering than artifacts even if you are looping some of the draw artifacts with Lurrus it seems likely that it will have less impact than a Soul Warden would. I see a fair bit of token tactics in my own meta which also pushes the Soul Warden effects a bit harder as most token decks go for quantity over quality. We also have a fair bit of token production in the deck which goes further for Soul Wardens probably out performing it. My plan as of right now is to see how the best of the Soul Sisters go and consider more or less of their effects after getting some games under my belt with the deck. It could work but I would probably want my opponents to be playing a decent number of artifacts for that.

Martyr's Bond - Its a good point with the sacing artifacts in the list. It probably would make more sense to go this direction than a Grave Pact or Dictate of Erebos. I will keep it in mind but for now I am trying to avoid going down the sac my creatures plan all that much. Some of the reason I avoided going too much into a sac plan is just how much space it would probably take to have a decent number of sac outlets and then you get into aristocrats and just the package itself gets big somewhat quickly.

Martyr of Sands - It can be recurred and the amount of lifegain is good but its still a one shot effect so it doesn't feel very..... sustainable I guess. I want to see numerous trigger potential for gaining life. We have a number of things that can trigger per turn or per instance of lifegain so I think that one shot effects are probably not that sustainable meaning we would have to compensate with more draw and probably ramp to sustain it.

I am also excited to see how it plays. Unfortunately my ability to play is still quite random and infrequent. I put in my order for cards so hopefully I can get it put together soon but who knows on when I will get to playtest.

Re: Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 2:28 am
by EonAon
Archfiend's Vessel I know its realistically a one off effect but the ability of Lurrus to give you a 5/5 flyer demon token on second use should be considered since it does have lifelink stapled to the first body.

Engineered Explosives You did say you were having token problems, and technically x can equal zero. But the ability to nuke said problems over and over with Lurrus seems like a thing. Admittedly it does go contrary to your own token theme but if they are depending on their tokens more than you it might be something to consider. In a pinch it is removal as well if you can get a w/b into it.

Healer's Hawk and Vampire Cutthroat basically evasive lifelink smalls. These two are just on theme cards. I don't know if id really recommend them, but they do segue into the next part.

If you wanted to add some bigger creatures like Danitha Capashen, Paragon, Indulging Patrician, Eradicator Valkyrie, Gisela, the Broken Blade, Baneslayer Angel, Divinity of Pride these are the ones id recommend as a group but not as a whole.

I'd really say Danitha, Eradicator, and Divinity would be my choices.
Danitha reduces cost on equipment cast and you have that subtheme. As a alt carrier of Blackblade it can get a decent amount out of it with first strike, lifelink and vigilance.

On Eradicator, I get that you don't want to do a Aristocrat thing but having the ability stapled onto a really functional card that works for the deck seems at least something to give a look. You never really have to boast unless you want.

With Divinity of Pride I did say it felt you were a bit passive, and most of that is because during your own turn you don't have a lot of things that go big swings for lifegain since your counting on your opponents doing a lot of the legwork. Having one or two big lifegainers other than Harbinger would solve that issue. The sucker is huge early game and since it flys lategame its still relevant even if under the 25 total.

I fully understand that other than Danitha the two other creatures are not on your commanders smalls theme but if you intend to weaponize lifegain they are the more utility creatures instead of just face beats, which they can do as well.

Lone Rider // It That Rides as One I'm actually kind of surprised your not playing this truthfully since it can transform on your opponents turn with some of the passive gains you receive. Maybe it was in a earlier version and you decided not to? But a 2cc 4/4 lifelink on flip seems fairly relevant. The flip is actually pretty easy for this deck honestly.

Shattered Angel If you do decide to keep polluted bonds this is pretty much the companion piece (no pun intended). Not that I really recommend either one strongly but together it is 2 life lost 5 life gained.

Kaya, Orzhov Usurper seems on theme for the graveyard hate and as a bonus the +1 and the -5 are relevant to this deck.
Ajani, Caller of the Pride small bonuses onto your creatures for larger lifelink, a relevant -3, and a could be useful -8.

Re: Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 3:27 pm
by ISBPathfinder
EonAon wrote:
3 years ago
Archfiend's Vessel I know its realistically a one off effect but the ability of Lurrus to give you a 5/5 flyer demon token on second use should be considered since it does have lifelink stapled to the first body.

Engineered Explosives You did say you were having token problems, and technically x can equal zero. But the ability to nuke said problems over and over with Lurrus seems like a thing. Admittedly it does go contrary to your own token theme but if they are depending on their tokens more than you it might be something to consider. In a pinch it is removal as well if you can get a w/b into it.

Healer's Hawk and Vampire Cutthroat basically evasive lifelink smalls. These two are just on theme cards. I don't know if id really recommend them, but they do segue into the next part.

If you wanted to add some bigger creatures like Danitha Capashen, Paragon, Indulging Patrician, Eradicator Valkyrie, Gisela, the Broken Blade, Baneslayer Angel, Divinity of Pride these are the ones id recommend as a group but not as a whole.

I'd really say Danitha, Eradicator, and Divinity would be my choices.
Danitha reduces cost on equipment cast and you have that subtheme. As a alt carrier of Blackblade it can get a decent amount out of it with first strike, lifelink and vigilance.

On Eradicator, I get that you don't want to do a Aristocrat thing but having the ability stapled onto a really functional card that works for the deck seems at least something to give a look. You never really have to boast unless you want.

With Divinity of Pride I did say it felt you were a bit passive, and most of that is because during your own turn you don't have a lot of things that go big swings for lifegain since your counting on your opponents doing a lot of the legwork. Having one or two big lifegainers other than Harbinger would solve that issue. The sucker is huge early game and since it flys lategame its still relevant even if under the 25 total.

I fully understand that other than Danitha the two other creatures are not on your commanders smalls theme but if you intend to weaponize lifegain they are the more utility creatures instead of just face beats, which they can do as well.

Lone Rider // It That Rides as One I'm actually kind of surprised your not playing this truthfully since it can transform on your opponents turn with some of the passive gains you receive. Maybe it was in a earlier version and you decided not to? But a 2cc 4/4 lifelink on flip seems fairly relevant. The flip is actually pretty easy for this deck honestly.

Shattered Angel If you do decide to keep polluted bonds this is pretty much the companion piece (no pun intended). Not that I really recommend either one strongly but together it is 2 life lost 5 life gained.

Kaya, Orzhov Usurper seems on theme for the graveyard hate and as a bonus the +1 and the -5 are relevant to this deck.
Ajani, Caller of the Pride small bonuses onto your creatures for larger lifelink, a relevant -3, and a could be useful -8.
Archfiend's Vessel - My issue is that its not that efficient, it requires me to kill or mill the Vessel, then I need Lurrus in play, and the flying token it makes doesn't even have lifelink. Honestly it seems like a lot of hoops to jump through to get somewhat of an Abyssal Persecutor type creature and I can't abuse it really either in that its a one shot and done effect. I have seen this done in standard and a little less in historic but I think it makes more sense in those formats than it does in commander due to the larger life pools. As a somewhat similar arugment, the performance of some creatures like Snapcaster Mage / Restoration Angel in this format have felt bad to me in part because they don't meaningfully pressure opponents in this format where as they did when they were in standard or played in other 60 card formats. The inflation of life totals makes things that just beat in a lot less efficient in this format than in 60 card 1v1 formats. I think that there are too many hoops to Archfiend's Vessel and the payoff in the end just isn't a compelling effect for this format.

Engineered Explosives - Hummm that is a good thought. It also makes me think about Ratchet Bomb as well. I am not sure which I would rather have to be honest. Ratchet Bomb is better vs tokens and it can go above x=2 but its much less efficient at x=1 or 2. I will see what I can do but I might include one of those I would just have to figure out where to make room for it but I think that could work. I think I slightly prefer Ratchet Bomb in that I wouldn't need to hold mana up to activate it later but it also depends on how often I would want either at more than x=0.

Lifelinkers - I won't delve into each of the lifelinkers you mentioned because my response for all of them is more or less the same answer. I don't really value single large chunks of lifegain that much. Its usually better to be able to trigger life gain multiple times in a turn so I focused more on quantity of triggers rather than a large intake effect. I also think that equipment / auras for Lurrus make a lot more sense than adding some random lifelinker creature. A few examples of cards I have considered and may still yet run would be Swords of X and Y, Angelic Destiny, Spirit Mantle, Unquestioned Authority, Armored Ascension to name a few. I think there is probably more merit in buffing Lurrus to be able to attack profitably than there is in adding some vanilla lifelinker to the deck. I haven't really decided yet to what degree I want to do this as it puts more pressure on opponents to possibly kill Lurrus which is why I didn't go deep on this concept yet. I think that lifelinkers only giving me a single trigger of life gain in a turn though isn't a very good lifegain enabler which is why I avoided them and went more for effects that would result in numerous triggers of gaining life.

Lone Rider // It That Rides as One - It That Rides as One isn't a very good payoff. Given my thoughts on lifelinkers I really didn't opt for many of them. I went for Serra Ascendant but she is bigger and costs less as well as being tutorable by the Ranger of Eos package. She is also enabled by default where as I would likely have to get Lurrus out and then attack someone the following turn to flip Lone Rider unless I curve Serra Ascendant into him. I just don't think that is a very good card even if I could just pay 1W and get It That Rides as One but I have to jump through hoops and the payoff is not good.

Shattered Angel - I came very close to including it in my list and I think its a good contendor. I think my list was at like 98 cards and it was one of the last few considerations but then I realized that I could also run Polluted Bonds. Generally the difference between 2 and 3 life gained isn't that big of a deal but I figured the pressure on opponents as well as noncreatures often being slightly less vulnerable to removal pushed me in the direction of Polluted Bonds instead. I think that Shattered Angel is still a very good option and it might yet make my list just depending on how things perform. Some of my hope with my list starting was just to get a good starting shell where I could try out a number of things and see what is and isn't working. I think that this card is a likely consideration because of the number of triggers and amount of life it would gain. I like this a lot more than I do most of the lifelink creatures even though it has smaller stats its frequency of life gain and amount of life gain is a lot higher.

Kaya, Orzhov Usurper - Most of the grave yard hate I included was primarily because of the fact that they were cheap artifacts that Lurrus could rebuy that cantrip but also give very good utility in that they fight against graveyard decks. When it comes to walkers I always ask myself the question of "how long would this need to live to pay for itself". The best walkers in this format the answer is their first activation and the more time and or activations it will take on average the worse they tend to be. I honestly don't know how many activations it would take for me to feel like I got my worth out of her but I feel like it would be some combination of killing sol rings or activating her -5 ability. I would really only value her -1 ability early in the game generally as drawing her and killing a sol ring with her on turn 8 wouldn't really make me feel like she was a good play. I think she would probably need too much time to get the value out of her which means me needing to defend her but beyond that she also seems really bad as a draw later in the game.

I figure it might be worth highlighting some of my consideration list just to show a few things that are on my mind right now. I am trying to not adjust the list too much until I can test some things out and really see things in action but some of my current thoughts (in no particular order) are:
  • Regna, the Redeemer - So, my concern is mostly that 1/1 non flyers with no real anthem support seem like really low end chaff blockers. But..... I could theoretically make 8 of them a turn rotation..... Its a tough call. I did include Regal Bloodlord but I didn't include Regna but part of that was that I felt like a single 1/1 flyer was worth more to me than two 1/1 non flyers. I guess its on my radar still. I am hoping that I might be able to test with Regal Bloodlord and if that effect feels bad I might be able to get some insight on Regna either way in testing the bloodlord.
  • Expedition Map / Weathered Wayfarer - I have some nice lands and the ability to keep fetching them sounds not too bad. I just don't know how much priority I want to give the lands but I feel like Nykthos might give me some excellent mana gen offhand and the later game Emeria, the Sky Ruin is always nice.
  • Shattered Angel - It has a good number of triggers, when they trigger, and the amount of life it gains is all quite good for this deck. The only real thing I can say as to why its not in my list right now is that its higher on the curve and a lot of my more expensive cards tend to be payoff cards rather than lifegain enablers.
  • Dowsing Dagger / Sword of the Animist - I have gone back and forth with these two for a few reasons. I don't have a ton of evasion or big attackers so I feel like it could be a problem to get these equipment in. I also have a relatively low curve so I questioned a bunch of ramp but I have fairly good draw and I could see potentially having some good draw and needing more ramp. I opted for Sword of Feast and Famine over these to start because it gives evasion and mana even though its a little more temporary in that if the equipment gets answered I can't recover Sword of Feast and Famine where as I could recover these and giving me lands tends to be a little more permenant.
  • Liesa, Shroud of Dusk / Painful Quandary - really, there are a few decks that just chain draw into draw and they make me mad enough to consider these effects lol. I don't think that either of these is really that great for my deck but its somewhat of me always considering hating on decks that chain draw / ramp together.
  • True Conviction - I mentioned earlier in this post how I don't value lifelink all that much but its mass lifelink with mass double strike. That all adds up to a ton of triggers and offensive capability. I had it in my list for some time while I was crafting the deck and I pulled it at the last second but I think its very reasonable as far as anthems go and it gives me a lot of the kind of triggers I will want in a deck like this.
  • Academy Rector - Mostly I lack the consistancy I want in sac outlets to make this feel great but I have plenty of sweet enchantments for it to hit already.
  • Generous Gift / Unexpectedly Absent - I think my spot removal package is a little bit light. I think that these effects are decent considerations and its only due to the fact that my commander can reuse permanents that has shifted me a bit harder into 2 or less mana permanents on some of my removal that has kept me from having a few more instants so far.
  • Authority of the Consuls - I think its probably the next Soul Sister effect that I would run. I think hitting on my opponents turns for lifegain as well as the number of times I would expect 3 opponents to trigger this vs just myself on something like Daxos, Blessed by the Sun.
  • Ratchet Bomb / Engineered Explosives - Tokens have been a huge pain in the ass in my current meta. I like not dying so.... yea these might be things.
  • Command the Dreadhorde / Agadeem's Awakening - mass reanimation I suppose is decent. Its cool that Dreadhorde plays to me gaining life fairly well and can rez from opponents graveyards. Agadeem's is cool with the low curve and fact that it can just be a land.
  • Martyr's Bond - Given all the tokens in my meta grave pact effects have been somewhat weak but with some of my sac based artifacts this effect actually seems like maybe it could make a bit more impact for me.
  • Grim Tutor - Well, lets just say tutors are good. It costs more than Demonic Tutor so I guess its not fantastic but the life loss isn't a big deal to have anything I want.

Re: Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 6:58 am
by EonAon
I think we have wildly different metas we play in :) . I can say with all honesty that there are usually 3 wraths per deck where I play on average. So cumulative things like soul warden and other things that count on my opponents doing a specific thing just aren't as viable. Also Lurrus would be picked off over and over unless there is a larger threat.

I get that your trying to get many cumulative lifegain triggers on your opponents turns so that Thune, Heliod, and Karlov trigger as many times as possible while also hopefully triggering the Aerie, Accord, Harbinger, and Resplendent. As your meta has apparently enough tokens that such plans can work, my meta would force me to actually play the larger lifelinks alongside more general beats.

Also while it may be blasphemous, I do believe you have over tutored this deck. :)

Things like Kaya work better in my meta I imagine since overall yards would be fuller and some players recycle/place more combo parts there.

Sadly you a lot of the times get either a flyer that makes ground pounders or a ground pounder that makes flyers(I.E. Geist-Honored Monk ). It usually for balance reasons.

I thought about mentioning Liesa, but I realized that unless she is the commander she is too much a target or aggro draw. People hate that type of effect and will remove it from the field as much as possible. Its also the reason I don't play true conviction in lifegain decks. Theoretically it sounds good, in practice once the card comes out you tend to get aggressive responses that hopefully your board state can handle. So overall it acts as a win more card when its not truly.

For the chain draw people Underworld Dreams would be my suggestion but triple black would be a issue.

Which leads into Agadeem's Awakening // Agadeem, the Undercrypt I think people forget and or misinterpret this card in what it does. If x = 1 you only get one 1cc creature. If x=2 your choice is a 2cc and a 1cc and so on and so forth. In a low curve deck that has multiple low cc creatures if you lowball x your not getting much value out of Awakening since Lurrus hits the same cc revival mark more often. Granted Lurrus is not mass revival but 5cc to bring back only 3cc of creatures seems iffy, 6cc to bring back 6cc is a bit better overall but that is only a three, two and one drop respectively. I'm unsure that is truly a economical enough play to use it. Its way more likely in this deck to be used as a land rather than the spell because of cc variance is not as wide.

Re: Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 9:33 pm
by pokken
This feels like probably a Proclamation of Rebirth deck to me :)

Angelic Renewal also is a really dope way to protect Lurrus that he can recur. I loved it in Alela for similar functionality (although making faeries is less good than recasting it).

Re: Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 6:20 pm
by ISBPathfinder
I just spent like.... over an hour responding and then accidentally closed the tab. Well.... take two I guess. I probably won't be as detailed as I was going to be because wow.... that sucked.
EonAon wrote:
3 years ago
I think we have wildly different metas we play in :) . I can say with all honesty that there are usually 3 wraths per deck where I play on average. So cumulative things like soul warden and other things that count on my opponents doing a specific thing just aren't as viable. Also Lurrus would be picked off over and over unless there is a larger threat.

I get that your trying to get many cumulative lifegain triggers on your opponents turns so that Thune, Heliod, and Karlov trigger as many times as possible while also hopefully triggering the Aerie, Accord, Harbinger, and Resplendent. As your meta has apparently enough tokens that such plans can work, my meta would force me to actually play the larger lifelinks alongside more general beats.

Also while it may be blasphemous, I do believe you have over tutored this deck. :)

Things like Kaya work better in my meta I imagine since overall yards would be fuller and some players recycle/place more combo parts there.

Sadly you a lot of the times get either a flyer that makes ground pounders or a ground pounder that makes flyers(I.E. Geist-Honored Monk ). It usually for balance reasons.

I thought about mentioning Liesa, but I realized that unless she is the commander she is too much a target or aggro draw. People hate that type of effect and will remove it from the field as much as possible. Its also the reason I don't play true conviction in lifegain decks. Theoretically it sounds good, in practice once the card comes out you tend to get aggressive responses that hopefully your board state can handle. So overall it acts as a win more card when its not truly.

For the chain draw people Underworld Dreams would be my suggestion but triple black would be a issue.

Which leads into Agadeem's Awakening // Agadeem, the Undercrypt I think people forget and or misinterpret this card in what it does. If x = 1 you only get one 1cc creature. If x=2 your choice is a 2cc and a 1cc and so on and so forth. In a low curve deck that has multiple low cc creatures if you lowball x your not getting much value out of Awakening since Lurrus hits the same cc revival mark more often. Granted Lurrus is not mass revival but 5cc to bring back only 3cc of creatures seems iffy, 6cc to bring back 6cc is a bit better overall but that is only a three, two and one drop respectively. I'm unsure that is truly a economical enough play to use it. Its way more likely in this deck to be used as a land rather than the spell because of cc variance is not as wide.
Metas - Every meta is a bit different. Mine is a wierd combination of things but in short its a lot of decks that do sort of haymaker one turn kill effects. I tend to play a bit more defensive to try not to die to these on average on any deck that isn't fast and proactive. There are a few decks that poke for damage but its dwarfed by the number of decks that plan for one big all in move or comboish thing. The majority of combos are non infinites but that doesn't mean that nobody does anything infinite. I would say that a lot of the decks that I play against try to hit really hard in a way that is hard to use blocking defense to stop. Most of the decks I encounter tend to be more proactive rather than controlling pushing harder on card draw.

Soul Wardens - I think a big thing in making them not be a huge liability is just having sufficient draw. I have played a lot of low to the ground low curve decks and the biggest thing in my experience is just having sufficient draw. Necropotence is pure insanity when you cast 4-6 cards a turn and keep repeating it. I have played a few other decks like say Edgar Markov and it gets into some of your questioning if I am over tutoring but I think that some of the strongest draw this deck is capable of is something that the 4th, 5th, and 6th best card draw can't come anywhere close to being as good as. Necropotence, Skullclamp, and Bolas's Citadel are likely the best draw I can come across for this deck and I do have tutors for them because a lot of the draw options I had options to run weren't as good. I agree that they aren't exciting to recast with Lurrus but keep in mind that if we have better things to recur then that is what we will do. I plan to try and make the Soul Wardens work and if they are just miserable and terrible I will cut them then. I haven't tested them yet so I plan to run them until they prove to me to be a problem.

Kaya / Planeswalkers In General - I think its important to ask yourself how many turns it takes before you are happy with a planeswalker. I generally speaking only run planeswalkers myself if the answer is between 1 and 2 turns unless my deck is incredibly defensive. Planeswalkers are so easy to attack down and even if you have defenses for them its possible that someone might disrupt your defenses to attack your planeswalkers because its sort of a 2 for 1 to disrupt your defense and kill a walker. When it comes to Kaya, Orzhov Usurper my return on investment question tends to be that I would want to activate her at a minimum of three times on her + ability or activate her -5 ability to feel like I got my mana back from her. I am not saying that her -1 ability is bad, but I feel like it would depend a lot on the situation of what turn and where we are at if that has any value at all. If you can play her on turn 3 and kill a sol ring I think she still hasn't quite added up but any time later in the game I feel like her -1 ability is probably not that great. So, in a nutshell my thoughts towards Kaya is somewhere around 3-4+ turns in play for me to feel happy about what she is doing. Given that she isn't recurrable with Lurrus I could for example play Crypt Incursion which could gain me a lot of life and deprive graveyard abuse instead but that isn't a card I felt strongly enough to justify running in my build so far. The think its also important to ask how well your deck defends walkers. I plan to use my lifegain to some extent as my defending capability from flyers, tramplers, and other evasion types so my thoughts is I probably don't defend a planeswalker in this deck all that well.

Liesa, Shroud of Dusk - I had her in my list until I cut the last 5-8ish cards from my list. Ultimately I cut her because one instance of gaining life in a turn is worse in my mind than multiple. I think her shock per cast is decent but I agree I like her more as a commander than I do in the 99 of most decks. I think for now I am going to hold off on trying to punish people for casting / drawing a bunch of cards and seeing how the deck functions first and foremost before I try to be cute and make something make the cut that doesn't quite feel like it fits.

True Conviction - I have played it in a few other decks. What I really like about it is the immediate impact of the card. Its true that someone could have a Naturalize and zap it right there but the fact that I can play it and in the same turn have a huge attacking force is powerful. It often does get answered soon after but in a lot of cases unless someone is keeping the mana up to play something that generically answers anything like a Beast Within I often get away with at least the first turn of this effect and in a lot of cases that first turn can be huge. You are correct though that it draws a lot of attention though. Some of my lifegain effects trigger per instance of lifegain but a lot more of them need to continue to trigger. Its part of why I haven't moved in on this effect because I think its actually better for shipping damage than it is at triggering me to gain life.

Underworld Dreams - Similarly to Liesa, Shroud of Dusk I think it doesn't really fit in this concept and it isn't recurrable from Lurrus so I will probably just hold off until I get some testing in.

Agadeem's Awakening // Agadeem, the Undercrypt - Don't think of this card as adding Agadeem's Awakening to a deck. Think of it as cutting a swamp for Agadeem, the Undercrypt that 10-20% of the time is a utility spell when drawn later. The best way to think about this card is that if you have run out of lands to play then it has become your land drop for the turn. The effect of Agadeem's Awakening is as you said not that impressive, the thing about it though is that it can come in for a land and its sort of never a dead card to draw. If you think about Command the Dreadhorde on the other hand if you draw it early its going to sit in your hand and do nothing. If someone has a Relic of Progenitus / Rest in Peace or whatever in play it can also be a liability. The strength of Agadeem's Awakening // Agadeem, the Undercrypt is that you play it in place of a land and lower your land count and potentially have a spell if you have really good draw going or draw it late. It takes up no space and its powerful in that it doesn't really take up space. You have to tell yourself though that its a land and not try to force the spell when you shouldn't be. Its sort of like how Cyclonic Rift is a 1U spell. In a lot of cases people get tunnel vision on overloading it but it has a lot of play as a 1U spell.

pokken wrote:
3 years ago
This feels like probably a Proclamation of Rebirth deck to me :)

Angelic Renewal also is a really dope way to protect Lurrus that he can recur. I loved it in Alela for similar functionality (although making faeries is less good than recasting it).
Proclamation of Rebirth - You have no idea how much I love and want to make this spell work. Sadly, I think its still not a viable spell here. Shadowborn Apostle decks might be one of the few places in this format that it might be playable and even then I think its still kind of weak in the light that there are many ways to recur all appostles to play at the same time like Immortal Servitude.

Angelic Renewal - I thought about it but honestly it just feels too situational. It has a little better play if you expect a lot of wraths as your opponents interaction but I think its a little narrow to try to defend Lurrus. He only costs three mana to cast so recasting him isn't the end of the world. Like, what if I just screwed around with a Wayfarer's Bauble instead and ramped instead of trying to set up a situational means of keeping him in play. I think its better to just accept that my stuff will die on occasion and not add more weird graveyard dependent stuff to my list.

I did a bit of digging into the 1-2 mana artifact / enchantments just because I wanted a bit of a deeper dive on that stuff than I initially did for this list. I came up with the below as sort of the highlights:

1 Mana Artifacts
  • Executioner's Capsule - reusable spot removal. Nonblack kind of sucks though.
  • Pithing Needle - I do really love pithing when works. I generally only run these effects when I have some incentive to though such as having looting effects or an artifact synergy. I do have the ability to rebuy it but I think that probably isn't quite enough.
  • Renegade Map - I guess its nice that its cheap and recursive way to get more lands. Its possible that I could lower my land count if I included something like this. I don't know how I feel about it in comparison to something like Expedition Map or Wayfarer's Bauble though.
  • Scroll of Avacyn - I have something like 5 angel / angel enablers but I guess the interesting part of this is that most of the things that would care about me gaining larger amounts of life make angel tokens as well. I think all of my effects that care about 4-5 life gained all make angel tokens so I feel like it might actually be really good here. 2/3 of the angel token makers are angels themselves but all of them also make angels if I can gain that much life in a turn. This might be a good way to repeatedly make angels on opponents turns and it draws a card and is still a cheap cantrip if I am not gaining the life.
  • Shadowspear - Well, it does a number of things. I guess my questioning on it is just that a lot of my creatures are kind of small by default so the trample / lifegain seem a little weak when you staple it onto 1/1-4/4 level of creatures.
  • Sunbeam Spellbomb - Both modes are ok, but I don't know that either of them are strong enough to be honest. The five life on an opponents turn could be useful but really only if I have one of the three cards that make angels. I think its probably a little weak especially when I look at what Scroll of Avacyn theoretically could do for me instead.
  • Wayfarer's Bauble - its cheap reusable ramp. Three mana per turn is kind of expensive though and it requires Lurrus too.
  • Witch's Oven - hmmmm I don't hate anything that this is doing. I doubt I could really justify Cauldron Familiar even if I did run this just because the Familiar without this is TERRIBLE but the oven itself could be kind of amusing. Food aren't amazing but lifegain on opponents turns can be useful and its a sac outlet that Lurrus can recur too. Its... not bad. I doubt I would really need a lot of sac outlets that can churn through multiple creatures in a turn given that Lurrus can only recover one a turn.
2 Mana Artifacts
  • Altar of Dementia - Its a good sac outlet and milling myself could give me more resources for Lurrus. The problem is that a lot of the creatures I run aren't great stat wise and I really don't want to mass sac them.
  • Arcane Signet - Reasonable two mana ramp.
  • Damping Sphere - It would screw with some really nice lands like coffers / cradle and also disrupt some of the decks that have been chaining draw a little. Its not really on theme at all but I can recur it and it does a number of reasonable hate effects. Being a low curve deck myself it probably would disrupt me some.
  • Defense Grid - Counter hate. I guess I would have to also consider Grand Abolisher. I usually find these sort of effects to be kind of narrow. Running a low curve / recursive will already make it hard for counter magic / spot removal.
  • Endless Atlas - Draw I suppose. I tend to consider it more in mono color though.
  • Mesmeric Orb - Milling gives me targets for Lurrus. It also can punish ramp hard decks but also gives resources to others. We do have a few mass graveyard hate effects though.
  • Smuggler's Copter - I am not really excited about it but looting is ok.
  • Sorcerous Spyglass - Another Pithing Needle. I like the effects but I like them a lot more when I have more synergy with artifacts.
  • Thorn of Amethyst - Hate for chaining spells. It kind of hits me a bit harder than I would want though.
  • Thought Vessel - Reasonable Ramp.
1 Mana Enchants
  • Bloodchief Ascension - So...... 99% of the time I think this card is terrible. I still think its a bit questionable here but my usual concerns are due to three things, 1) Its slow to spin up 2) The effect when active is not immediately impressive, its an over time effect. 3) It draws a lot of attention and usually dies before doing much. Given that this deck can recur it easily and the triggers would give me lifegain triggers it might be more appealing than usual. Its still slow as all get out to get counters but I think the value of the lifegain triggers make it more interesting to me than usual.
  • Deafening Silence - Probably not a great idea but the fact that I could recur it is a bit tempting. I also have a decent number of creatures but.... probably not.
  • Legion's Landing - Its ramp and the token making is ok but I think its probably not a high enough impact card later and its not that likely that I would ever recur it.
  • Phyrexian Reclamation - I am often a bit wishy washy on this effect but being a lifegain deck and having the ability to recast this from my graveyard.... Well I think it could be decent recursion. Needing to recast the creatures is offset a bit by my low curve of this deck as well. I am just a bit hesitant to go deep on more graveyard effects.
  • Reconnaissance - It lets me poke, avoid bad blocks, and have vigilance. Its not bad but I don't think it really fits my deck all that much.
2 Mana Enchants
  • Arguel's Blood Fast - Its ok card draw but I feel like it would be better to just tutor for better draw.
  • Carnival of Souls - Ehhh probably not but its interesting.
  • Dance of the Dead - Similar to Animate Dead but with an upkeep cost. Its not bad.
  • Heliod's Punishment - I have played it in my Sram deck before and the disruption to a commander is SUPER high. The difference between this and Reprobation can be similar but the fact that they can't block attacks can actually make killing a commander harder. Its an option but I don't know.
  • Luminarch Ascension - This effect brings a lot of hate down on itself and the player who plays it. It often gets answered before it can go off on top of having a bunch of people punch you in the face but with the ability to recast it.... well its something to think about I guess.
  • Rune of Mortality - Generally speaking deathtouch is a keyword to pair with first strike or trample. I also don't have a bunch of big creatures which makes it a bit weird for this deck. It does draw a deck though.
  • Rune of Sustenance - I care about gaining life and it draws a card. It might be something to consider I just don't feel like I run a ton of creatures I would want to attack with that lack lifelink.
  • Sanctimony - Ohhhhh man this effect would be SOOOOOOOOOO good if I can line it up. It seems extremely situational though. Even one player on red could be enough but it relies on people being heavier on red or having really good lands.
  • Serenity - I feel like I would want to build into this if I were to run it. It doesn't fit my current list but it does seem like it would be amusing to just loop the hell out of this.
  • Tymaret, Chosen from Death - Lifegain with grave hate. Its not cheap activations and the lifegain isn't big or frequent given the cost to activate.
  • Yawgmoth's Edict - Ok, its kind of a bad effect but its lifegain so I looked at it briefly.

Well, I guess I have some changes to the list after looking at more cards as well as some of the comments from this thread.

  • Kaya's GhostformRatchet Bomb I suppose my concern with Ghostform is a little bit that it doesn't hit all of my concerns as to what could happen to Lurrus and it also puts me vulnerable to removal in response to casting it. Someone stealing or transforming Lurrus is something this doesn't cover and I think Cyclonic Rift might be one of the more played sweepers in my meta and it does nothing to help me against that. Ratchet Bomb seems like good removal for tokens and it can tick up as needed even if it isn't great at that. I am going to keep an eye on Plague Engineer but I expect Ratchet Bomb to be way better offhand. Its possible I might move Plague Engineer over to being Engineered Explosives but I want to do a little testing first.
  • Stitcher's SupplierPhyrexian Reclamation I gave Stitcher's Supplier more thought and while I think that a mill six effect while being tutorable is fine, I just wasn't as excited about it as most of my other targets. Beyond that it needs to die to get half of its value in and I don't run a ton of sac outlets nor am I really that excited to Lurrus back the supplier. I think that self mill is probably ok value but I wanted a little more oomph out of this than I think I am going to get. I ordered one of the dang things for $5 which sucks as I am cutting it already but I think I am on board to cut it. Phyrexian Reclamation is nice as it gives me an alternative way to recur without Lurrus and it can be recurred from Lurrus. I still want to avoid going super deep on graveyard abuse effects as I think they can be bad when too redundant or if someone is heavily hitting on graveyards but I felt this was an acceptable target to try to shift some hate.
  • Tome of LegendsMesmeric Orb I think Tome of Legends is fine..... but the more I thought about it the more I started getting behind Mesmeric Orb. It can punish ramp and draw heavy decks in that I don't think a lot of them in my meta run a means to shuffle their deck. I also can self mill into graveyard hate and play it out from Lurrus which seems kind of great given how much of my deck Lurrus can recur for me. I guess in some world there could be a situation where I run out of deck but I think that giveen that Lurrus can recur this for me I want to give it a shot. My biggest fear offhand is just giving someone else graveyard resources but the amount of grave hate I run ideally should help me on that.
  • Golden EggScroll of Avacyn As I kept thinking about it I really liked the efficiency of the scroll. Its true that it won't always give me life but it cycles for less mana and a lot of the triggers that care about the quantity of life I gain are angels and will trigger for me to make an angel from the scroll.
  • 1 SwampAgadeem's Awakening // Agadeem, the Undercrypt I think I am ok to make this swap. Its fairly minor.
So, now I want to talk about something a little more controversial that I don't know where I stand on it. Bloodchief Ascension and Luminarch Ascension. In 99% of decks I tend to write these two cards off for a number of reasons but I think there are a number of factors that really make me want to give these cards a bit more attention for this deck.

Bloodchief Ascension
  • Cheap - Being cheap to cast means that Lurrus can recur it and its easy to cast if and when we are drawing a bunch of cards. Anyone removing it will likely spend just as much if not more mana to remove it and again, Lurrus can bring it right back.
  • Lifegain - The triggers will fire for lifegain and likely happen on opponents turns. Lifegain in numerous triggers is good.
  • Punish - Its likely going to punish some of the decks I encounter that draw a ton of cards.
  • Getting Counters - Holy hell it seems like a grind to get up to three counters. It might be a full three turns and that is assuming you can manage to hit opponents. It could go faster than that but what if the board gets gummed up and people stop attacking?
  • Bad Topdeck - What I mean by this is more so if I don't have good card draw this card being a cheap card that does nothing immediately can be very underwhelming.
  • Doesn't affect the board - What I mean by this is that this card has no impact on what is in play. It can't defend you or attack a planeswalker. Cards that are noncreatures that deal only with gaining life or syphoning it can be really situational.
I see both a lot of potential for both good situations and situations where I question why the hell I would buy and include a card like this. Some of my complaints have been decks that do a bunch of draw / ramp and set up while spinning tires. This card can give a lot of triggers of lifegain and Lurrus has recursion with it but then it comes back to the spin up time for it and even if I recur it with Lurrus I have to get the counters again for it. On the flip side it brings some heat to itself and off of Lurrus and other cards so if I have good draw I think I can accept someone burning some spot removal on it instead of something else. Its also a bit minor but I did just put Mesmeric Orb into my list and the two would be potentially strong together.

This is already hella long so I won't go in depth on discussing Luminarch Ascension but I think it also could maybe use some thought and discussion. I am curious as to thoughts on these two cards as I think its tough to really make a call offhand.

Re: Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 2:29 am
by EonAon
Yeah I wouldn't play Bloodchief or Luminarch in this deck. Kambal, Consul of Allocation and polluted bonds are your only overall damage triggers that force the correct amount of damage from your build. If you get bloodchief out early and swing at folks knees before they token barrier it might work. Overall it really depends on when and how they stabilize to damage dealt ratios. Liesa really likes it cause casting anything when its out alongside Kambal really do the job and there are more overall tax effects. Lurrus not so much.

Personally I find that lunminarch played early only make people potshot you to prevent angels. Post turn 5 it becomes it could work but does the board suit it enough to work. You get it at about 50/50 there. After turn 8 you tend to have better things to worry about than waiting 4 turns for activation and it still draws a decent amount of aggro even then.

If your really wanting to get lands it would be best to use wayfarer and map together and ignore renegade. I say this in that a turn lost for ramp is worse than paying 3 to ramp especially in maps case where its better for cards that arent basic.

Re: Lurrus - Lifegain Matters

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 5:37 pm
by ISBPathfinder
I have this deck almost entirely together in paper but I managed to get some online testing in this weekend. It was some odd testing as all of my online testing doesn't really match up with my own local meta in that its just some friends of mine spread out that play online. I didn't win the games but the first game felt like a 1v1 in a 3 player game where the other player was playing a tempo deck that kept me from playing to the board by fighting my creatures off the board while pressuring my life total. Its not something I am going to be overly concerned about as a lot of the situation of less players and the other player doing poorly threw a lot of this game off into a weird 1v1 where I couldn't establish a board. What I did mainly see though was some issues in needing a bit more draw and some things that didn't seem to quite be working for me. The sac based concepts and skullclamp really felt a bit weird. If I cut clamp I need to readjust some of my equipment package though too.

  • Viscera SeerBloodchief Ascension - I didn't see a lot of situations where sacrificing my creatures really seemed like a good idea. It seemed like the scry one off of some of the tokens might be a thing in a pinch, stopping theft, but otherwise it felt like it was sort of designated to Skullclamp assists but on non tokens that didn't feel all that great either. I think my one drop package is good enough without this in my list so I think for now I will go without and see if I miss it or not. I do think there are a lot of concerns with Bloodchief Ascension but I really want to see it in action in this list because to be honest, I just think its sort of unique in this list in comparison to like every other list I have ever looked at it for. It might totally blow and maybe I waste my money I spent buying one of these things (wow its price is dumb given its not good most places).
  • SkullclampSword of the Animist - In the games I got I did manage to pair this up with Bitterblossom which I get is like, really sweet but I just got the impression that I just don't have enough chaff things to sacrifice to this on average. I felt like outside of this card my sac outlets also didn't belong in the list so I was just left with this not quite performing as well as I had hoped. Maybe if I shifted a little harder to a token concept it might work but I was really feeling that I just couldn't make skullclamp quite fit here. I still have some concerns with some of the attack based equipment in that a lot of my list lacks evasion but I think I get into play fast enough that maybe I can get a few triggers out of this so.... I guess lets just give it a shot and see where it goes.
  • Sword of Feast and FamineDowsing Dagger I honestly didn't get to test Sword of Feast and Famine but it also requires some work over a few turns and I don't have much evasion. I felt like I would be better served by a single surprise attack mattering from the dagger. Dagger fits my curve a little better and while it doesn't promise as much mana repeatedly it also comes online sooner and can be recurred with Lurrus if removed. In the end though, I think that Sword of Feast and Famine is somewhat of a big target for opponents and I don't feel like I get quite as much return from it as what threat assessment it might have not to mention that I don't have the evasion I might want for it.
  • Angelic GiftHeliod's Punishment I gave it more thought and I think Angelic Gift probably doesn't cut it for me. Its a cheap cantrip enchant but my most likely target is Lurrus and I just don't think it justifies bringing more attention to removing him as the payoff isn't really that big a deal. I wanted a little more to screw with opposing commanders though so lets bring in Heliod's Punishment. I really like the idea of a 4-5 turn delay on someone's commander as that is literally sort of forever. If I could get someone to ignore Reprobation for 4-5 turns instead of killing it or attacking / defending with that creature I would be quite happy. The fact that Heliod's Punishment removes blocking as an option just makes it so much harder to remove it. I also really don't like giving people the option to Oblivion Stone and keep their commander through something like Darksteel Mutation.
  • Dawn of HopePhyrexian Arena I think that Dawn of Hope is just a bit underwhelming for me. It does fit the Lurrus curve and Phyrexian Arena does not.... but that all said I think I just want the more efficient card for now. Arena is fire and forget which is sort of what I think I want. Paying two mana per card drawn is not cheap and I just don't think that Dawn of Hope is really that impressive of a card even though it fits a lot of the themes I have going with this list.
  • Diabolic IntentNight's Whisper I have found myself not wanting to kill a lot of my own creatures as much in this list. Maybe in more testing I might go back but I need more draw and while Sign in Blood effects aren't flashy or anything I think for now I just need to keep pushing a bit on my draw.
I need to get a bunch more testing in. My focus for the cards I was cutting was to add more ramp, draw, and commander disruption. I think these changes might help on that front but I guess I need more testing to see. My sample size is way too small to really pull much for conclusions other than just some general concepts. I had a hard time getting set up in the games so I am trying to not try to pull too much from a very small sample size of data.