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[Custom Rules] How would you like to see Magic expanded?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:24 pm
by caulkwrangler
This seemed the most appropriate place to pose this question, but please move it if it belongs someplace better.

M:tG is a robust and fun combat game, but a lot of times I wish there was more to it than that. Ways to explore a world by moving, train yourself outside of combat, engage in commerce or employment, essentially make that game much more of a sandbox than it currently is. Has anyone else had similar desires? I'm currently developing my own solutions to some of these questions, so I thought I'd see what others had already attempted or discovered themselves to begin some constructive dialogues. I'm happy to hear any responses and thank you for your time!

Re: [Custom Rules] How would you like to see Magic expanded?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:14 pm
by folding_music
Yes! the rules syntax can already support all sorts of explorative things.

with my old playgroup, we would sometimes chill out and use our casual chaos decks just to see what we could build on the board, or see if we could create a 1000/1000 creature together, or try to determine whether there were any accidental infinite combos we could assemble with five or six decks working in tandem.

One cool idea we did have was to pool all the cards that say "You win the game" into a chaos stack of its own, deal one to the centre of the table before the first turn, like everyone controlled it, and then see if we could all mutually win at once <3 multiplayer casual magic, at the least the type I remember, was all about demonstrating yr deck and the idea of winning tended to get lost quickly.

I'm always fondly thinking about the story cards in the Mythos card game, which laid out a sequence of cards you needed to play in order to get some big bonus, or to win, and I wonder about templating M:TG versions. There wouldn't be room for illustration, though, unless they were Plane-sized cards.

cos the theme of Magic is almost always conflict and war, the game displays the same thing. I wish there was a way to push for expansions which were about something else. I think that if you were developing an argument for game functions beyond competition you could start with a new card type built around solo and cooperative play.

Re: [Custom Rules] How would you like to see Magic expanded?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 3:13 pm
by spacemonaut
folding_music wrote:
3 years ago
One cool idea we did have was to pool all the cards that say "You win the game" into a chaos stack of its own, deal one to the centre of the table before the first turn, like everyone controlled it, and then see if we could all mutually win at once <3 multiplayer casual magic, at the least the type I remember, was all about demonstrating yr deck and the idea of winning tended to get lost quickly.
A while back, @barbecube proposed a challenge and this got my gears spinning thinking of it again. I asked barbecube to share his challenge on the forum and he's done so here: Design Challenge: New Multiplayer Formats!. I've shared in that thread what this got me thinking of. : )

Re: [Custom Rules] How would you like to see Magic expanded?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 4:41 pm
by SecretInfiltrator
Without fully removing the combat Frontier Magic includes an exploration/maneuver aspect.

I once created a card type that allowed creatures to use the combat phase to "go to work" at the workplace rather than "attack". So I'd say I'm quite into exploring that space.

Re: [Custom Rules] How would you like to see Magic expanded?

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 2:10 pm
by caulkwrangler
folding_music wrote:
3 years ago
Yes! the rules syntax can already support all sorts of explorative things.

with my old playgroup, we would sometimes chill out and use our casual chaos decks just to see what we could build on the board, or see if we could create a 1000/1000 creature together, or try to determine whether there were any accidental infinite combos we could assemble with five or six decks working in tandem.

One cool idea we did have was to pool all the cards that say "You win the game" into a chaos stack of its own, deal one to the centre of the table before the first turn, like everyone controlled it, and then see if we could all mutually win at once <3 multiplayer casual magic, at the least the type I remember, was all about demonstrating yr deck and the idea of winning tended to get lost quickly.

I'm always fondly thinking about the story cards in the Mythos card game, which laid out a sequence of cards you needed to play in order to get some big bonus, or to win, and I wonder about templating M:TG versions. There wouldn't be room for illustration, though, unless they were Plane-sized cards.

cos the theme of Magic is almost always conflict and war, the game displays the same thing. I wish there was a way to push for expansions which were about something else. I think that if you were developing an argument for game functions beyond competition you could start with a new card type built around solo and cooperative play.
These are some neat ideas! I've never played Mythos before, I'll have to look into it.
spacemonaut wrote:
3 years ago
A while back, @barbecube proposed a challenge and this got my gears spinning thinking of it again. I asked barbecube to share his challenge on the forum and he's done so here: Design Challenge: New Multiplayer Formats!. I've shared in that thread what this got me thinking of. : )
Cool, I'll take a look!
SecretInfiltrator wrote:
3 years ago
Without fully removing the combat Frontier Magic includes an exploration/maneuver aspect.

I once created a card type that allowed creatures to use the combat phase to "go to work" at the workplace rather than "attack". So I'd say I'm quite into exploring that space.
It took me a little bit of digging to find the Frontier you were referring to. Very cool concept! Do you have any examples of this card type you were working on?