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Wandavision [Potential Spoilers in this thread]

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 6:40 pm
by Krishnath
So, is anyone else watching this series?

I've seen the first three episodes, and it is the perfect mix of funny and suspenseful. I love it.

Re: Wandavision [Potential Spoilers in this thread]

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 8:16 pm
by Krishnath
Episode five should have been named "I did not see that coming", that would probably have been a little to on the nose.

Re: Wandavision [Potential Spoilers in this thread]

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 8:31 pm
by BaronCappuccino
Wandavision had a lot of faith in its viewership. The first three episodes were probably not what Marvel fans would be looking for. It's looking like the series is moving in a direction more people will take to. Episode 5 could have been episode 1 in a less confident series. Doing three straight up Nick at Night parodies in a row was brave.

Re: Wandavision [Potential Spoilers in this thread]

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 9:39 am
by Krishnath
I think they knew exactly what they were doing, the series needed to establish the basics before they got to the main action, and there are still plenty of mystery to unravel in it. For example, just who is the person that the FBI had put into Witness Protection in Westview?

Also, if it wasn't entirely clear from episode 5, Monica Rambeau now has powers, although it appears the character isn't yet aware of it. Her X-rays coming up blank were the confirmation. Those who have read the comics also know the character as Photon, she's basically turned into living light and is on the same power level as many of Marvel's more well known heavy hitters.

But holy hell that twist at the end of episode five. I am not proud to admit it, but I squee'd like a schoolgirl when it happened.

Re: Wandavision [Potential Spoilers in this thread]

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 5:20 pm
by Krishnath
It was Agatha all Along.

Re: Wandavision [Potential Spoilers in this thread]

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 8:34 pm
by Krishnath
Just saw the finale, and woah. If you watch it, watch it all the way through the end credits. There are two end credits scenes. The first made me laugh with joy, the second, well... Watch it and see, it's epic.