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Things That Go Click — Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 12:42 am
by Antis
Copy/Paste Personal EDH Philosophy Bit
In building my decks, my end goal is "strong but fair". In other words, I want to win, yes, but not at the expense of fun. For me, that means:
  • No infinite combos
  • No MLD
  • Very few discard/countermagic/tutors
  • Try to limit format staples only to decks they fit mechanically or thematically
There are exceptions, but these are my general rules. The bit about tutors is there because if I wanted to play the same cards every game, I wouldn't be playing Commander =)
Hello, everyone! Settle in your chair, have a drink, put on the Clock Tower Theme from the Castlevania game of your choice, and let the ogre speak:

Kurkesh is a commander I only rarely see discussed, never mind actually being played. It's a shame, because he's all kinds of fun. Copying artifact activations for just as a triggered ability is nuts. Yes, he can go infinite, but as the box says, that's not my style. No, I'm using him with a bunch of artifacts that do little things to make them do big things. Cogs and gears that generate value as the copying goes on. Besides that, Kurkesh's physique is worth mentioning as well. He's a 4/3 for 2RR, so unlike many commanders whose main role is support, he can be useful in combat while doing it. Let's see the list:

Cogs and Gears
Approximate Total Cost:

At first sight, this may seem like a semi-random collection of junk. Spoiler: it is. Kurkesh is one of those generals whose deck you can fill with whatever you haplen to have lying around and he'll still make it work.

Kurkesh is deceiving. At the start of the game, I'm just playing some artifacts, some of which people know, some they don't, but it's all non-threatening, so I'm not the center of attention in any way.

And then the general hits the table. Suddenly, you need to keep two mana open for that Erratic Portal instead of one. My Mimic Vat makes two tokens. My Sensei's Divining Top suddenly reads "1R: Draw a card." and my Basalt Monolith says ": Add ccc." Elixir of Immortality with Kurkesh and Strionic Resonator on the table can shoot me up some 30 life. Heartseeker (equipped on an artifact creature) can kill two creatures at once. Trading Post gets very profitable. And so on.

In short, Kurkesh takes a bunch of random cards that are just lying there, doing innocent stuff to keep me alive, and makes them into little supercharged value machines that can actually win the game. Let's take a closer look at some notable cards:
  • Manifold Key — An example of my philosophy in action, I very inentionally replaced Voltaic Key with this one, since the former can go infinite with Gilded Lotus. And I want to keep the Lotus, since I need a lot of red mana for my shenanigans.
  • Power Matrix — This card is so much fun. Remeber how I mentioned Kurkesh has a rather effective body? A 4/3 without evasion is not that big of a deal. A 6/5 with flying, first strike, and trample is a different story. Good for blocking, too. Plus it can also mess up combats you're not remotely involved in, which is always great fun at a Commander table.
  • Mindslaver — O mighty Purphoros, please forgive this humble mortal, for I have sinned. I gave in to the temptation of copying activated abilities of artifacts and put Mindslaver in this deck. Please know that although I also play Goblin Welder I can't even remember if I had ever used them together. It just feels really good to control two other players in the same turn cycle. May your hammer deems me worthy of wielding such power.
  • Surestrike Trident — Another card which I think could use more exposure. Could make for a decent kill option in some budget decks. In Kurkesh, of course, we double the damage. Just remeber that this gives the ability to the equipped creature, so that creature has to be an artifact in order for Kurkesh to be able to copy it. But wait, there's more! See, this card actually has two activated abilities. The second one is equip itself. That can also be copied. Normally, copying an equip activation is pretty much useless, but not in the case of an Equipment that can unattach itself in response. Shenanigans ahoy! If you have two untapped artifact creatures, Trident, and our general, you can deal two times the combined power of those creatures for 4rrr. With two 3/3s, that's twelve damage. Not too shabby.
  • Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle — I love having this card in the deck so much. The reason is that its presence here is a double subversion. I start the game by playing random artifacts. Then I play Kurkesh and make the opponents think "Ok, he's starting to look dangerous, we should kill some of these artifacts." And then I kill them with Valakut. You've seen Vesuva and Thespian's Stage back in the list, right? One copied use of Expedition Map can find Valakut and Vesuva at once. And then, later in the game, Scrap Mastery hits, brings back Burnished Hart and Rings of Brighthearth, and all of a sudden, you're looking at 36 damage to the face. Good times =)
  • Grinning Totem — This one's here for pure nostalgia and oldschool player street cred. Yes, it's only really useful to grab red and colorless cards. No, still haven't managed to cast an Eldrazi with it. One day, though. One day...
  • Strionic Resonator — Man, I'm still having problems memorizing this interaction for some reason. Ok, so I activate something, let's say Myr Turbine. Kurkesh triggers, then I activate the Resonator, copying Kurkesh's trigger. This makes Kurkesh trigger again and copy the ability that copied Kurkesh's first trigger. So for 2rrr, I get to make four more Myr tokens. Simple, right? Ouch, my brain...
  • Avarice Totem — This one's captured many an opponent very much unprepared. Permanently stealing things normally isn't what you expect from a mono-red deck. And all it takes is to know your stack. Here's what you do: first, activate the Totem, targeting your own permanent. This is the one you want to give away. Kurkesh triggers, you pay and copy the ability. You change the targrt of the copy to the thing you want to steal. The copy went on the stack last, which means it'll resolve first, trading the Totem for the thing you wanted. Then, the original ability resolves, trading the Totem for the sacrificial permanent you targeted the first time. Net effect is, you've traded a permanent of yours for an opponent's and the Totem is still on your side of the table. Enjoy your Myr token, I'm now gonna kill you with your commander! Unless they have five mana ready, they can't really stop you. Also, this actually doesn't need Kurkesh to work, you can just activate a second time in response. Kurkesh just makes it a lot cheaper.
  • Heartseeker — See Surestrike Trident. Two untapped artifact creatures + 5rrr = destroy four target creatures. That's two mana per creature killed. Not too shabby.
  • Khalni Gem — In most decks, this would not make the cut and rightfully so. However in this one, I believe it deserves a slot. First, yes, colorless mana rocks are more effective, but Kurkesh is a hungry monster when it comes to red mana specifically, so rocks that make colored mana are more valuable here. Unwinding Clock loves it. And the fact that it returns two lands to my hand when it enters the battlefield can help me as well, resetting Vesuva or just bringing back two Mountains to fuel Valakut. Yes, I've won games by doing that. The looks on their faces...
I hope you liked this little tour of my Kurkesh build. My main problem right now is low number of artifact creatures. I'm thinking of adding some more intimidating guys to throw my trident like Traxos, Scourge of Kroog, Metalwork Colossus, and/or Ancient Stone Idol. As for creatures that would benefit from my general, there's Hangarback Walker and Walking Ballista. Maybe also Arcbound Ravager, if budget allows. In any case, fun times ahead!

Comments and suggestions are, as always, welcome.

Antis, out.

Re: Things That Go Click — Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 2:45 pm
by Tevesh
30 Lands is way too few. Even cEDH builds run 34ish; with this, I'd go up to 38.

Re: Things That Go Click — Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 3:27 pm
by weltkrieg
Not including mana doublers, I count his sources of mana (accelerants and lands) as 44 (31 lands as valakut is under win conditions). This is probably enough, but I agree that 2 or 3 more lands is probably warranted.

I would consider removal of wine of blood and iron (you have very few creatures to use it on except your commander and even fewer ways to grant evasion to make it worth it.), scroll of fate (despite a few card draw sources, you don't draw enough to make this card worth it in my opinion.) and maybe golden guardian (are you really after fighting your own commander?) as there aren't many creatures who can survive the fight.

I would add 2 mountains and 1 Inventors' Fair . A deck with this many artifacts and no inventor's fair seems criminal!

Re: Things That Go Click — Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 5:13 pm
by MeowZeDung
Can I interest you in a Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge? He's a bit nuttier if you include various retriever/bauble/sac/draw loops, but he's just a value accelerant/beater too. He also helps with sheer artifact density for the Hellkite win-con and can open up other things that synergize here like Ghirapur Aether Grid and Inspiring Statuary. Or just crack nev's disk or activate steel Hellkite then drop him on board and laugh.

Re: Things That Go Click — Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:56 pm
by Antis
Tevesh wrote:
3 years ago
30 Lands is way too few. Even cEDH builds run 34ish; with this, I'd go up to 38.
What weltkrieg said.
weltkrieg wrote:
3 years ago
Not including mana doublers, I count his sources of mana (accelerants and lands) as 44 (31 lands as valakut is under win conditions). This is probably enough, but I agree that 2 or 3 more lands is probably warranted.

I would consider removal of wine of blood and iron (you have very few creatures to use it on except your commander and even fewer ways to grant evasion to make it worth it.), scroll of fate (despite a few card draw sources, you don't draw enough to make this card worth it in my opinion.) and maybe golden guardian (are you really after fighting your own commander?) as there aren't many creatures who can survive the fight.

I would add 2 mountains and 1 Inventors' Fair . A deck with this many artifacts and no inventor's fair seems criminal!
You're right about the mana sources — mostly it's fine, but there are the occasional games where I'm just stuck. I do have an advantage with this commander, since if I get stuck at four mana, a doubled Wayfarer's Bauble/Armillary Sphere/Burnished Hart activation can push me where I need to be. But yes, a few more would probably be more optimal.

The Wine is a candidate, probably will be better in the Zirda, the Dawnwaker I'm brewing. Scroll of Fate is also something I'm considering. It doesn't even make artifact creatures, boo. Definitely will cut Golden Guardian. That's a recent addition and I already know it was a mistake.

The problem with Inventors' Fair is that I don't want to add tutors. It's not very fun to me. I like the carefully measured randomness of the 100-card singleton. Besides, my Inventors' Fair is in my Kykar equipment deck, which has a somewhat higher power level overall.
MeowZeDung wrote:
3 years ago
Can I interest you in a Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge? He's a bit nuttier if you include various retriever/bauble/sac/draw loops, but he's just a value accelerant/beater too. He also helps with sheer artifact density for the Hellkite win-con and can open up other things that synergize here like Ghirapur Aether Grid and Inspiring Statuary. Or just crack nev's disk or activate steel Hellkite then drop him on board and laugh.
Hellkite Igniter is an exception here because it's just so freaking powerful in a dedicated artifact deck. Also, it's a rocket-powered dragon. I don't want to add too many nonartifact cards. Yes, I have a lot of artifacts in the list, but I'm not making tons of tokens or anything. Most of the time in an average game, I don't have that many artifacts on the table. And when I do, I feel Ghirapur Aether Grid would really just be a win-more at that point. I think Walking Ballista would be a much more useful addition, since I can copy its abilities and it can work on an empty board.

Inspiring Statuary could help recast Kurkesh, but my late game mana situation can get very much out of control, anyway, so that's not too much of an issue, either. I mean, just now, I've had a game where I had a Mimic Vat with Solemn Simulacrum imprinted on it. Each turn, I made two Sad Robot tokens to block, got two Mountains and drew two cards.

As for Gadrak, I haven't seen it in action, yet, so I don't know how good it actually is. Not being an artifact hurts it a lot in my eyes, though. I have ways to recur artifacts, not creatures. Heartseeker and Surestrike Trident work best on artifact creatures. The worst thing that can happen to me is to get hit by an artifact sweeper. If I play an artifact to start recovering, Kurkesh may help speed up that recovery. If I play Gadrak, it'll just be a wall.