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Thalisse, Reverent Medium (budget)

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:25 pm
by BlackbirdPlaysMTG
Working on a Thalisse, Reverent Medium list on a budget. The prices I am trying to adhere to are the purchase price of a precon in The Netherlands (about €40-45) and magiccardmarket prices for the individual cards (English). The Liesa, Shroud of Dusk deck I am currently building is probably a bit too strong for some pods in my meta. Building on a budget is a fun way to lower the usual power level a bit, and it invites me to try out some cheaper cards that I would probably not play otherwise. The idea for the deck is really simple: create tokens, more if Thalisse is on the battlefield and turn them sideways with some ways to pump them. Would like the list to be intuitive enough for players other than myself when I loan it out. The list below is what I threw together after an initial scan of several websites and my own collection:

Thalisse, Reverent Medium (budget)
Approximate Total Cost:

Final notes:
I appreciate card suggestions or ideas :) !
I might rewrite this thread into a primer in the future!