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Averna, Unexpected Cascaaaaade [brewing]

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 12:52 am
by Mookie
Cascaaaaade is one of my favorite mechanics. It's inherent card advantage due to giving a free spell, while still having a ton of variance that makes every instance exciting. It also has a lot of interesting deckbuilding implications - the more expensive a card with cascade is, the better.... but simultaneously, if you have a low-CMC cascade card, you can guarantee hitting a card like Living End or Restore Balance.

A while ago, I made a deck built around Unexpected Results and various cards with cascade. The basic idea was to ramp into Unexpected Results, which would then hit a land or, more commonly, a spell. The key part of the deck was that every spell in the deck had cascade and a CMC of five or greater, which guaranteed that they would inevitably cascade into another copy of Unexpected Results and start the chain again. Add in a few cards like Maelstrom Wanderer, Brilliant Ultimatum, and Mind's Desire, and you can potentially play out your entire deck off a single spell, with a one-of Serene Remembrance to shuffle used copies of Unexpected Results back into the deck.

I've wanted to port the deck to EDH for a while, but there simply haven't been enough cascade cards to fill out a deck. Enter Commander Legends, which brings with it a bunch of new cascade cards. It also brings two commanders to support the cascade archetype, Averna, the Chaos Bloom and Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty. This opens up the possibility of some total nonsense.

Averna, the Chaos Bloom is my personal pick for the helm of this deck. Averna's ability to put a land from the cascade'd cards onto the battlefield allows for a ton of ramp if you're doing multiple cascades per turn. This should also thin the deck over time, increasing the chance of chaining off. There are 15 cards with cascade in Temur.

Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty may be a more consistent option for this deck. Limiting to only blue and green cards significantly limits how many cards that naturally have cascade that can be played. However, Imoti also grants cascade to every spell in your deck with CMC 6 or greater, which also opens up a ton of additional options. However, the number of cards which naturally have cascade in Simic is lower, with only 9.

Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder is an already-available option. Similar to Imoti, Yidris can grant cascade to spells you cast. However, Yidris only grants it to spells cast from hand, which means you can't chain them as effectively. Adding black only allows for two more cascade cards to be included, for a total of 17.

Ramos, Dragon Engine would be my default pick for a five-color commander for this deck, although Golos, Tireless Pilgrim is always an option. There aren't that many white cascade cards, but five colors does bring the total number up a bit further, to 21. Five colors also allows stuff like Brilliant Ultimatum and Maelstrom Nexus.

Also: I'll call out Garbage Elemental (the one with cascade) as an additional include if your playgroup allows it.

Unexpected Nonsense



Approximate Total Cost:

Still very much a work in progress. It isn't possible to fill out the entire deck with cascade cards, so currently brainstorming other inclusions. May be worth running stuff like Ancestral Vision to cheat out, Time Warp effects for another shot (because our turns won't be long enough already), or perhaps Selective Memory or Mana Severance for deckthinning.

Re: Averna, Unexpected Cascaaaaade [brewing]

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 7:47 pm
by duducrash
I'm not 100% sure about how it all worksbut Expansion // Explosion would be burned a bunch, wouldnt it? cascading into it might be bad because you won't get to to copy the spell nor pay the X right? I'm also curious about how it would play out early I undesrtand that after you start cascading you will ramp a bunch but thats a while before it gets going, I'm curious on why not some more ramp

Other than that decks seems super fun once you start going it definitely will be hard to stop!

Re: Averna, Unexpected Cascaaaaade [brewing]

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:18 pm
by Mookie
duducrash wrote:
3 years ago
I'm not 100% sure about how it all worksbut Expansion // Explosion would be burned a bunch, wouldnt it? cascading into it might be bad because you won't get to to copy the spell nor pay the X right? I'm also curious about how it would play out early I undesrtand that after you start cascading you will ramp a bunch but thats a while before it gets going, I'm curious on why not some more ramp

Other than that decks seems super fun once you start going it definitely will be hard to stop!
Expansion // Explosion has CMC 6, so it shouldn't be hit by cascade that often. That said, I do agree that it can be a bit awkward when hit by one of the more expensive cascaders. Honestly, I'm running it as a ramp spell - copying an opponent's Cultivate or Explosive Vegetation should be pretty good.

Deck is light on ramp primarily to try to limit how many misses there are - ideally, everything other than Unexpected Results would have CMC 5 or greater, which limits the valid ramp spells. That said, stuff like Boundless Realms and Nissa's Renewal are definitely in consideration. I also forgot about Nissa's Expedition, but it should definitely be in here.

Re: Averna, Unexpected Cascaaaaade [brewing]

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:22 pm
by ISBPathfinder
Any thought towards topdeck manipulation? Sensei's Divining Top, Scroll Rack, Sylvan Library might not be impressive hits to cascade into but they can help you have expected results from cascading as well as let you potentially skip over cards you might not want by using lesser cost cascades past them.

Re: Averna, Unexpected Cascaaaaade [brewing]

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 8:36 pm
by Mookie
ISBPathfinder wrote:
3 years ago
Any thought towards topdeck manipulation? Sensei's Divining Top, Scroll Rack, Sylvan Library might not be impressive hits to cascade into but they can help you have expected results from cascading as well as let you potentially skip over cards you might not want by using lesser cost cascades past them.
Possibly? I haven't even tested this in paper yet (nor do I know when I will be able to), and I'd like some additional data points before I start diluting it too much. As previously mentioned, I ideally wouldn't have any spells with CMC 4 or less other than Unexpected Results - every additional one adds a sizable bump to the miss rate. That said, the miss rate is already pretty high due to only having the one copy of Unexpected Results. I'm willing to compromise a little with other cascade cards due to their synergy with Averna, but....

Realistically, I unfortunately don't think it will be possible to fully complete this deck until a few more sets worth of cascade cards are printed, so this is more of a concept / brainstorming thread than something that is actually intended to be a competitive / practical deck. There simply are not enough cards to fully fill out the deck with cascade cards, nor are there that many effects that allow casting arbitrary free spells to restart the cascade chain.

That said, topdeck manipulation is certainly useful alongside cascade effects, and I could definitely see those cards being played in a less all-in build.

Re: Averna, Unexpected Cascaaaaade [brewing]

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 9:27 pm
by duducrash
Apart from the 3 free spells every card in this deck is 3cmc or more, have you considered Keruga, the Macrosage as a partner?

Re: Averna, Unexpected Cascaaaaade [brewing]

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 9:39 pm
by Mookie
duducrash wrote:
3 years ago
Apart from the 3 free spells every card in this deck is 3cmc or more, have you considered Keruga, the Macrosage as a partner?
Hmmm, I do like this idea. Missing out on Temporal Aperture and Ancestral Vision is a significant loss though. I'm also using Serene Remembrance to restock the deck with Unexpected Results so it can actually go infinite - would need to have a different shuffle effect instead. Maybe Primal Command? Intuition for an Eldrazi titan would be the exotic option.

Update: upon doing some additional testing, I definitely think it is correct to go all-in on this - every additional spell with CMC 4 or less effectively adds another turn before you're likely to start chaining Unexpected Results. As mentioned, Intuition (for an Eldrazi Titan) does a decent Serene Remembrance impression (while also being card-neutral some of the time instead of card-negative), so that fills the 'reset' slot. This also allows Keruga to be run as a companion.

Re: Averna, Unexpected Cascaaaaade [brewing]

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 6:42 am
by Mookie
Wasn't expecting relevant cards to be printed without cascaaaaade showing up in a new set, but it occurs to me that Tibalt's Trickery acts as another Unexpected Results effect. Significantly, it costs two mana, which means it's possible to chain the CMC3 spells (Violent Outburst and Shardless Agent into it. That, in turn, makes the deck waaaaay more consistent - instead of a 50/50 chance of Unexpected Results vs shuffle effect, you instead have an 80% chance of a hit (UE, Tibalt's Trickery, or the two cascade spells vs shuffle effect), which is massive and makes this deck relatively consistent, instead of a coin flip.

Using Intuition (for an Eldrazi) as the shuffle effect also means that neither of the CMC3 cascaders can whiff, which is nice. Or at least not on the first spin - if Trickery isn't shuffle back, additional spins are dead. Still, Tibalt's Trickery is always going to hit a spell, which makes it a significant improvement over Unexpected Results hitting a land a significant percentage of the time.

...and if hitting a CMC3 card is good, that means it's feasible to run CMC4 cascaders too. Not a ton of them - just Throes of Chaos and Bloodbraid Elf - but every bit helps. Expanding to four or five colors obviously brings even more cascade cards in, for even more consistency. I'd have to double check the math to determine if adding more CMC4s is good (since they can miss if they hit Intuition, and they're not Unexpected Results), but at the very least it's an interesting option.

So yeah. Tibalt's Trickery is pretty big for this deck.