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Grenzo, Dungeon Warden

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 3:11 am
by darrenhabib
This is a friends deck, I'm just using the forum to write down help with some suggested changes.

You're not going to like this, but I do think that the Metallic Mimic + Murderous Redcap + Mogg Raider/Skirk Prospector/Mogg Fanatic combo is a little clunky given new access to Conspicuous Snoop combos.
So instead you can focus on more tutors to assemble Snoop combos. Goblin Matron, Imperial Recruiter.
I know won with Metallic Mimic + Murderous Redcap + Skirk Prospector the other day, but think in terms of if Metallic Mimic was instead Goblin Matron or Imperial Recruiter. You don't just have 1/3 of a combo you have the means to assemble an entire combo by getting Goblin Recruiter.

Reasons to dislike the combo;
  • It's a 3 card combo, yuk.
  • Metallic Mimic is not actually a Goblin so suffers from not being able to be searched with Goblin Recruiter or cast with Conspicuous Snoop.
  • You can remove Mogg Raider in general as help with Grenzo at other times. The reason is that you can win with Grenzo on 2 power. The only literally creature I can see with more than that is Zealous Conscripts and there are plenty of ways to win without it now that you have Conspicuous Snoop combos.
    I get that you might have put Zealous Conscripts on the bottom somehow, but this seems very narrow.
Doomsday pile #1
Treasonous Ogre
Conspicuous Snoop
Torch Courier
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
Mogg Fanatic

I do like the discard with Cabal Therapy, Thoughtseize and in fact I'd add Duress as well. I would also play Inquisition of Kozilek over the Cabal Therapy however. Just less risk on not removing the right card and sacrificing a creature is not nothing.
They are going to help with turning "spell mastery" on for Dark Petition as another small bonus.
Also I feel like a legit play is to cast Bonus Round and dismantle hands with a couple of discard cards.
You know how it goes..first to act will always get blown out. Just hold onto discard until you want to combo and watch out for who looks the shiftiest (not me of course) and use discard on them even if it's more for hand information.

I would replace Opal Palace with Valakut Awakening // Valakut Stoneforge. Providing colorless mana is awkward and you just don't need counters on Grenzo.

Feed the Swarm is much needed interaction for Rakdos.

Your mana base is perfectly setup for Tainted Pact with no duplicate basics. I would replace Insidious Dreams with it just as a more mana efficient play, even if the upside isn't quite as good. Think in terms of avoiding Aven Mindcensor as well as a pseudo tutor to find what you need.
There is risk involved in hitting combo pieces awkwardly, but 4 mana for a tutor is outrageous these days.

Bontu's Last Reckoning is fine, but this deck has so many tutors that having access to Fire Covenant or Toxic Deluge is good enough when you need to pull the trigger on a board wipe.

Current decklist


Approximate Total Cost: