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Dismantling Wave vs. Nature’s Claim

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:20 pm
by NZB2323
If you had 1 spot left in a Selesnya decklist and had to chose between Dismantling Wave and Nature's Claim, which card would you chose and why?

Re: Dismantling Wave vs. Nature’s Claim

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 10:26 pm
by abel88
i think it really depends on your meta and whats in your deck. you probably dont wanna be forced to cycle dismantling wave to deal with someone else's artifacts if you have an enchantress deck for example. i personally prefer Krosan Grip since it cant be responed to. but out of the two you listed i would probably go with Nature's Claim just for instant speed interaction.

Re: Dismantling Wave vs. Nature’s Claim

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 10:30 pm
by Myllior
In a vacuum, Nature's Claim, for its efficiency and being an instant. However, if I were encountering a greater number of artifacts or enchantments, particularly ones that didn't require instant responses, then I would lean towards Dismantling Wave. The clincher would be if I ran very few artifacts or enchantments myself and could spare 6WW with relative ease, in which case I'd use the Wave for the card advantage.

Re: Dismantling Wave vs. Nature’s Claim

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 11:08 pm
by darrenhabib
I'm never going to have a green deck that doesn't play Nature's Claim...nuff said. So you could have said any card and I'm always going to play Nature's Claim over the other card if it's competing for a slot.
Instant speed interaction becomes more important the more competitive games are and Nature's Claim is the best instant speed removal for artifacts and enchantments in commander..period.
Playing Dismantling Wave in your deck is fine, but if you don't already have Claim in your deck then you need to be cutting another card instead.