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Site performance seems...bad.

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 10:00 am
by DirkGently
Despite being a developer I'm not familiar enough with web analytics to figure out exactly the nature or extent of this problem, but what I will say is this - When I leave open even a single MTGN tab, let alone multiple, my laptop will basically always get hot and go into heavy fan use within a couple minutes. As soon as I close the tab, a few minutes later, my laptop goes back to being chill. Every time.

It's gotten bad enough that I basically never leave MTGN tabs open anymore, so it's not hogging processor power or making my laptop burn a hole in my lap. It also seems to make games play worse when I leave it open on accident.

Not sure what would cause a simple forum to be so hard on my CPU, even video sites don't wreak so much havoc. Not a deal breaker exactly, but it seems a bit worrying to me. Probably worth looking into?

Re: Site performance seems...bad.

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 5:17 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
DirkGently wrote:
3 years ago
Despite being a developer I'm not familiar enough with web analytics to figure out exactly the nature or extent of this problem, but what I will say is this - When I leave open even a single MTGN tab, let alone multiple, my laptop will basically always get hot and go into heavy fan use within a couple minutes. As soon as I close the tab, a few minutes later, my laptop goes back to being chill. Every time.

It's gotten bad enough that I basically never leave MTGN tabs open anymore, so it's not hogging processor power or making my laptop burn a hole in my lap. It also seems to make games play worse when I leave it open on accident.

Not sure what would cause a simple forum to be so hard on my CPU, even video sites don't wreak so much havoc. Not a deal breaker exactly, but it seems a bit worrying to me. Probably worth looking into?
Definitely looking into this.
What browser and OS are you using?
Do you have any addons that could be affecting it at all?

The heap reliably stays under 8mb.
Processing capture shows all the background processes are minor, and it's 99% idle

That said, I'm still looking into it.
Performance is very high on my priorities.

Re: Site performance seems...bad.

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 1:13 am
by DirkGently
Windows, chrome browser

My extensions with access are adblock plus, dashlane, tampermonkey, My other extensions (which I assume should have no effect) are cisco webex (I think that might be leftover from a previous job lol because idk what it is) netflix party, and timer.

When I have adblock paused it still seems to make my computer angry so presumably that's not it? Tampermonkey seems weird since I'm not running any scripts with it currently. And dashlane....seems like it shouldn't be a problem?

Re: Site performance seems...bad.

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 1:23 am
by Feyd_Ruin
Adblock won't hurt, it'd only help. Dashlane wouldn't do anything, and as long as Tampermonkey doesn't have a bad script running, it should be fine.

I'm kind of perplexed, honestly. Firefox can be a resource hog at times, but I never have issues with Chrome. Dev tools show no processes that are ongoing to any real extent, and no memory issues. Basically, Chrome's page analyzer shows nothing that should be causing any ongoing "work" after the page loads (minor ticks aside). I'm going to keep looking into it, see if there's something I'm missing, etc.

For now, as a random shot in the dark, I've disabled ads for your account. I know you use adblock, but maybe it's still trying to reach something? Let me know if that changes anything.

Re: Site performance seems...bad.

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 7:42 am
by 3drinks
Don't use ad block plus, it's not just bad and inconsistent, it's also compromised. It's owner sold out to marketing, it white lists certain paid sponsours because he didn't get enough donations. Instead, I recommend uBlock Origin which is safe, and doesn't make my computer run hot or overworked at all. And I'm on Firefox and sometimes have three tabs open @ mtgnexus.

Typically in Linux, Solus distro, but I do have a non-genuine Win10 partition on this PC as well. As for add-ons? uBlock Origin, PrivacyBadger, HTTPS Everywhere, DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials, Facebook Container, Enhancer for YouTube, Bloody Vikings!

Re: Site performance seems...bad.

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 5:33 am
by DirkGently
So recently I've not noticed any issues with performance anymore. My laptop is cool as a cucumber with 2 mtgn tabs open. So I guess it was ads?

If it's just a me problem, I wonder if there's any chance it's region-specific ads? There's not a ton of people from NZ on here afaik. Maybe we've got horrible ads for some reason?

Re: Site performance seems...bad.

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 1:02 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
Ads are often regional based. But we use google Adsense specifically because they are the most trustworthy and reliable ad network, and seeing any kind of bad ad is extremely rare, and even then its always only been content related, and not audio/etc.

I'm going Keep looking into it, especially since we've possibly narrowed it down, but I'm keeping you on ad-free to ensure you can be here without issue. We can't go without your awesomeness

Re: Site performance seems...bad.

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 3:16 pm
by DirkGently
Ha, I'm blushing.

Let me know if you figure it out, I'm definitely curious. Funny enough, I didn't see your reply on here (the one about disabling my ads) until today, but noticed that the performance was suddenly much better. Thought maybe I'd been crazy all along until I thought to check the thread and read your reply.

EDIT: btw, @toctheyounger is also in NZ, so I wonder if he's had similar issues? That'd be one way to test that theory (or maybe just use a VPN).