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Writing about casual and card creation topics!

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 1:19 am
by Ginuqu
I'm still getting to grips with what I want to write about and how I want to write it, but I thought I'd link my latest attempt for practice. If you've got two minutes to peer down a scatterbrained article then I'd be very grateful!

revisiting sixth colours and sixth basics

I don't really mind if you disagree with the content of the article, but I'd love to know if it was readable! I'm still worrying that things which are obvious and logical to me are dodging the page and staying in my mind. Thank you!

(also, this is hosted on but I'm not really launched yet and not attempting to write for money until I'm more sure of myself. Make no attempt to subscribe!)

Re: Writing about casual and card creation topics!

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 8:05 am
by The Fluff
tried going to the site, but for some reason the article won't load for me. Can only see the title.

what browser do you use to view it?

Re: Writing about casual and card creation topics!

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 3:17 pm
by Ginuqu
Oh! It works fine in the latest Firefox, not sure about anything else!

Re: Writing about casual and card creation topics!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:43 am
by motleyslayer
The article worked fine for me in chrome, I enjoyed the read. thanks for posting

Re: Writing about casual and card creation topics!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:56 am
by The Fluff
was able to read it now.

nice, I like the cave land idea, feels fresh.

creatures with affinity for caves reminded me of the horror movie.. The Descent.

Re: Writing about casual and card creation topics!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 11:49 am
by Legend
I really wish that the colours of Magic had received fantasy names. If we were casting cards from the Pearl, Sapphire, Jet, Ruby and Emerald schools of magic learning...
I don't. And it only makes sense for the OG CCG to have been, and thus remain, created out of fundamental concepts (namely colors) rather than out of two decades of precedent (that it initiated).
...there'd be far less ugly word-association around. Sadly, heroic fantasy has a tradition of pairing black with evil, usually not because of ideology but rather because words like Fell and Abyssal are so evocative and bardic. Still, referring to black and white in this blasé way causes a lot of problems, sounds ridiculous outside of the bubble of the game
This is all apophenia.
and it allows terrible extremist thinkers to think they own it.
This is the end result of apophenia.

Re: Writing about casual and card creation topics!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 3:02 pm
by Ginuqu
Well, thank you to motleyslayer and The Fluff for reading! and thank you to Legend for trying out his word of the day calendar in a dismissive manner!

Re: Writing about casual and card creation topics!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 3:45 pm
by Legend
Ginuqu wrote:
3 years ago
I don't really mind if you disagree with the content of the article, but I'd love to know if it was readable!
Ginuqu wrote:
3 years ago
thank you to Legend for trying out his word of the day calendar in a dismissive manner!
So you ask for a critique, even stating that you "don't really mind if [we] disagree", and then "thank" me with an insult. You may want to "get to grips with" how you're going to deal with criticisms of your writing both publicly and privately.
FTR, "apophenia" has been one of my favorite words for nearly a decade. It's only a convenient coincidence that it's particularly apropos this day and age.
Good luck.
Warning for trolling.

Re: Writing about casual and card creation topics!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 4:09 pm
by Ginuqu
Oh, sorry, I didn't realise you were making serious criticisms! It felt more like you'd found a linguistic gambit to replace "I disagree" with a very specific word useful only for psychoanalysis, and then shortcutted around the part where you explain what you mean, so it's hard to respond to "That's apophenia" apart from by saying "No it's not."

So, no it's not.

Re: Writing about casual and card creation topics!

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 12:41 am
by Ginuqu
card vibes 003 - bag of holding

Now, here's an article about one of my favourite recent Magic cards. I tried to go longer and involve a little more imagery to make things a little more readable and comfy.

I do think I'll always be involving a sort of card-creation element to everything I upload from now on. It's something you rarely see from magic writers, who tend to keep it professional and grounded, whereas I want things to be more fantastic and less professional!