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[2XM] Misc Spoilers from the mothership

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 3:59 pm
by Dusk
From the products page there are several reveals for the set, from pack art to cards.
On packs:
Dark Confidant
Wurmcoil Engine
Breya, Etherium Shaper

Reclamation Sage
Expedition Map ← borderless version

Re: [2XM] Misc Spoilers from the mothership

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 5:47 pm
by Cyberium
I find the Avon lands unappealing in new frame. Why did they even change the frame?

Re: [2XM] Misc Spoilers from the mothership

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:07 am
by RxPhantom
This set looks massively disappointing for what they want us to pay for it.

Re: [2XM] Misc Spoilers from the mothership

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:40 am
by ironic gesture
Based on what's been spoiled so far, agreed.

Re: [2XM] Misc Spoilers from the mothership

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 10:03 am
by Maluko
I've seen some commenters arguing that if packs only had one rare and cost half the price, then this probably would've been a great set, on par with ultimate masters. As it is, with half the rares spoiled so far not being worth the price of a pack... yeah, things are not looking good. And keep in mind the most exciting cards are usually spoiled first. But we'll see how the rest of the preview season goes.

Re: [2XM] Misc Spoilers from the mothership

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 10:16 am
by Krishnath
I will be totally honest and say that I am warming up to the set, but I am in no way convinced it will be worth buying yet. Although the mythics are nice and needed reprints, they can't be used as a basis for whether or not it is worth buying. I want to see what rare lands are in the set, and uncommons. The Urzatron is nice to see at common, but anyone who is a veteran MTG player already has a full playset of it, with some to spare. So far, meh.

Re: [2XM] Misc Spoilers from the mothership

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 10:48 am
by Mookie
I'm going to reserve full judgment, but leaning slightly negative. There are definitely some high-tier reprints (Karn Liberated, Doubling Season, Mana Crypt...) and some lower-tier things that really needed a reprint due to availability (Boon Reflection, Stonehewer Giant, Rhys the Redeemed, etc). We haven't seen a large percentage of the set yet, but double rares allows for a very interesting format (leaning more towards Cube, which is a format I enjoy). This really does look like a format I would enjoy drafting.

....and then we get to the price per pack, and I really can't justify it anymore. >.> It might be possible if the EV were crazy high, but all the 'only expensive due to low availability' cards are going to drag that down significantly. And while I can justify spending some amount of money on a draft as paying for a few hours of entertainment, that gets significantly more difficult to justify when packs are this expensive.

...admittedly though, I did buy half a box of Ultimate Masters, which was also far more than I expected to spend on that set. On the other hand, there were also a ton of cards in that set I wanted. I'm going to reserve judgment on 2XM until the full set is out, but the revealed cards don't catch my attention quite as much. Unfortunately, even if it ends up being super impressive, I'm probably still going to pass unless I can actually draft the set, which seems... unlikely in the current environment.

Still, should be a good source of singles, at least.