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Samut,Voice of Dissent

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 10:32 am
by Cjsaul0309
Sometimes you just want to turn big creatures sideways, this deck is built on the premise that you can do that the turn they enter. With Samut, Voice of Dissent giving other creatures haste you can cause your opponents into misreading your turn and watch them wrongly commit creatures as blockers only to show them the error of their ways with a large hasty creature. Samut's other ability however should not be overlooked as being able to re-use some abilities that require you to tap a creature can be extremely powerful for example Godsire being able to make 2 8/8 Beasts a turn is one way to build up a large army of big creatures quickly, another use is through the ability of Intrepid Hero allowing us to destroy two power 4 or greater creatures in the same turn cycle as well as allowing for leaving intrepid hero tapped to give the illusion that a creature is safe only to untap the hero to destroy it. One creature I plan on adding also works on this principle Mangara of Corondor, as this allows us to exile two permanents potentially the same turn you play Mangara. In order to use some of the better creatures in magic more effectively I have tried to include a larger amount of ramp in the deck than normal to allow for some extremely powerful creatures to enter extremely early. Also included is two Infect cards allowing the potential for some victories out of nowhere, equipping Grafted Exoskeleton onto samut allows for an instant kill if a player is unable to block, as well as that Triumph of the Hordes allows us to kill multiple players with the large creatures on the battlefield.

Instant // Sorcery

Approximate Total Cost: