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Non-2HG draft of Battlebond

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:41 pm
by Dunharrow
I got a box of Battlebond when it came out, but then I did an in-store 2HG draft and hated it. Games were very repetitive as the partner with mechanic ensured that you and your teammate had several tutors.
Drafting two cards at a time and drafting together also made this really monotonous in my opinion.

I was wondering if there were other good ways to do this?
Anyone ever try?

I was thinking:

1. You still have teams, but you draft 4 seats away from your teammate and don't know what they are drafting.
2. You do a normal draft, no teams
3. You draft together as a team, but only one card at a time

What do you think would match the set best?