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Sucker Punch!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 3:03 am
by Boros_Blendo
Does anyone have a sucker punch deck that they just love, and can span a free-for-all game? I have several, but one is probably my best sucker punch deck, which was the origin for my online handle. But first, story time! Blendo was the name of a robot Jamie Hyneman (of Mythbusters fame) entered into <edit> Robot Wars. It was basically a steel wok upside down on top of a heavy-duty lawnmower blade. No matter the direction you came at it, that blade would tear the heck out of anything in reach, so much so that it would send shrapnel into the audience, which was a big concern for the production crew. If you have not seen Jamie's Blendo robot in action, YouTube it, it's hilarious.

Anyway, so I built this to be a literal Blendo-in-Magic deck. Started as Boros colors, but ended up with a Jund color combination for greater staying power. It does not do anything that a lot of Blasphemous Act damage reflector decks don't, but I do sometimes stretch into extra innings because of the green and black working to bring it all back into play to do the act again...and again if necessary. The Act and damage reflectors is the lawnmower blade, the wok defense is the creatures that spit out tokens and damage reflectors that are out prior to playing the Act, and there is nothing here that doesn't have high synergy with everything else in the deck. Even the normally not-great Forbidden Orchard spreads the critters early to fuel how fast I get the Act into play and power critters like the Blood Artist and Hissing Iguanar. Those token creators love the Act and give me power and defense that survives the sweeper.

For the most part, if I get the Act early, one or more people die, and I have time to reassemble, and usually pretty quickly to finish the rest. If I don't get the act early, it's hunger games for me to try and outlast the assault, as my friends know very well what creatures are the harbingers of this deck. So, that's the way it goes sometimes. :rofl:

What sucker punch shenanigans do you play? Share here...thanks!


Approximate Total Cost:

Re: Sucker Punch!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 5:49 am
by Henlock
I used to play a Stormwild Capridor-centered deck on Arena that was probably the most similar to this I've ever played. I ran Brash Taunter and another red creature with a similar ability and a name I can't remember. I have to say I like your curve a lot.

I remember that at some point I was trying to brew a boros self-damage deck I never ended up building, one of the cards I remember choosing to run was Arcbond, which is a pretty nasty one.

Re: Sucker Punch!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 12:38 pm
by Boros_Blendo
I do something similar to your Stormwild Capridor trick in my r/g Crash and Burn deck. Vigor + Savage Twister pumps my entire field, when I can get that together. Of course, my friends see it coming, as Vigor is played in a number of group decks. But it's a …<ahem> blast when it works. :grin:

Re: Sucker Punch!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 4:39 pm
by Diz
I don't think I have a "sucker punch" Casual-60 deck; rather, I think that's more my speed for Legacy. :)

Re: Sucker Punch!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:56 pm
by Boros_Blendo
Diz wrote:
2 months ago
I don't think I have a "sucker punch" Casual-60 deck; rather, I think that's more my speed for Legacy. :)
I can see that. I read a couple of your Legacy primer placeholder posts. :evil: :rofl:

Re: Sucker Punch!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 3:29 am
by Diz
Boros_Blendo wrote:
2 months ago
Diz wrote:
2 months ago
I don't think I have a "sucker punch" Casual-60 deck; rather, I think that's more my speed for Legacy. :)
I can see that. I read a couple of your Legacy primer placeholder posts. :evil: :rofl:
Sneak & Breach
Oracle's Shift
BR Reanimator
Delver Shadow

These are my current Legacy decks!

Re: Sucker Punch!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:11 am
by Boros_Blendo
I play Delver in a mono-blue aggro as fast beaters. What do you do with them?

I'm assuming Sneak is Sneak Attack…what's the breach?