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Hylda - Tap Control

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2024 4:11 pm
by ISBPathfinder
Ok, I am a little concerned that this commander and playstyle is just absolutely miserable to play against. Having all your defenses turned down at instant speed or getting an army of attackers shut down is really..... kind of miserable. That said.... the evil little troll in me loves the idea of spamming 4/4s everywhere while disabling defenses and sending them in. There is also a LOT of creature wraths that would be one sided if I end of turn tap all creatures then untap and wrath the tapped ones.

Its commander centric as all hell too which is a little concerning. I want to protect the commander a bit because I do think she gets targeted by spot removal and I do think we can protect her but its gonna be a pain.

I am working on the lands section still but otherwise this is my rough outline for now.

Re: Hylda - Tap Control

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2024 4:21 pm
by Dunadain
I can confirm that Hylda is nasty.

It's not even so much the tapdown effects, she just spits out a lot of power quickly.

I think I'd go a little lighter on the one use only tap down effects. Realistically, how many tokens do you plan to get off of a Turnabout? You've already spent 4 mana just to cast the spell.