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how do you prepare for events?

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 10:45 pm
by motleyslayer
This is something I've been curious about lately, mostly because I've wanted to know what other people do and because I feel like I've been lacking in this area lately.

how does everyone prepare for events? Whether it be a prerelease, local level event or Grand Prix/Pro Tour level event. I wanna hear how you prepare. Let's get a discussion going to help each other learn if we've been missing on stuff that may help us.

I feel that preparing for tournaments is something I've traditionally struggled with due to mostly poor effort/not spending enough time getting ready. Usually before Covid I'd just play FNMs on regular basis and the occasional playtesting on Thursdays and Saturdays. I used to also keep a spreadsheet of my win rates vs decks in the meta but I got lazy and stopped doing that. However I feel that once I've started playing more online I've been able to get more playing in

what works for you?