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Golos: Superfriends

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 6:38 am
by Crazy Monkey
This is being posted for reference and recordkeeping.

This deck shares a manabase among four decks, listed here in intentionally descending power level. This is my take on superfriends, which has a subfocus of artifacts in order to better utilize the shared manabase. It's a fairly stereotypical walkers+board wipes list. I try to do everything via planeswalkers where-ever able. The commander doesn't really matter, so Golos is just the more often played option. I swap between these three if I want the deck to have slightly different playstyles.

General Goddstuff

Approximate Total Cost:

The inclusion of Bottled Cloister is entirely to keep my hand size at 0 to prevent all attacks with Ensnaring Bridge.