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Animar: Morphing Wizards

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 6:45 am
by Crazy Monkey
Animar, Soul of Elements reduces the costs of any creature cast: this includes casting creatures for morph cost. This means that once Animar has 3 counters, playing any number of morph creatures is free. The game plan for this deck is to use the battlefield as its hand for interaction via morph creatures. Eventually having 5-15 creatures in play allows for attacking with a lethal Animar and an unknown swarm.
Protecting this via paying for morph costs makes this extremely inefficient, so Animar allows these to maintain a reasonable mana cost. This was a somewhat common deck/interaction before the printing of Kadena Slinking Sorcerer. I didn't swap commanders because I wanted to retain my convoluted morph combo and the cost reduction on multiple spells is critical to my backup win condition.

A large fraction of the morph creatures in these colors are also wizards. This deck has 11 morph creatures that are also wizards and plays another 8 wizards. Most of the wizard support provides additional card draw, and some interaction. Additionally, because green is effective at drawing cards off of playing creatures (which are quickly free) I added Laboratory Maniac as a wizard and a backup win condition. The printing of Scroll of Fate makes it more viable to hide the lab man in a manifest, which previously relied on luck and either Whisperwood Elemental or Temur War Shaman. This allows Paradoxical Outcome to pull double duty: both as protection from board wipes and an enabler for huge amounts of card draw to enable a win.

Regarding and combos, this deck does run the "pickles lock" of Brine Elemental + Vesuvan Shapeshifter. However, the interaction that I prefer trying to assemble is instead infinite entering/morphing via a convoluted 8 card combo:
Weaver of Lies + Rattleclaw Mystic + another one + Pine Walker + Coral Trickster + Izzet Boilerworks/Simic Growth Chamber/Gruul Turf + Ixidor, Reality Sculptor + Temur Sabertooth.
Animorphs, secretly Wizards


Approximate Total Cost: