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Tasigur: Robocop in Politics

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 2:08 am
by Crazy Monkey
This is my take on a control deck built to play politics, led by Tasigur, the Golden Fang. The intention of this deck is to build and utilize political capital by playing as the law enforcement of the game. Keep your opponents from assembling what they need to win by talking their other opponents into giving back your control elements. As long as you have an informant, can always stop the crime.

The deck will eventually empty into the graveyard. This is to be expected, so there needs to be a way to prevent losing. The easy solution is to play laboratory maniac, but this would remove one source of the deck's ways to mitigate early game threats. The "campaign promise" of no dedicated win condition can prevent a surprising amount of initial aggression. The answer is to return cards in your graveyard to your library in time to draw them. I must admit that I stole the idea to use academy ruins and/or volrath's stronghold from DirkGently. The problem now is fueling those two lands without giving other players choices which could disrupt your life supporting engine. The answer is to play lands which are sacrifice outlets, such as phyrexia's core or high market, and the appropriate lands to recur: vault of whispers and dryad arbor respectively. These lands are recurable in other ways, so the synergy is rather robust. At this point the friendly neighborhood police office has become Robocop.

Eventually, as long as the crime rate keeps going down and you return more spells than you need to be the fun police, there won't be any non-lands remaining to give you. At this point, you have complete control of the city and set the rules. As this effectively make you a tyrant, the win condition from this point is looping spells and taxing the citizens to death via extort on Crypt Ghast. I added Turnabout despite it being partially off-theme to accelerate this portion of the win because by this point your opponents have sat through 2-4 hours on average and death would be a mercy.
Decklist by Category

Lands - Life Support for an Empty Library

Approximate Total Cost: