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The Church of Athreos

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 2:02 am
by Crazy Monkey
Welcome to the church of Athreos: a theme deck that is also a tribal deck. As the theme can be disrespectful to the beliefs of others, I'll put it in spoiler so that the decklist can be read without it.
The following is a parody of what I consider the worst excesses of a church when the leaders have perverted it from worship to profit and power. The theme is intended to embody the worst tendencies of a corrupted religious group in the deck build and playstyle. For the sake of argument, let's say it's the Orzhov church.

A note: this is not intended as a commentary on any current events or specific group(s) as the deck has existed since 2014. I'm posting it now as part of my record-keeping because I have the time to do so.

The worshipers at the church of Athreos are all identical in their uniform devotion, and are willing to sacrifice much because they believe in a second life after death. While the Deity tries to return their supposed followers to the path, the endless cycle of zealotry and attrition continues. The crusade to purge the non-believers cannot be stopped. No trace of their history will remain.

Believers can no longer remember the healing of their Deity and are doomed to be lead astray by those who would profit from their devotion. The cost of a life is disregarded while the tithes and lives alike are spent accumulating power.

The true leaders of this church would pay any price or sacrifice congregations to be god-king. No lesson is learned from failure except the need for retribution.

The playstyle of the deck is also intended to evoke the theme. Turns are somewhat repetitive at first: casting the same spells frequently to indoctrinate. When it comes time to sacrifice, the important part is that the Athreos, God of Passage triggers resolve first and then the tutor resolves. If your opponent pays the 18 life to prevent any return, you can threaten them with immense suffering. Knowing that this may happen usually means that you will slowly extort more and more concessions from your opponent. This is singular, because targeting a single opponent is advantageous for stage 2.

Eventually, your opponent is on their deathbed at 1 or 2 life, and then choice is an illusion. They are impoverished, and on life support, unable to pay that which they do not have. This is where the combo comes online to tax their next of kin. A steady stream of apostles visits them, showing the separation of body and spirit and they have no power to stop you. This generates infinite tokens and mana with some combination of Edgewalker or Phyrexian Altar. Win by transferring the outstanding Debt to the Deathless to the survivors.

Brief aside that can be interpreted as theme commentary: I didn't previously realize that the deck runs exactly 7 demons to potentially reference 7 sins, but now that I see it I don't want to change that count.
Brief aside 2: Mods, if this isn't acceptable per forum rules, please let me know and I'll remove it this theme section.
Brief aside 3: Reader, if you are offended by this theme, please let me know how you would like me to modify it to be more ambiguous. If instead you disagree with the concept of corruption existing in religious institutions, then we may need to agree to disagree.
Ok, edgy creative writing exercise on card selection over. All apologies, I'm an engineer not a writer.

The main card selection is based on a human/cleric tribal deck. I run 33 Shadowborn Apostle so that the probability of always rippling out most-all of them off Thrumming Stone is high. Plenty of sacrifice outlets because most opponents don't pay life for the apostles so that they can spend it on keeping other creatures dead instead. This helps fuel the deck. The only combo is looping clerics with sacrifice outlets when an opponent has less than 3 life, and cannot choose to pay to stop the combo. Otherwise the deck is a slow value engine that threatens to explode and win with a pile of 1/1s or tokens.

Honestly, Athreos and shadowborn apostles are a somewhat well known combination, so most of the deck is unsurprising. I try to keep mine distinct by staying on theme in build and in character when I play it.

The demon toolbox

Re: The Church of Athreos

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 7:27 am
by Card Slinger J
I had so much fun playing this deck though it's slightly altered from the original list that Josh Lee Kwai from the Command Zone on YouTube ran on Game Knights:

Magister of Worth is mainly in here for politics though Angel of Glory's Rise is just as good of a replacement If not better. Bolas's Citadel is one of the win cons in this build and can be quite effective too. Eventually I changed this deck to a build less reliant on Shadowborn Apostle for a friend of mine who was getting tired of the deck playing itself over and over again.

Hope that helps and good luck!

Re: The Church of Athreos

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 2:58 am
by Outcryqq
Smothering Tithe seems like a thematic card, and very effective to boot.

Re: The Church of Athreos

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 5:16 pm
by Crazy Monkey
Of the cards suggested, I think the most likely ones to get tested are Smothering Tithe and Martyr's Bond. Those are rather on-theme and either ramp me or replicate an existing good effect. Based on my current curve, I do only run 35 lands with minimal ramp, so increasing the CMC will be a bit painful. Tithe is more likely to get tested on CMC alone.

I want to like some of the demons in that decklist, but they seem somewhat situational for my build and playstyle. I usually hold my sacrifice up as a response during my opponents turns as a means of interaction and imposing my will on the board state. This is why I don't play so many proactive demons that would be best before other this occur.
  • Ob Nixilis, Unshackled can't trigger on a search effect if I respond with apostles, so it has to be in play proactively. While this may be viable as the first search when I have not needed to respond to an opponent, I usually prefer Rune-Scarred Demon to get Edgewalker so that I can rebuild and have another search online.
  • Harvester of Souls is good card advantage, and another option to search out proactively on my part. It would generate massive card advantage as a search in the mid-game. However, I think the tutors in the toolbox are more powerful than raw cards in most games and this competes with the edgewalker play above.
  • Archfiend of Spite only seems good to me against voltron, where it's basically a Deflecting Palm as a blocker. I don't encounter this often enough for it to be a common target.
  • Eater of Hope is an interesting, potentially repeatable removal option, and could replace Kuro, Pitlord. In most board states except the early game, there should be plentiful fodder for sacrifice. My hesitancy is that the earliest that I can field 6 apsotles + athreos + b ready is turn 4, which is around the earliest that combo decks can go off in my playgroup. Kuro far outshines eater of hope in breaking up creature based combos through removal/interaction. It's at least 1 turn faster for interaction because he only requires life, not creatures and mana. If I instead compare Eater of Hope to Overseer of the Damned, this trades repeatable removal vs single target removal for some extended combo potential as I mentioned in the OP. This could also be a swap, but I'm still held back be the costs here. I don't think that I'll test it.
Thank you for the feedback.