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Monarch Highlander

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 1:42 pm
by freelunch
I was talking with my fiancee last night about running EDH games where the last player starts with the Monarch. This lead me to wonder, does anyone over at MTGNexus run this variant with their groups? Do you find that it enhances your games, or do you believe the card advantage given to the last player is too much? Have you found games to include more combat maneuvers while players vie for who can control "The Hat"?

We haven't had an opportunity to try this variant yet in our playgroup (yay, global pandemics!), but I wanted to see how others have handled the variant and if there were any gotchya's we should look out for.


Re: Monarch Highlander

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 1:04 pm
by Treamayne
I have neither heard of, nor tried this variant. However, one thing I can think of off the top of my head is:

When is the object created in the command zone?

If the game starts with the last player having the "Monarch" object; then expect the meta to warp into including more "haste"y one-drops so that players can "steal" it on the first turn before the last player can benefit from the draw. Having the monarch object be created during the upkeep of the last player's first turn should help mitigate that, since the object doesn't exist to be stolen until the last player has benefitted at least once from the effect. Games could still warp to include more early agro, but that might not be a bad thing. Beware, however, if that aggro is more focused on the Generals. Example: If an Isamaru Voltron can get the jolt it needs with dropping its General turn one, taking the monarch turn two and powering through on the draw W needs; then the meta may warp power levels (if it is more casual) or slew in a direction that group doesn't enjoy (There is a chance this is a direction the group could wholeheartedly enjoy, too. In that case, run with it).

Just wanted to point out the consideration(s) that came to mind so your group can discuss before/while testing the idea.

Re: Monarch Highlander

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 7:40 pm
by Mimicvat
I've played multiple monarch games. Encourages aggressive play and helps punish sit back and durdle decks. Also helps the aggressive (aka "bad") colours for card advantage.

Overall made the game way better, at least for us. We play at the high end of casual - not many combos, no stax, but decks are tuned and pricy and not battlecruiser meta stuff.

Re: Monarch Highlander

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:44 pm
by freelunch
Treamayne wrote:
4 years ago
When is the object created in the command zone?
That's a good question and a really good concern you've brought up! I think it would have to be created either at the beginning or end of the last player's turn (beginning of their upkeep or end step specifically). There's a strange interaction where, if the object is created at the beginning of the end step, the last player could ramp into Sundial of the Infinite and end the turn before the object is created. I'm not sure why anyone would want to do that, except to deny the Monarch from everyone else in the game (which could be relevant). However, this interaction would be so rare I'm not sure if its worth considering.