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low-powered Siona (shuffleless)

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 1:10 pm
by folding_music
Not a primer! Just a list full of my pet cards, all collected in paper. Looks like such a sweet list of auras, beautifully laid out on the table, takes a hundred turns to do anything. Oh well. The thing I dread most is that I either need to add tutors or remove Wild Growths and both those things basically go against my code of ethical card gaming xP

I'm trading for a Season of Growth and an olde Titania's Song which both look really powerful, the former as a natural part of what Siona wants to do and the latter because it makes me laugh when accelerants become 2/2s for 2 with no abilities. Song of the Dryads and Temple Garden are things I'm still convincing myself to buy.
blah blah blah
I think this needs more removal, especially if it casts off a single plains, cos you usually end up with a single plains hanging after casting a bunch of auras, but primarily this needs more of a plan; I don't wanna combo out or tutor for anything but rather create a deck where more of the cards do something to defend me either by themselves or with Siona. Not interested in fetch lands, actually trying to run no cards at all which shuffle the deck. Just want more business. I'd rather run decent enchantment-based removal than prison stuff. Just want more ways to become a threat! I'd say this deck is barely trying to win at all, I just want it to look like I'm participating.

stuff I've taken out for being miserable in one way or another:
Enlightened Tutor, Sterling Grove, Idylic Tutor: staple tutors rob the game of relaxing down-time (I realise this is partially why competitive players like them, giggle)
Root Maze, Island Sanctuary, Arboria and Solitary Confinement: worried that I might have to put these back in, since if my plan is to stall and card draw my way towards cards which do things, then being able to stay alive during that process might help. but they're tedious cards in a way, and Arboria turned out to be better in a flash deck than this.
Siona of the Woods

a stupid artifact:

Approximate Total Cost:

Re: low-powered Siona (shuffleless)

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 4:09 pm
by folding_music
PS, it's not a straight 50/50 manabase, green is predominant cos there's a number of cards which require or count Forests. Makes me think Blanchwood Armor should be in? and I bet I only left it out cos I didn't have an original Urza's Saga version, hee. So if you're wondering why this doesn't have Coronet or Auramancer's Guise then it's because I wasn't expecting to have two white mana anywhere near the beginning of the game!

that doesn't explain why I removed the Rabid Wombat but I think it was because I was trying to play cards which weren't 0/1 for four mana =P

Re: low-powered Siona (shuffleless)

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:44 am
by folding_music
-1 Abundance
-1 Plains
-1 Frog Tongue
-1 Hidden Spider

+1 Song of the Dryad
+1 Temple Garden
+1 Season of Growth
+1 Wellspring

dunno, I think I still am trying to use too many different approaches. but as a stack of cards I love looking at in terms of art and in terms of pleasing CMCs and weirdo picks it's the best deck yet. Noticed that Frog Tongue and Hidden Spider weren't really even worth one mana in terms of what they usually did, IE, provide ability-less reach creatures.

The main thing bugging me now is that a lot of my auras do not target creatures which makes me feel that instead of Siona, maybe I should play something that can be a finisher? I love the version of Sigarda that protects you and your humans (enchantresses tend to be humans, plus Shepherd of the Flock is basically my fave card and Sigarda watches over him too) plus she is actually a big flying creature which I'd kinda love to have access to. Does anyone know if Sigarda, Heron's Grace is a popular enchantress deck? Then again I'd have to add a lot more mana to be able to cast her and I like this deck better being full of low CMC stuff so basically I am stuck. \o/