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What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:12 pm
by Outcryqq
Hey all! Every time a new set comes out, my commander group talks about what cards we're going to get from the new set. Commander 2020 and Ikoria were spoiled around the same time and are supposed to release at the same time.

So what cards from Commander 2020 and Ikoria are you excited for? What's making it straight into your decks or what are you going to test?

For me, the following interest me:

Commander 2020

Nikara, Lair Scavenger (Atraxa counters)
Yannik, Scavenging Sentinel (Atraxa counters)
Xyris, the Writhing Storm (new deck)
Call the Coppercoats (Marath tokens)
Dismantling Wave (multiple decks)
All 5 free-with-commander spells (multiple decks)
Tidal Barracuda (Thassa sea monsters)
Netherborn Altar (multiple decks)
Species Specialist (multiple decks)
Agitator Ant (Xancha)
Molten Echoes (Grenzo goblins)
Surly Badgersaur (Bolas discard)


Farfinder (multiple decks)
Drannith Magistrate (modern hatebear SB)
Luminous Broodmoth (not sure yet)
Escape Protocol (Zur cycling)
Neutralize (Zur cycling)
Ominous Seas (Thassa sea monsters)
Shark Typhoon (Thassa sea monsters)
Voracious Greatshark (Thassa sea monsters)
Extinction Event (multiple decks)
Colossification (Ayula bears)
Migration Path (multiple decks)
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy (Thrasios Vial Smasher)
Primal Empathy (Atraxa counters)
Ruinous Ultimatum (not sure yet)
Skull Prophet (Gitrog)
Titans' Nest (Kadena)
Fiend Artisan (multiple decks, love this card)
Jegantha, the Wellspring (5c tribal)
Keruga, the Macrosage (Thrasios Vial Smasher)
Obosh, the Preypiercer (Xancha)
Yorion, Sky Nomad (Roon)
The Ozolith (Atraxa counters)
Bonders' Enclave (multiple decks)
5 triome lands (anywhere they'll fit)
Cycling rocks (multiple decks)

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:38 pm
by Mookie
Definitely some interesting cards in the new set. I'm contemplating building a Tayam, Luminous Enigma deck, which will want a fair number of the new cards. Other than that, lots of cards I either definitely want to include, or I am just considering and may test.

Ikoria (definitely) Ikoria (maybe) C20 (definitely) C20 (maybe) Teysa gets the most from the set due to the BW Humans theme, Sharuum gets effectively nothing due to lack of artifacts.

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:42 pm
by pokken
Not all that much. It's kind of a timmy set. I'll play some of the free spells and probably rampant hawk in a few decks. Not really any of the commanders sticking out at me that much except Yorion, who has a lot of overlap with stuff I already do.

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:44 pm
by FoxOfWar
Even with keeping to my usual 'new cards only go to one deck'... I'm going to use lot. There's a lot of sweet stuff, in the commander decks in particular.

Not to mention also making two new decks: Tayam, Luminous Enigma Saga/Curse grave-enchantress, and taking a 'I am a humanitarian' approach to Trynn, Champion of Freedom and Silvar, Devourer of the Free. The former has almost nothing from the set, but the latter is probably closest to 'take the precon and tinker it to be decent' I've ever done.

Also revamped my Boros into Basandra, Battle Seraph and Zirda, the Dawnwaker thing, we'll see how that goes.

Other than those... a fair amount of cards across most of my decks, though haven't made a list yet. Although I won't likely use a lot of the mutate cards, feels still a bit all-or-nothing mechanic to me.

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:18 pm
by Rorseph
I think Ominous Seas might make it into my Thassa deck, but that's about it. Maybe some of the free-with-commander spells might make it into my decks, but I'm worried they're going to be more money than they're worth to me.

Overall, Ikoria doesn't really do it for me for constructed, but I am very much looking to playing Limited with it.

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:13 pm
by Sanity_Eclipse
I'm fairly lukewarm on both Ikoria and C20, honestly. That being said, I'm considering getting all five C20 decks just so I have all the new cards, ya know? Really only considering Xyris out of the bunch as a new deck. Maybe some new things get added to decks, haven't made much of a list of that yet.

Ikoria I'm definitely cold to lukewarm on. Didn't grow up with Kaiju monster movies or comic books. Mainly gonna grab utility pieces (Magistrate hate bear, cycling mana rocks / Triomes, etc).

Side note, I do appreciate how the humans have a bit of an Attack on Titan vibe going on this release.

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:37 pm
by Serenade
I think the "humans murdering animals" thing in Ikoria and the sellout feels of the Godzilla stuff turned me off to both products.

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:53 pm
by BaronCappuccino
I really wanted to tweak my deck to add a Companion to it, but it's not really feasible without coming up with a whole new deck- losing all the even CMC cards for Obosh. The only other cards I might get later but don't want now are the free spells.

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:17 am
by DirkGently

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:31 am
by UnfulfilledDesires

Fierce Guardianship—This new hotness probably goes in a number of my more competitive lists: Najeela, the Blade-Blossom, Elsha of the Infinite, Aminatou, the Fateshifter, Kalamax, the Stormsire, Will Kenrith & Rowan Kenrith, Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder, & Tasigur, the Golden Fang (if I keep that deck).

Deflecting Swat—I plan to run this in Kalamax & Korvold, Fae-Cursed King.

Twinning Staff—For the Kalamax deck I'm building.

Call the CoppercoatsHazezon Tamar wants this.

Gavi, Nest Warden—Gavi joins my Jodah, Archmage Eternal cycling deck.

Bonder's Ornament—At least the Tor Wauki deck I'm building as part of a Legends ten-part set wants this.

Nesting Grounds—My Reyhan, Last of the Abzan & Ravos, Soultender deck could use this. Oh, wait. This works on Sagas. Fascinating. I might have other homes for this card.

Verge Rangers—Perhaps this would be worthwhile in my Feather, the Redeemed deck.

Tidal Barracuda—For a Phelddagriff deck built around Dream Halls I'm developing.

Those are the ones that immediately stand out. I imagine I'll find spots for various other new cards.


Kaheera, the Orphanguard—My semicompetitive Estrid, the Masked deck curiously meets the companion criteria by being creatureless. Kaheera will help out as an emergency blocker, as something to tap to Earthcraft, & even as a potential wincon during a Stasis lock.

Lurrus of the Dream-Den—This pretty kitty has persuaded me to build Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim in place of Selenia, Dark Angel. I'm stoked about casting Serenity over & over from the yard.

Zirda, the Dawnwaker—A few tweaks to my Breya, Etherium Shaper cEDH(ish) list let this fiery fox join her for the Grim Monolith combo & other shenanigans.

Umori, the Collector—I intend to adjust my Golos, Tireless Pilgrim deck to all artifacts in order to enable Umori.

Jegantha, the WellspringNiv-Mizzet Reborn can qualify without too much trouble.

Keruga, the Macrosage—I'm brewing a Phelddagrif deck around this card & Dream Halls.

Obosh, the Preypiercer—Starting with access to Obosh will give Tor Wauki a much-needed boost, though the restriction is quite tough.

Gyruda, Doom of Depths—Similar to the above, Gyruda will be Ramses Overdark's companion.

Titanoth Rex—This & so many other cycling cards from Ikoria go in that aforementioned Jodah deck. It's secondary Living Death plan of receives a major upgrade by more big creatures with cycling. I won't go through all the cycling cards individually to avoid tedium.

Migration Path—This goes in at least Zacama, Primal Calamity in addition to in Jodah.

Shark Typhoon—Here we have another surprising boon for my Estrid list. Even with Humility, this constitutes a potential wincon for a deck full of noncreature spells. It almost goes infinite with Earthcraft & Enchantress's Presence. Cycling conveniently places it in the graveyard for Replenish or Estrid's ult to cheat into play.

General Kudro of DrannithSaskia the Unyielding wants Kudro for the deck's legends-matter theme.

Drannith Magistrate—I need a copy to put in my cEDH Heliod, Sun-Crowned & my try-hard Asmira, Holy Avenger lists if nothing else.

The Ozolith—My Reyhan, Last of the Abzan & Ravos, Soultender deck would benefit from this funky rock since it stacks with Reyhan's trigger for double counters.

Colossification—I'm going to try this in a Jasmine Boreal deck I'm working on as part of that Legends set. It seems fun with Sigarda's Aid.

Chevill, Bane of Monsters—For the Saskia legends-matter deck mentioned above. Cheap legendary creatures with the potential to draw cards are great for Heroes' Podium.

Eerie Ultimatum—My Reyhan & Ravos deck may want this.

Song of Creation—I'm mesmerized by the art & flavor here. I want to try it somewhere. Currently I'm planning to test in Yidris.

Triomes—I'll pick a number of these if they're not too expensive. That Jodah cycling deck absolutely needs them.

Ruinous Ultimatum—I'm considering this for a Queen Marchesa deck I'm developing.

As before, I'm sure I'm missing a few.

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:30 am
by cheonice
This is the first time since the first Planeswalker Commanders that I consider buying a precon rather than the singles. Symbiotic Swarm offers like 15 cards that fit my playstyle and that I don't own or need extra copies of.
So Yannik, Scavenging Sentinel and Nikara, Lair Scavenger will be my take on the "+1/+1-counter" theme.

The next deck I'm planning to build is Kalamax, the Stormsire feat. Berserk. A spellslinging Voltron sounds like a neat idea.

Kalamax, the Stormsire wants Ephara, God of the Polis wants Selvala, Explorer Returned Gonti, Lord of Luxury wants Other than the free spells, the triomes and the mentioned cards C20and Ikoria don't not offer a lot for me. I really like the flavour and some of the ideas though.

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:57 am
by folding_music
feel like the "If you control a commander" cards are too powerful for me to want them? I look at them and groan

Manascape Refractor for my achingly slow red-white deck which runs every maze and creature token generating land i can think of
Shark Typhoon for a silly Rasputin deck, which probably also wants some of the cards that cycle for one
Light of Hope just to have it, what a card

beyond that we'll see! That's not a criticism of the set at all cos the Refractor feels like it was printed for me

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:44 am
by Myllior
Drannith Magistrate - Straight into Derevi, right where it belongs.

Fierce Guardianship - Only a single copy for Kefnet, since Voltron needs all the help it can get. If the price goes down drastically after release then I'll pick up copies for the rest of my decks.

Dismantling Wave/Luminous Broodmoth/Yorion, Sky Nomad - Roon would like an upgrade to Manglehorn, has only a handful of fliers and likes to blink, so in these three go.

Jegantha, the Wellspring - Sisay will appreciate a Faeburrow Elder that always taps for wubrg. Jegantha will be part of the 99, rather than a companion.

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:48 pm
by if4ko
Netherborn Altar, Serrated Scorpion, The Ozolith, Deadly Rollick - Shirei. I have a small -1/-1 counter subtheme in my Shirei deck. Ozolith becomes "at the beginning of combat, target creature gets -X/-X", Netherborn Altar helps with commander tax, and Scorpion is just a good value card.

Aside from that, I think I might build Estrid, the Masked shark tribal. As someone who plays both sides of the format, I've decided to cope with the lack of a Flash ban by building a casual FlashRector deck. Cheating out Shark Typhoon Turn 1 sounds funny.

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:57 pm
by Outcryqq
Mookie wrote:
4 years ago
I like your list! I really like quite a few of the ultimatums, and I might run more. I like Emergent Ultimatum, Eerie Ultimatum, and Ruinous Ultimatum, but don't really have spots for them right now - my Jodah, the Archmage is currently tribal flavor text, and Emergent regrettably doesn't have any. I don't have a deck to run Song of Creation, but I think the card is really good. I skipped over Parcelbeast, but he's great and I'd like to have a deck that goes into mutate. I think Cartographer's Hawk is really strong too, but I don't currently have a mono white list together, and that's where I'd run it. I keep looking at Manascape Refractor and still am not sold, but maybe I'll reconsider.
FoxOfWar wrote:
4 years ago
Also revamped my Boros into Basandra, Battle Seraph and Zirda, the Dawnwaker thing, we'll see how that goes.
I forgot Zirda, the Dawnwaker! Great card, will probably make it into the 99 of my sliver deck.
UnfulfilledDesires wrote:
4 years ago
Gavi, Nest Warden—Gavi joins my Jodah, Archmage Eternal cycling deck.
I like your list too! I really like Gavi, Nest Warden, but I have two problems: the first is that I already have a powerful cycling deck with Zur the Enchanter, and haven't decided if I want to ditch black for red, but also a buddy of mine in my group wants to build Gavi.
folding_music wrote:
4 years ago
Light of Hope just to have it, what a card
I forgot Light of Hope - really amazing card. Not sure where I'll run it yet, but definitely somewhere!
Myllior wrote:
4 years ago
Jegantha, the Wellspring - Sisay will appreciate a Faeburrow Elder that always taps for wubrg. Jegantha will be part of the 99, rather than a companion.
Are you able to use Jegantha, the Wellspring in your Sisay deck? Is it 5c? Edit: I'm a dummy and forgot about the newer 5c Sisay. Looks really fun!
if4ko wrote:
4 years ago
Serrated Scorpion
I forgot about Serrated Scorpion. You're right, such a heavy hitter for that CMC!

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:40 pm
by UnNamed1
Realistically I won't even buy a box of this set. Drannith Magistrate and Verge Rangers are the only two cards the really interest me. I might pick up a copy of the free blue counterspell but I already run so many, it will probably just go into a lower powered deck.

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:00 pm
by bobthefunny
Linden - Mono W aggro tokens
(new!) Eutropia
(new!) Mono-U Sea Creatures
Pirates (rebuild)
(new to come) RB Chainer
Other cards I like: Plus pretty much all legendary creatures and the triomes. I also adore the alt art triomes and mutators.

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:32 pm
by Airi
Probably the biggest thing is Otrimi, the Ever-Playful (+ all of the relevant mutate cards) and Tayam, Luminous Enigam, so far. As well as the ultimatums. To be honest, there's just a lot of big dumb timmy things in the set, and some really gorgeous artwork, and I love it. :love:

I may also look at building one or two of the companions as generals, as I particularly like Yorion, Sky Nomad, Zirda, the Dawnwaker, and Kaheera, the Orphanguard. They're super cute. Really, a lot of the legends, particularly the nightmares, are adorable. At the very least, I want to find spots in the 99 for those three in some deck or other. :)

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:18 pm
by toctheyounger
There's not much here that really grabs me to be honest. I was hoping for some cool stuff, but my wallet gets a bit of respite this set.

Bruna gets Drannith Magistrate and maybe Bonder's Enclave.

That's pretty much it, other than the commonly better stuff like Heartless Act which is kind of a solid upgrade to any black/x removal suite.

I was thinking of a new deck, but nothing really calls to me. Nethroi, Apex of Death is cool, but it's too obviously gross and I can't see enjoying the deck for long. Some of the other mutate generals are cool, but I'm gonna see what happens with prices before I shell any coin out for them.

Other than that, maybe the tricycle lands in places.

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:21 am
by ZenN
The new triome lands will go into some decks.

I want a Bastion of Remembrance for my Korvold deck, and possibly a Fiend Artisan, because that seems sweet.

Maybe a Genesis Ultimatum for my Wanderer deck.

If I ever build a Mardu deck again, Mythos of Snapdax will 100% be in it, and probably also Offspring's Revenge, because that card is insane.

Whirlwind of Thought is good enough to make me reconsider doing a Kykar, Wind's Fury list that I tinkered with when it first got spoiled.

Species Specialist goes straight into Najeela, the Blade-Blossom if I end up deciding to keep that deck around.

The "free if you control a commander" spells are all possible candidates at some point or another.

I think that's probably about it.

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 4:03 am
by RedCheese

The Triomes : Solid lands, doesn't hurt to add them.

Eerie Ultimatum : Really like this card, definitly a must have in my future of Abzan deck (still undecided which commander)

Nethroi, Apex of Death : Awesome card and a potential commander choice as an aritocrats leading commander.

Yorion, Sky Nomad : Easy include in my Brago deck

Rielle, the Everwise : Very unique card, testing her in my Nicol Bolas Wheels deck.

Zirda, the Dawnwaker : Powerfull abvility, and probably an include in my possible future jeskai cycle deck. possible because i have Pamikron deck currently.

Gyruda, Doom of Depths : Cool card, possibly an include in my Taigam reanimator deck.

Illuna, Apex of Wishes : Interesting card that i want to try in my Wanderer deck

Emergent Ultimatum : VERY powerfull card. Definitly will find a place in my Yarock deck.

Ruinous Ultimatum : YES, COME! Tymna and Vilasmasher welcome you new staple

Fiend Artisan : Please drop in price because Jarad needs you.

Death's Oasis : Maybe a try in my future abzan deck

Song of Creation : Crazy card, might be too risky in my Wanderer deck, but a worth try because of its potential.

Reconnaissance Mission : Hmmmm cheaper coastal piracy willl definitly something ill pick, but no current deck has a place for it tough.

Mythos of Nethroi : Must have removal in Abzan deck

Drannith Magistrate : Because im evil. Probably in my Heliod deck

The Ozolith : Sutch an unique card that is a must have for counter deck. Don't have a deck for it tough(Probably Abzan deck)

Migration Path : Replacing my explosive vegetation with this.

Luminous Broodmoth : So powerful, will definitly find a place for it.

Bonder's Enclave : Land for Thraxios deck definitly

Mythos of Illuna : Ohhh my, quite powerfull, trying in Wanderer.

Titan's Nest : This seems spicy, testing on Yarock

Whirlwind of Thought : Love me some drawing cards

Bastion of Rememberance : Have a mono black aristocrats so yeah, get in.

Genesis Ultimatium : Another try for Wanderer

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 2:59 am
by Cyberium
No one mentioned Haldan, Avid Arcanist/Pako, Arcane Retriever, I'm surprised. I used to have a Intet, the Dreamer deck, so I'm gonna try to incorporate a new version that could utilize the good doggie and Illuna together. I'm all for stealing cards from opponents.

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 4:03 pm
by Hawk
For new decks, I'm at least a little interested in trying out Kalamax, the Stormsire, Zaxara, the Exemplary, and some sort of Cycling deck (can't decide on if I'd be using Gavi, Nest Warden, the shark partners, or pivoting the deck to a four or five color list).

In Color Wheel Order for my current crop:

Sai, Master Thopterist: Probably nothing. Nothing new at least. As a monoblue and silver midrange beatdown deck, a block full of Battlecruisers and Wedge powerups has not much to offer. For reprints, I'd be thrilled to add Arcane Signet and Scavenger Grounds to the deck but Sai is like 6th in line among my decks and probably 10th in line for my wife and I's collection so he can keep dreaming. Ditto testing out Bonder's Enclave which I'm sure would be fine but not great in Sai and amazing elsewhere. COMPANION CHECK: N/A

Daretti, Scrap Savant: I thought everything above would be true here, as Daretti is the Artifact Control deck to Sai's artifact aggro deck, but Red actually got some goodies here. Surly Badgersaur looks spicy for this deck - discarding lands to gain Treasure is particularly awesome but the other triggers are far from useless. Also digging Deflecting Swat - I've started finding Wild Ricochet a bit clunky and would love to upgrade to Swat instead. Lavabrink Floodgates is also interesting for sure; I wouldn't run a 4-mana rock that only made two (for instance the deck obviously runs Thran Dynamo, but doesn't bother with Hedron Archive, Firemind Vessel, or even Nyx Lotus), and I wouldn't run weird political boardwipe on 4 CMC either - but adding them together on the same card and making it one I can recur over and over with Daretti is at least worth testing. It breaks my heart to see a new mono-red walker and have him be unplayable for my deck but still some exciting stuff. COMPANION CHECK: N/A

Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow: As one of my least played and most hated decks, Yuriko will have a tough time arguing for any copies of Fierce Guardianship or Deadly Rollick (or the reprinted Arcane Signet) we obtain but man does she want them sooooo bad. I've also done the math to see that Heartless Act is likely an upgrade to Go for the Throat or some other removal spell. Unsurprisingly, not a lot else appeals - ironically I'd be more inclined to run Avian Oddity if it was also a billionty mana like Green and Black's members of this cycle, but here it feels like both modes are just too bad to play and the CMC isn't enticing enough to lure me into running it to dome people. COMPANION CHECK: Nope. The idea of dropping all my 1s and emphasizing 0s to get my ninjas is amusing but ultimately feels suicidal. Even if I could, Yuriko fails the test for Gyruda, Doom of Depths - I only ever pay two for her, but that isn't what the Demon Kraken asks.

The Gitrog Monster: Boneyard Mycodrax is an amazing card and easily replaces Graveblade Marauder; while it is dead on turn 3 sometimes in a way marauder isn't, the Scavenge ability is a spicy way to win the endgame which is something my list occasionally sputters and struggles with. Ditto Fiend Artisan which will replace either Liliana's Elite or Boneyard Wurm if I can acquire one - it's near-strictly better than both in this deck, with similar power but also the ability to randomly Green Sun's Birthing Pod out key toolbox cards. It may be too crazy to add, honestly - I can't handle that kind of tutoring power usually and use it to drag games to a halt. This deck probably makes the best claim to Bonder's Enclave as it would love to move to even more lands - 44 just doesn't feel like enough. Those are the windmill slam obvious adds but I'm at least vaguely interested in Skull Prophet, Heartless Act, Deadly Rollick, and Daring Fiendbonder. All in all a great set for the Great Frog Monster, almost enough to ameliorate my salt and rage at having a cycling block and not getting a bicycle land :anxious: COMPANION CHECK: Nope. I think I could cut almost every noncreature, nonland card from the deck and feel okay for Umori, the Collector - I'm already sitting at like 85 creatures + lands - but the deck simply falls apart without Life from the Loam. It's the single best card in my 99 and I've avoided running Entomb and Gravebreaker Lamia specifically to stop myself from nabbing it every game; to cut it would be to cut the heart from the build.

Vorel of the Hull Clade: This just in: water is wet, the sun is hot, and Fierce Guardianship is amazing. Of my decks Vorel probably makes the best claim - the deck is mana-greedy, needs ways to protect itself from being blown out by boardwipes, and usually has the commander on the table, but I suspect we'll only acquire one and it will go to the wife's Faeries or Merfolk. Outside of that, Slippery Bogbonder is the only card really on my radar to be honest, and even that's a bit of a stretch. Granting Hexproof + pulling counters at instant speed is for sure interesting, especially in how it interacts with Doubling Season and/or Primal Vigor. But four mana is a lot and the deck's four-slot is already really crowded with all-stars like Forgotten Ancient, Master Biomancer, Renata, Called to the Hunt, Spike Weaver, and Fathom Mage all of which feel crucial and better. I'm not running Mystic Snake or Frilled Mystic currently, and arguably either of them are a more reliable way to protect my board than Bogbonder. Tidal Barracuda faces a similar barrier to entry; flash is great and I've loved every game I've landed Vivien, Champion of the Wilds, but that 4-slot is packed and arguably Yeva, Nature's Herald is a better fit if I wanted another "Flash it all" enabler. I would also be open to testing Primal Empathy, but currently this deck's problem is not that it struggles to keep snowballing; it is that it struggles to recover from blowouts, something I'm not sure Empathy helps with. Disappointingly nothing else gets me too excited - the deck's mana is greedy enough that colorless lands are a hard sell, and I'm not convinced Nesting Grounds or Bonder's Enclave do enough to justify it. Mutate is on-point for Simic, but also feels like it'd constitute a major realtool of the deck for minimal power gains. COMPANION WATCH: No thanks. Keruga, the Macrosage is a mediocre payoff that doesn't justify cutting all my crucial 2 CMC ramp. Yeah, I'm aware I can "cheat" that problem with stuff like Search for Tomorrow but it would still feel bad (and cut a lot of the deck's power) to lose stuff like Sol Ring, Gyre Sage, and Incubation Druid.

Sevinne the Chronoclasm: Despite being a Flashback deck and this year rewarding Cycling, there are so many great goodies for Jeskai that Sevinne has plenty to look forward to. The first and most obvious inclusion is Twinning Staff - this card is so exciting for Sevinne that I can't handle it. Whirlwind of Thought is also pretty darn crazy obviously; for flavor and style I don't know if it replaces Secrets of the Dead or River Kelpie but it probably should as it triggers off of all casting and not just flashback. Of course I badly want Raugrin Triome. A fetchable triland would fix this deck's occasional color woes, and the cycling is still very relevant as it means this can be pitched if I'm flooded and then recurred later with Sun Titan or Sevinne's Reclamation, further ensuring those cards can help "ramp". For that same reason I may test out Raugrin Crystal in addition to or instead of Commander's Sphere. Those are the cards I'd snap add to the list - but wait there's more! This is the first deck with blue in its identity that doesn't necessarily windmill slam Fierce Guardianship - I don't always have Sevinne out and it isn't 110% better than Negate as a result, but I'd definitely love to try it. The other free spells are less exciting - Sevinne is already 50% indestructible and redirecting a spell is less interesting than copying, countering, or stealing it. I'd also be curious to test out the partners (Brallin, Skyshark Rider and Shabraz, the Skyshark) and Rielle, the Everwise as I have a lot of looting in my list, and Vadrok, Apex of Thunder, Surly Badgersaur, and Channeled Force also look pretty cute. COMPANION WATCH: Sevinne fails the test that both Zirda, the Dawnwaker and Yorion, Sky Nomad set, and is a good "exhibit B" for why Lutri, the Spellchaser got autobanned.

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 4:47 am
by Jace
Sea-Dasher Octopus
Ominous Seas

For my Thrasios sea creatures deck.

And of course I'll need a Kraken token from the set as well. Frankly two cards is impressive to be added to this deck, which is limited in room. I tend to be highly selective at this point, so I'm very pleased with these additions and the fact I'm making room for them is a sign of my approval. I never expected to admire a single card from this set and now I'm adding two to my favorite deck.

I'll pick up an Archipelagore just in case but I doubt I will include it.

I didn't know so many people played Mono-U sea creatures! My deck used to be Thassa and mono-U but Arixmethes forced it into Simic. I figured most became Simic at that point. I'd have loved to keep Thassa as the commander but had to adapt to UG. I do admire the addition of green though.

Re: What is going in your decks from C20 and Ikoria?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 11:20 am
by Outcryqq
Jace wrote:
4 years ago
I didn't know so many people played Mono-U sea creatures! My deck used to be Thassa and mono-U but Arixmethes forced it into Simic. I figured most became Simic at that point. I'd have loved to keep Thassa as the commander but had to adapt to UG. I do admire the addition of green though.
I'm still rocking mono blue. Simic looks fun, but I also really have wanted to play dimir.