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Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:25 am
by Kyodai
I'm having trouble thinning out my K'rrik mono black deck ( ). Basic theory is make sacrificial critters, sacrifice them for value (mana, card draw, +life for me, -life from opponents) and a healthy helping of graveyard shenanigans. I'm not looking to add anything at this point as I own everything on the list. Sideboard has stuff that I've already cut, but have no problem putting back in if I have overlooked something.

I always have trouble with this type of stuff. As I can't go to my LGS and consult the wonderful people there, I have come to you. Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi's

Re: Help-Wanted

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 5:06 pm
by pokken
Hey fellow deckbox user :) 15 is a lot of cuts! oof. It's really hard with mono black decks because there're so many goodstuffy cards in black.

Here's my list of questionables and comments:

I think your land count is a hair low even with KRRIK. I'd like to see 2 more swamps int his deck or 1 swamp and a expedition map.

Re: Help-Wanted

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 5:53 am
by Kyodai
rain of filth - gone
staff of the death magus - gone
breeding pit - gone
ill-gotten inheritance - gone
ob nixilis reignited - reluctantly gone :?
mortuary - gone - would Haunted Crossroads be better? or is Phyrexian Reclamation all I really need? :thinking:
corrupt - gone -
demon's horn - gone
bloodsoaked altar - gone
syphon soul - gone
aid the fallen - gone
syndicate enforcer - gone - near infinite extort not worth it or have I been playing this mechanic wrong? :thinking:
indulgent tormentor - gone
elixir of immortality - gone
revenge of ravens - gone

Re: Help-Wanted

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:06 am
by Kyodai
I made a few other adjustments, cleaned up the "sideboard" / cut bin. found some other things that might work in there. Let me know what you think.

Re: Help-Wanted

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:54 pm
by pokken
Re: mortuary

For GY recursion effects you've got:
I am honestly not sure you have enough creatures to support the ones you have, bit low on them and ways to find them. But there are some goodies in there.

I'd try it as is I think without that effect.


re: syndicate enforcer
You get one extort per spell if that's what you're asking. Generally speaking the only playable extort creature in MB in my opinion is crypt ghast. I mean you could set up a combo where you're extorting a bunch by semi-storming off but that doesn't seem that likely in this deck with the amount of mana you can make even with K'rrik. I dunno though.


The only other comment I can make is I think you might be missing some glue cards int his deck. It feels just a bit like you have one too many themes and not quite enough support. I might be missing some things about how to build a K'rrik deck thoug.

The life drain spells and some of the equipment feel maybe a bit much, and I am not sure you've got quite enough creatures to support all the sac/reanimate stuff, but I could be wrong.

Jam it as is a little bit and see if you're missing things but the main things I'd like to see are a more cohesive ramp plan and some more early card draw / land finding. It feels like the deck is at pretty high risk of stalling out on mana to me.

What does it play like now?

Re: Help-Wanted

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:24 am
by Kyodai
I've "Go Fished" it a few times. Mana hasn't been too much of an issue, though I'm also not worried about the gang at my LGS or my friends comboing out on turn <5/6. Card draw doesn't appear to be too much of a problem either. Most hands I've gotten either Phyrex Arena or Greed or Necropo. It does seem a bit light in the critter department, kinda hard to sac stuff for graveyard shenanigans when there isn't anything to sac or in my grave. Perhaps a couple of cheap cmc skeletons/zombies/thrulls or another token generator or two.

A friend suggested: Pestilence Demon + Basilisk Collar + Shield of the Avatar or Shield of the Realm or Blessing of Leeches FTW. Thoughts?

Re: Help-Wanted

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 6:19 pm
by pokken
Kyodai wrote:
4 years ago
A friend suggested: Pestilence Demon + Basilisk Collar + Shield of the Avatar or Shield of the Realm or Blessing of Leeches FTW. Thoughts?
Feels magical christmaslandy to me :)

Re: Help-Wanted

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 6:02 am
by Kyodai
You have been amazing sir, I thank you. With your help, my group at the LGS is going to hate me. :smirk:

Re: Help-Wanted

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 3:25 pm
by pokken
lol, you're very welcome :) I hope it works out well. Looks like a good start.