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Jodah and Umori, his Banding Companion

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 1:29 am
by tstorm823
This is third version of my banding deck. The original starred Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder and Thrasios, Triton Hero, because partners with banding needed to happen. Then I wanted it 5-color and changed to Sisay, Weatherlight Captain. Then I wanted more casual play and they printed companions, so now it is Jodah, Archmage Eternal with his banding companion Umori, the Collector.

My commander and companion have no synergy at all. None. But a Jeskai commander with a Golgari companion is just too clean of a way to do pretend 5-color partners for me to pass up. So the deck is 5 colors, which gives a lot of options, which I need because I can only play lands and creatures, and I refuse to play any creatures (even tokens) that aren't legendary because only legends get banding.


Approximate Total Cost:

The inspiration of this deck is in the banding lands. Namely, these:

There are, of course, equivalent lands for both black and blue, I currently have the blue one in, and may add the 5th in the future. I will eventually spruce this thread up with a longwinded description of the rules for banding and why banding matters and detailed descriptions about my card choices, but for now I'd just like to give a brief summary of what I've learned playing banding cards.

1) Sometimes banding is awesome. You know when you build a deck based on a stupid gimmick, you usually end up finding out either that it is actually good and not gimmicky enough or not actually good enough to play at all? Banding is neither, sometimes it is awesome. When is it awesome? When you automatically win at combat and nothing can stop you. But that isn't automatic, you have to engineer that scenario.

2) Banding requires aggression. You need to be attacking. Lots of creatures, big creatures, a big commander if possible, haste all over the place, and no hesitance to make enemies right away. Banding lets you attack without worrying about losing important creatures to blocks, so banding works great with powerful triggers that require attacking.

3) Evasion doesn't matter, every other keyword matters a lot. Haste, trample, first strike, vigilance, deathtouch, reach, lifelink, and definitely indestructible... you want creatures that are good attackers and good blockers, preferably both. The downside of banding is that any creature in the band being blocked means the whole band is blocked, but the whole band fighting together lets you take advantage of combat abilities working together: a deathtouch creature can mow down blockers while a trample creature tramples over. One creature being indestructible or immune to damage effectively makes the whole band immune to damage.

And just a couple notes. I have deliberately avoided having non-legendary creatures because they wouldn't be able to band and that stinks. I can't play non-creatures because of Umori. And if I want the deck to instantly turn from ultra-casual to combo machine, I can just substitute Sisay back in as the commander for a game or two until I hate it.

Sisay, the Band Captain

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:10 pm
by Theoric
I played my Sisay deck at a tournament last night and one of my opponents was the saltiest guy I've ever seen after it beat everyone. Admittedly, most of the decks there are pretty casual but I consider mine to be pretty much the same since I stripped out infinite mana combos and it's a theme deck with Sisay's entire original weatherlight crew.

I'm surprised you don't have selvala, heart of the wilds in there as I consider her considerably better than every single creature you have listed. Bloom tender and faeburrow elder are all-star mana producers in the deck as well. I also utilize them with various untappers - derevi, gideon, martial paragon(who also happens to be part of her crew), and samut, voice of dissent, and saheeli rai's token finds a way to generate mana as well. The deck requires a lot of multicolored mana and without it, you'll have a library full of cool legendary creatures that won't see the battlefield.

Oh and here's a link to earlier versions of my deck: viewtopic.php?t=22044

Sisay, the Band Captain

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 2:24 pm
by tstorm823
Theoric wrote:
4 years ago
I'm surprised you don't have selvala, heart of the wilds in there as I consider her considerably better than every single creature you have listed. Bloom tender and faeburrow elder are all-star mana producers in the deck as well. I also utilize them with various untappers - derevi, gideon, martial paragon(who also happens to be part of her crew), and samut, voice of dissent, and saheeli rai's token finds a way to generate mana as well. The deck requires a lot of multicolored mana and without it, you'll have a library full of cool legendary creatures that won't see the battlefield.

Oh and here's a link to earlier versions of my deck: viewtopic.php?t=22044
Selvala is an excellent suggestion that I just don't happen to own (yet). I'm not sure I ever appreciated that it makes any combination of colors. With a haste enabler and Sisay on board, it's very likely just pays for itself immediately to run through that string of things. Very nice.

The other mana producers are a no go because they aren't legendary and I'm being picky like that. My goal with this deck isn't to maximize Sisay, or any of the legendary creatures for that matter. My goal is to maximize the banding lands, or at least to make them feel good. Having sweet creatures that I can't band to feels bad, and making the deck more combo-y would make combat nonsense matter less, so those things sort of work against my desired outcome.

Sisay, the Band Captain

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 3:05 pm
by WolfWhoWanders
I love this, I have envisioned banding decks before but never made one. I do randomly toss baton of morale in decks sometimes for the sake of a magic history lesson. I also use the banding wolves in tolsimir and they are surprisingly effective. Trample damage can be a thing in my meta sometimes and there ain't nothing like banding for that

I thought I'd mention that dryad of the ilysian grove and/or prismatic omen might help get more mileage out of the banding lands if that was a concern.

Sisay, the Band Captain

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 3:45 pm
by tstorm823
WolfWhoWanders wrote:
4 years ago
I love this, I have envisioned banding decks before but never made one. I do randomly toss baton of morale in decks sometimes for the sake of a magic history lesson. I also use the banding wolves in tolsimir and they are surprisingly effective. Trample damage can be a thing in my meta sometimes and there ain't nothing like banding for that

I thought I'd mention that dryad of the ilysian grove and/or prismatic omen might help get more mileage out of the banding lands if that was a concern.
Prismatic Omen has been on my radar since this was a 4 color deck, I just haven't happened to stumble into a copy yet. Dryad of the Ilysian Grove gets a pass on for not being legendary enough. As of now, I have avoided non-legendary creatures and tokens, and am torn on Kenrith, the Returned King because he can take non-legendary creatures out of other people's graveyards. I'm leaving him in for now as the chances of me wanting to do that are low, but I am being that picky. Also, I don't think the banding lands not tapping for mana is justification enough for either, I don't treat them as lands, so I won't blame them if I get mana screwed. But having a second Chromatic Lantern effect would be A+ regardless.

Blocking trample is awesome. Attacking with trample is also awesome. The best find between the old version of the deck and now is Rhonas the Indomitable. Banding with Sisay, no amount of blockers will ever deal a damage to her, Rhonas survives because it's indestructible. Rhonas can pump Sisay and give her trample. And then 5 power worth of deathtouch means it takes at least 6 blockers to stop the first point of trample damage. It's basically unblockable with extra steps. Like, Sisay, Rhonas, Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist and either the white or green banding land is like "don't mind me, just swinging in with my unblockable firebreathing death band of 3-drops."

Sisay, the Band Captain

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 3:58 pm
by WolfWhoWanders
Yeah banding is super cool. How about blind seer so you can make sure you're able to band the creatures you want to

Sisay, the Band Captain

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 4:45 pm
by tstorm823
WolfWhoWanders wrote:
4 years ago
Yeah banding is super cool. How about blind seer so you can make sure you're able to band the creatures you want to
If I'm paying mana to do it, I may as well pay the mana into Sisay, add something like Roon of the Hidden Realm to flicker Golos and tutor out all 3 lands. As currently built, that should let me make any band I want so long as I don't have Golos and Weatherlight out.

Sisay, the Band Captain

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 6:01 pm
by WolfWhoWanders
That seems fair. How about saskia? Seems like a good 4 color card to help pump sisay and get haste and vigilance key words.

Re: Sisay, the Band Captain

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 12:20 am
by tstorm823
I don't think I ever noticed Saskia is vigilant.

I've been pondering through the Selvala suggestion, and I've come to a crossroads. I was questioning whether I should include it, because including it makes it a sort of soft combo deck with almost no other changes. BUT then I reread the card and I had forgotten about the one green activation cost, which makes it much, much less unfair. Still, consider the following if I just add Selvala, Heart of the Wilds and Sakashima the Impostor:

1) Start with Sisay, Weatherlight Captain, Chainer, Nightmare Adept, and WUBRGGG. Sisay has 4 power.
2) Activate Sisay, fetch Selvala, it wasn't cast from hand so Chainer gives haste.
3) Sisay is a 5/5, so Selvala activates for 5 mana, turning G into a Sisay activation for Derevi, Empyrial Tactician, which untaps Selvala.
4) Last green to activate Selvala again, but now Sisay is the full 7/7 for 7 mana, so search again with WG floating. Grab Samut, Voice of Dissent, untap Selvala for W, activate again using G, back to 7 mana.
5) Fetch out Prime Speaker Vannifar, actually has double haste.
6) Activate Vannifar sacrificing Derevi to fetch Sakashima to copy Selvala.
7) Activate Sakashima to go up to 8 mana, use 3 and discard a card to Chainer to cast Derevi from the grave. Untap Selvala with the Derevi trigger,
8) Activate Selvala to go up to 11 mana, for double Sisay activations. Grab Medomai the Ageless and Embercleave
9) Figure out which opponent can't block a flyer and attack them with Derevi and Medomai.
10) 3 Derevi triggers untaps a green source and both Selvalas, the first can pay to get Heroes' Podium with 2 floating, so that the second taps for 14, for 15 mana total to fetch out 3 more legends. By the end of the second extra turn, every legend in the deck should be in play, making for thousands of trample damage. And if that sequence isn't enough for victory, adding Aurelia, the Warleader to the deck would let me fetch her and Medomai and grab double strike after Aurelia untaps every creature, which actually would end up with infinite combats with Kenrith. Which would be strike 2 for Kenrith. Without Kenrith, there'd be 10 combat steps to finish people off, which outta do it.

Point being, with a modest sum of mana, haste, and Selvala in the deck, Sisay could win before anyone else gets another turn. That being said, a combo sequence that requires a second piece (that admittedly could be tutored out beforehand) and completely color specific 7 mana to start, dies to removal, and might not win if people have flying blockers to spare, is probably not too overbearing. If Selvala didn't cost that green, it would be reasonable to curve into this win on turn 5, which would be too much for certain.

Re: Sisay, the Band Captain

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:32 am
by Myllior
tstorm823 wrote:
4 years ago
As of now, I have avoided non-legendary creatures and tokens, and am torn on Kenrith, the Returned King because he can take non-legendary creatures out of other people's graveyards.
No need to be torn! Kenny returns creatures under their owner's control, so while you can get non-legendary creatures out of the yard, your board will remain in pristine legendary condition.

What do you think of Nylea's Intervention for the deck? It may cost more than Sylvan Scrying for finding a single banding land, but can scale up to grab all three if you have the mana.

Re: Sisay, the Band Captain

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:48 pm
by tstorm823
Myllior wrote:
4 years ago
No need to be torn! Kenny returns creatures under their owner's control, so while you can get non-legendary creatures out of the yard, your board will remain in pristine legendary condition.

What do you think of Nylea's Intervention for the deck? It may cost more than Sylvan Scrying for finding a single banding land, but can scale up to grab all three if you have the mana.
Yes, Nylea's Intervention sounds great. Tuning this deck is going to be a lot about finding modal/scalable spells that can make the deck somewhat functional without watering down the gameplan, and that card is both.

I played my first game last night after buying a Selvala, Heart of the Wilds real quick, and I'm currently under the opinion that I like having access to the burst of perfect colored mana and scaling it up with my board, but I may try and pull out some of the pieces that let it go super nuts, because I end step tutored out Selvala and ended the game that turn even without going through all the motions mentioned above. Also, Kethis is great for getting 3 colors at once and otherwise useless, so probably out.

Re: Sisay, the Band Captain

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:22 am
by tstorm823
A summary of the thought processes guiding an overhaul of this deck:

I want this deck to be the most casual deck I play, I want it to be a big dumb pile of legendary creatures, and I want to fully embrace the aesthetic theme of banding. I originally played this deck so that I could band my partners together, but I wanted all 5 colors, so I made the switch to Sisay, Weatherlight Captain, which is just too strong a commander... but now Wizards has given me a way to effectively play two commanders in 5-color by playing a 5-color commander with a companion.

Keeping the deck "band legendary creatures together and attack", there are only two companions that can play with both Reki, the History of Kamigawa and Márton Stromgald, Umori, the Collector or Keruga, the Macrosage. Either way, I'm in basically the same position with the deck itself: cut out the entire early game, because I'm either not playing anything less than 3, or I'm playing only legendary creatures and lands. I was leaning towards Keruga to keep my noncreature legends to play with, but then I also had to consider what 5-color commander I wanted, and when I looked through that list, an old friend jumped out at me: Jodah, Archmage Eternal. I used to play a Jodah deck just to do silly things with Grozoth, so here is an opportunity to bring him back into my list of commanders. And Jodah is 5-color identity, but a jeskai creature, so if I pair Jodah with the golgari companion Umori, I get a really clean pair of pretend partners with a perfect balance of all the colors. So... out comes Sisay, and out comes every nonland noncreature in the deck.

So my deck is only lands and legendary creatures now, and my general and companion have explicitly no synergy; for the sake of a theme, I have restricted myself to a tiny, tiny box in which to brew. And it feels great, because that leaves me with 20+ cards that need to be cut, and I can fill those slots with even more theme. I'm bringing in the original commanders, Bruse and Thrasios. I've bringing back Seafarer's Quay since I'm losing a couple ways to tutor lands. I'm also adding a few more mana producing lands since I have to cut ramp. And then I've got 5 pairs of "partner with" legends I'm bringing in, which is to say all of the pairs that are relevant and can't make creature tokens. And Keruga and Jegantha, the Wellspring are in the deck too. So the commander has a companion, there are two more companions in the deck, there are two creatures with partner and 10 with "partners with", 4 of the lands that give legendary creatures banding, and every nonland card is a legendary creature that can be banded with. I'm basically one Unholy Citadel away from all-in here.

And if I ever want to take the same 99+companion and not be casual at all, I can just swap in Sisay as substitute commander, and all the things that make Sisay gross are still in the deck because they're just good cards anyway.

Re: Jodah and Umori, his Banding Companion

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:21 am
by MeowZeDung
Have you connected with Medomai the Ageless? That's on my bucket list, for sure. I suppose banding makes it a lot easier :cool:

Re: Jodah and Umori, his Banding Companion

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:43 am
by tstorm823
MeowZeDung wrote:
4 years ago
Have you connected with Medomai the Ageless? That's on my bucket list, for sure. I suppose banding makes it a lot easier :cool:
Not with the current arrangement yet, but back when this deck was Bruse and Thrasios, double-strike Medomai was practically my primary win condition. The key to making something like that happen is haste. Lots and lots of haste.

People don't necessarily fear you when you're playing banding lands. Then you drop in Urabrask the Hidden into Medomai the Ageless, send a giant indestructible band at one opponent and chip shot Medomai at someone without a flying blocker, and the extra turn kills someone.

Re: Jodah and Umori, his Banding Companion

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:16 pm
by MeowZeDung
Ah yes, Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder + Medomai the Ageless is a thing. Somehow I missed that you had Aurelia, the Warleader in the list right next to Medomai too. All three in one band would be mighty tasty.