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Did President Trump Start World War III with Iran?

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 6:21 am
by Card Slinger J ... i-n1109821

For those who don't know President Trump recently ordered a U.S. airstrike that killed Iran's top general Qassem Soleimani under a claim by the Pentagon that Soleimani was plotting to kill U.S. diplomats at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq. Iran denies the Pentagon's claim and vows severe revenge against the U.S. for killing their top general. Meanwhile President Trump has sent more U.S. troops to Iraq in order to try to ease tensions between the U.S. and Iran.

Re: Did President Trump Start World War III with Iran?

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 1:15 pm
by The Fluff
I hope it does not start a large scale war. War makes too many people suffer.

Re: Did President Trump Start World War III with Iran?

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 12:13 am
by Card Slinger J
I'll believe it's World War III when I see it. So far there hasn't been any confirmation in regards to it let alone reinstating the Draft since it would need to pass through Congress and onto the President's desk for his approval. The House of Representatives recently announced a new War Powers Resolution for 2020 in order to keep Trump in check from sending out more drone strikes. The main concern here is that a war with Iran is going to lead toward a nuclear holocaust and we can't allow that to happen. We have to protect Israel and it's Middle Eastern allies at ALL costs.

President Trump currently now has a $80 million bounty on his head for the killing of Soleimani ($80 million representing the entire population of Iran) while the Iraqi Government is trying to pass a bill to forcefully withdraw all U.S. troops from Baghdad. Iran is already plotting how they're going to seek vengeance for what Trump did by going after places like Mar-a-Lago and other Trump Organization hot spots. My guess is that they'll most likely go after the Strait of Hormuz by driving the price of gas to $3-4 a gallon here in the Continental United States.

Iran did hint on Twitter that they were going to leave American citizens out of this though I highly doubt it. They probably used the Iran Nuclear Deal as a public distraction to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons behind the scenes so it probably didn't matter If the deal was off after Soleimani's death. I wouldn't put it past me that Iran is still intent on wiping Israel and it's Middle Eastern allies off the face of the map according to Iranian headliners like the Ayatollah. One thing the U.S. can't afford is another power vacuum followed by a quagmire like what happened in the Iraq War.