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Prossh - sack Tokens and smash Face

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2019 12:56 am
by DinosaurCollector
Hey Folks!

A couple of weeks ago I got tired of playing my Edgar Markov deck, so I decided to build another one. Then at my local LGS I saw someone playing Prossh and totally fell in love with this Commander, so I decided to create my own list. After lots of research and thinking that's the list I came up with so far:
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher
Approximate Total Cost:

As you can see, the deck unfortunately contains 105 cards at the moment, that's because I can't decide on the last cuts to make.
Due to budget restrictions I don't play the OG dual lands, the expensive fetch lands or stuff like Mana Crypt and Mox Diamond.

What I'm gunning for here is a 75%-ish deck. Not super competitive, but still able to play along with solid, maybe even semi-competitive decks.
The Meta in my usual playgroup consists for example of Meren of Clan Nel Toth, Feather, the Redeemed, Rakdos, Lord of Riots, another Edgar Markov List, Animar, Soul of Elements and Arahbo, Roar of the World. All of these decks are more or less tuned out.
At the LGS there's everything from the ultra-competitive The Kirtag Monster build, to the just opened preconstructed deck.
Combo-centric decks, or combo-only decks are frowned upon in our playgroup, but if you somehow "stumble" into your infinite combo, that's ok.
That's for example why I kept Food Chain in the list. But, a I said, it's not supposed to be a super-competitive Prossh Food Chain build.

The game plan is pretty easy: cast Prossh, Skyraider of Kher as early as possible, gain a ton of value and smash my opponent's faces. If that doesn't work, cast Food Chain and win with Blood Artist or similar effects.
I hope the card choices are self-explanatory. In case I'm wrong please feel free to ask!

Also, I have a maybe board with cards that were previously in the list, but aren't completely off the table yet.
I'm also open for all kinds of criticism and suggestions for cards I may have overlooked. But mostly I hope for some help on making the last cuts.

Your help is really appreciated and happy holidays everyone!

Re: Prossh - sack Tokens and smash Face

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 4:07 pm
by DinosaurCollector
Quick update:
after some playtesting with different iterations of cuts to the list I decided to throw out Artifact Mutation and Grismold, the Dreadsower. They just didn't perform well enough.

Re: Prossh - sack Tokens and smash Face

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 1:01 am
by RowanKeltizar
I think you could stand to have some more board wipes. Also, you have a ton of win conditions. Generally, I've found that cutting some win-cons for card draw, ramp, and tutors will make the list more consistent. The best win conditions will likely be found on creature bodies, like Craterhoof and Purphoros, God of the Forge which you already have. You don't need too may backup win cons if you can get these into play reliably with your tutors and reanimation.

Another thing I would recommend in general is prioritizing creatures over other types of permanents because they synergize so well with your tutors, reanimation, and other types of effects. For example, swapping out Army of the Damned for Chancellor of the Forge. Cultivate for Dryad of the Illysian Grove, Lightning Greaves for Anger, etc... this will do a lot to increase the synergy of the deck.

I've been piloting Prossh for quite a few years, and would be happy to offer more suggestions if you like. Two all-star cards I would consider are Eldritch Evolution and Birthing Pod, both of which will give you a lot of mileage and more consistently cheat Craterhoof into play. Green has a ton of broken creature tutors such as Natural Order, Defense of the Heart, and Summoner's Pact.