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Indominus Rex, Alpha

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:03 pm
by ISBPathfinder
I believe I saw on reddit or somewhere that Knight of Malice can give Indominus Rex, Alpha hexproof. Can Spirit of the Night give first strike? I am still a little lost as to what does or does not count with some of these conditional abilities. I assume offhand that you don't get first strike from spirit because Knight always has that conditional hexproof but I just wanted to verify.

Re: Indominus Rex, Alpha

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:20 pm
by void_nothing
No, Spirit of the Night doesn't actually have first strike, it has an ability that grants itself first strike. Knight of Malice, by contrast, inherently has an ability that counts as hexproof (CR 702.11d-e).

Re: Indominus Rex, Alpha

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 11:59 pm
by WizardMN
It is worth pointing out that Knight of Malice will grant Indominus Rex, Alpha "Hexproof from White", not the Hexproof ability as a whole. When dealing with cards like this, the specific variant is what is granted. Rule 122.1b allows for Keyword counters for the Variants and the Card Rulings for Odric, Lunarch Marshal clarifies this as well (I can't find Rex in Gatherer but it is the same effect). The actual Comp Rules don't seem to spell this out very clearly which is why I point to the Card Ruling in this case.

Re: Indominus Rex, Alpha

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 2:48 am
by TheAmericanSpirit
WizardMN wrote:
7 months ago
It is worth pointing out that Knight of Malice will grant Indominus Rex, Alpha "Hexproof from White", not the Hexproof ability as a whole. When dealing with cards like this, the specific variant is what is granted. Rule 122.1b allows for Keyword counters for the Variants and the Card Rulings for Odric, Master Tactician clarifies this as well (I can't find Rex in Gatherer but it is the same effect). The actual Comp Rules don't seem to spell this out very clearly which is why I point to the Card Ruling in this case.
I mean absolutely no disrespect whatsoever, but for posterity's sake, I think you meant Odric, Lunarch Marshal. The card tag probably just bungled on you.

Re: Indominus Rex, Alpha

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 7:27 pm
by WizardMN

Thanks for the catch. Corrected that in my original comment to hopefully lessen confusion going forward. Totally my own fault for just forgetting which Odric I was looking at :P