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God-Eternal Kefnet's Island Getaway

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 3:31 pm
by MeowZeDung

Kefnet's Island Getaway

Hello everyone!

I've had some really good blue cards sitting around without a home for a while and thought about putting together Azami, Lady of Scrolls or Sai, Master Thopterist for some time. Then a friend recommended I take a look at God-Eternal Kefnet, which it turns out is right up my alley since I love me some instants and sorceries. The list below is the first draft of what I've put together.

Just a few preliminary notes:
-I've built this with cards I had lying around not currently in a deck. In that sense it's a "budget" deck.
-I do have plans for some of the non-budget cards in the deck, so eventually Kefnet will have to either share the wealth or just give them up entirely.
-I will probably keep this somewhere between the range of casual to focused, leaning more towards focused. I'm not looking to invest in Kefnet too much as I want a slightly less powerful deck around for playing in more casual metas. That said, I'd still love suggestions.
-This is the second deck I've built recently with a bird as the commander (even if Kefnet's creature type won't admit it!). Should I take this as a sign and just build Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle next? Maybe go real deep and make a Kangee, Aerie Keeper deck? :laugh:

Aaaaaaaanyhow, here's the list!
Kefnet's Island Getaway
Approximate Total Cost:

So far in my testing the deck has proven to be surprisingly versatile!

The short and sweet version of what I'm trying to do is win off of Laboratory Maniac or Psychosis Crawler after getting some sick value with Isochron Scepter, Dramatic Reversal, and Gilded Lotus or High Tide, Archaeomancer, and Turnabout and drawing a million with some copied draw cards or good old Blue Sun's Zenith.

The truth, however, is that I often find something sweeter to do on my way to achieving the above!

Sometimes I assemble huge mana, but on my way towards finding a win-con or big draw spell I find Capsize and just lock my opponents out of the game.

Kefnet is evasive and difficult to permanently remove, so sometimes sticking a Sword of Feast and Famine on him and untapping all those High Tide islands is good enough. Speaking of islands, Strata Scythe in a mono color deck attached to a flying commander can do some work! Even something more casual like Loxodon Warhammer gaining big chunks of life every turn can keep me in the game long enough to assemble something infinite or at least arbitrarily huge.

The copycat suite is by definition the most versatile part of the deck. You can do absolutely broken things with these spells and Archaeomancer in this deck (like recast High Tide half a dozen times in one turn then resolve Turnabout), and sometimes just getting your own copy or copies of the most powerful thing on the board is backbreaking. If you manage to resolve Saheeli's Artistry or Rite of Replication targeting Psychosis Crawler it's usually game over, and both modes of Artistry targeting a Phyrexian Metamorph that has already copied something ridiculous is a great time!

Furthermore, lest we forget, Kefnet has a sweet triggered ability that can result in powerful and hilarious plays. Copying a Karn's Temporal Sundering is spikey and all, but copying Spelltwine or Stolen Identity can result in plays you could never have imagined. Then sometimes it's just sick value, for example, copying High Tide, Evacuation, or Recurring Insight.

Then there's some cards that are just goodstuff. Narset, Primal Amulet, and Baral do some serious work for obvious reasons in this list. The one card that has impressed me the most as I have never had the chance to play it in EDH before is The Mirari Conjecture. The first two chapters are great value by themselves, and I find it hard to lose if I get to chapter 3.

So let me know what y'all think. Anything obvious missing due to my oversight? Looking forward to discussion!