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The Rani - Fight Amongst Yourselves (in progress)

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 5:41 am
by DirkGently
The Rani does a lot of work for a 4-drop. It goads, it provides draw, and it's very resilient to removal - the auras it creates persist even if The Rani is removed, and it creates another one on ETB as well as attack, so avoiding Mark of the Rani is all but impossible.

That said, I think most EDHrec lists are pretty trash. They all go 100% in on goad, which seems doubly pointless - one, many decks either are strong against goad and/or won't often have many creatures to bother goading, and two, the only payoff The Rani has for extra goad is extra clues, which means you're going to be throttled on mana to take advantage of them (without extra support).

Anyway, I've got a couple of angles I want to come at this from. One angle is that effects that limit how many creatures can attack can be used in tandem with goad to completely control combat.

The other angle is to focus on clues primarily as artifact tokens, along with a bunch of ways to trigger on things that care about artifacts, tokens, etc. Having them as draw is a nice bonus but the main gameplan for winning is to use large numbers of artifact tokens in various ways.

Current status (in progress)

Commander (1)


Approximate Total Cost:

Re: The Rani - Fight Amongst Yourselves (in progress)

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 1:22 pm
by Haman
U r quite right about too much goad..
I have a testing rani deck, and
A. Some players just proceed to cast their fatty
B. Trying to kill my rani
C. Not casting creatures to avoid being goad
D. Keep attacking me relentlessly.

My game last night, fought a ghired player who cheatily have paralel life every game.... i keep goading his rhino , redirecting 16 damages and keep eating 8 from combat trigger despite having propaganda and weeping angels, while the rest if the table tries to kill my rani..
I did not run as much goading creatures.. i ran about 4 blink 4 counters 4 unblockable equipment 1 x swiftfoot...

So have you tested yr listing? Is runnung 40 lands bwtter than 37 with 6 rocks?