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UG Devotion

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 4:50 am
by Ulka
Welcome to the UG Devotion Page.

Green Deovtion has been a staple deck in ym life in Standard and Modern and now Pioneer. Now I was never a fan of the deck prior to the Oath of Nissa ban but I have been tinkering with this list now for a bit. The sideboard is a mess and as i work on the deck i'll be adding cards Im testing, whats working and what isn't.

Currently the Idea of the deck is to power out Risen Reef and then Spam Master of waves right after for a chain of coiling Oracle effects or to get enough mana to cast the Nissa planeswalkers to animate lands to swing for the win.

Re: UG Devotion

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 5:23 pm
by Ulka
Okay in my recent tests Im finding I really want more cards to trigger Thunderous Snapper and Kiora, behemoth beckoner. Missing these draw triggers is really killing the decks advantage engine.

I've been looking at Gaea's Revenge as a Sideboard Beater as it could hypothetically be unremovable for certain decks while still being an elemental beater for Risen Reef. The other card that could take this role is Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar which with the Trample could be terrifying when landed with risen reef.

Im also looking at increasing my Hydriod Krasis count to 3 as they are more versatile than Emrakul.

Re: UG Devotion

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 10:21 pm
by The Fluff
How about Verdurous Gearhulk in the cmc 5 or greater slot?
Even if it is killed right away, it can still leave counters on the snapper or any other creature present when it was cast.