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Sultai Dredge

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 11:53 am
by Depian
So far, I have been enjoying a lot how the deck plays and I finished 4-1 the first league I played so it could be a decent idea, this is my current list:
I max out on 1 mana enablers because those make DRS better and allow you to use it to ramp in T2 more easily, the idea is to mill ourselves to return our recursive creatures and drain life with Creeping Chill/DRS
The deck is hungry for UB mana and need untapped lands in the very first turns, UB is the color combination with the least options available regarding lands so I decided to max out on Mana Confluence and shocklands, 2/2 split in fastlands and no basics
The only thing that annoys me with how the deck operates is mulligans, when you put those payoffs in the bottom of your library, they are gone for good as there are no shuffle effects and it's unlikely you go through your whole library
Sideboard will surely evolve but I like this to begin with, sideboarding is not easy, I tend to remove flex spots first (Grisly Salvage, Driven/Despair) and then trim the edges (Scrounger and so) but I always keep all my 1-mana spells
I might test removing a land to include 1 Once Upon a Time as in our openers we mostly want 2 lands and enablers so it can find the 2nd land or any 1-mana enabler (Supplier/Merfolk)