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Non-White Board Whipes

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 11:36 pm
by duducrash

I wanted to didscuss board wipes, specially resources for mono colored decks. what do you guys run in your builds

Re: Non-White Board Whipes

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 5:36 am
by TheGildedGoose
All Is Dust
Oblivion Stone
Honorable Mentions
Perilous Vault (expensive, but situationally viable)
Nevinyrral's Disk (if you really need it, it does the job)

This Hidden Gem
Perplexing Test
Honorable Mentions
Consuming Tide (situationally very strong)
Engulf the Shore (in mono-blue)

Toxic Deluge
Decree of Pain
Honorable Mentions
Mutilate (in mono-black)
Crux of Fate (in mono-black, or dragon tribal)

Blasphemous Act
Chain Reaction
Delayed Blast Fireball
Honorable Mentions
Rolling Earthquake (mana intensive but gets everything)
Breath of Darigaaz (it's uh, vaguely playable)

Honorable Mentions

Re: Non-White Board Whipes

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 6:02 am
by Mookie
Green: none

These are just the ones I'm currently running, but there are plenty of others I would consider or have run in the past.

Going off colors, I would say White > Black > Blue == Red >> Green. White is the undisputed champion of asymmetric board wipes, but Black has some very nice options (and even a few good 3-mana board wipes, which White lacks). Blue vs Red depends on the deck - some are okay with Red wipes missing big creatures, while other decks prefer Blue's ability to bounce stuff at instant speed. Green obviously has the weakest board wipes, but I will note Ezuri's Predation and Whiptongue Hydra as situational but powerful options (plus all the Bane of Progress effects).

Re: Non-White Board Whipes

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 6:05 am
by cheonice
The Phasing of Zhalfir
Curse of the Swine

Dead of Winter (if you run a snow mana base)

Starstorm - has been really great. Instant speed wraths are tight!

Green... not much here
Apex Altisaur
Ezuri's Predation

Re: Non-White Board Whipes

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 2:29 pm
by ISBPathfinder
All is Dust - I tend to only really consider this if I am playing a LOT of artifacts or needing a wrath in green.
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon - Great for colorless decks obviously but beyond that I also like pairing it with higher cost cmc commanders where you can strip all the small stuff out from under your commander's cost. I tend to really start looking at it for any 5+ cmc commander.
Boompile - I think a lot of people really hate on this effect because its not guaranteed to work but what I do really like is that its cheap and can be utilized immediately for cheap. Sure its only 50% chance to work per activation but you still have the card if it doesn't work so you get another shot at it. It also makes it really awkward to keep playing into the board when you see this card hit play.

Ezuri's Predation really is under rated for green. It is a ton of mana but its in green so I assume you have some extra ramp. Some of these decks even care about tokens which in my opinion just makes this card even better as you might have things like Doubling Season, Earthcraft, or Gaea's Cradle on the back of this effect.

Curse of the Swine - now, this isn't an actual wrath but the way I tend to play it makes it feel like one for me. It strips all of the key problem creatures out and replaces them with irrelevant 2/2s.
Cyclonic Rift - great tempo answer.

Blasphemous Act - It usually kills everything. When it doesn't you are about to die.
Immolating Gyre - Useful in spellslinger decks but those are rarely mono red.
Delayed Blast Fireball - I can't believe this card is an instant if I am being honest but hitting not your creatures at instant speed and the flexibility to hit for 5 is great.
Starstorm - versatile and can be cycled. Its useful.

Toxic Deluge - Flexibility is great and it can get past indestructible.
Damnation - Just cheap and consistent.
Living Death - I really love this as a wrath but generally only when I am playing some sort of sac based deck or self milling deck.
Pestilence / Withering Wisps / Crypt Rats - These can be really nice if you have a commander who is robust against these effects or cares about siphoning life from your opponents.
Blood on the Snow - I like that it can wrath and rez in one.
Kindred Dominance - Useful in tribal decks.
Blood Money - Its expensive but the treasure made from it might literally pay for its cost so its really good with the exception that it isn't usable until you get to seven mana.
Necromantic Selection - I like the sweep and rebuild idea.

Re: Non-White Board Whipes

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 5:35 pm
by Moxnix
Just wanted to toss in The great aurora as a wipe for green. It requires some build around but it can be a win condition wheelnusaeam and wrath all in one in the right deck or honestly anything playing avenger and geas cradle tech.

Re: Non-White Board Whipes

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 6:53 pm
by yeti1069

Re: Non-White Board Whipes

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 7:10 pm
by PrimevalCommander
Shout out to Ezuri's Predation in mono-green. It is a bit higher variance, but the high roll is wiping a token deck of 10+ creatures and you get 40+ power of beasts in play. Add your Garruk's Uprising and draw 15 cards into your reprinted Concordant Crossroads for a nice alpha strike.

Re: Non-White Board Whipes

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 10:23 pm
by NZB2323
Cyclonic Rift

Blue Tribal
Raise the Palisade

Toxic Deluge

Black discard
Archfiend of Ifnir

Black enchantments
Doomwake Giant
Engineered Plague

Black zombie tribal
Zombie Apocalypse
Noxious Ghoul

Black dragon tribal
Crux of Fate

Black snow tribal
Dead of Winter

Black tribal
Kindred Dominance
Crippling Fear

Blasphemous Act

Ezuri's Predation

Re: Non-White Board Whipes

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 12:57 pm
by yeti1069
PrimevalCommander wrote:
8 months ago
Shout out to Ezuri's Predation in mono-green. It is a bit higher variance, but the high roll is wiping a token deck of 10+ creatures and you get 40+ power of beasts in play. Add your Garruk's Uprising and draw 15 cards into your reprinted Concordant Crossroads for a nice alpha strike.
It also works very well if you have static buffs on the table, or a token copier.

Re: Non-White Board Whipes

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:08 pm
by PrimevalCommander
yeti1069 wrote:
8 months ago
PrimevalCommander wrote:
8 months ago
Shout out to Ezuri's Predation in mono-green. It is a bit higher variance, but the high roll is wiping a token deck of 10+ creatures and you get 40+ power of beasts in play. Add your Garruk's Uprising and draw 15 cards into your reprinted Concordant Crossroads for a nice alpha strike.
It also works very well if you have static buffs on the table, or a token copier.
If I have Parallel Lives out, do the extra beasts also fight opponents creatures? So I would have 2x beasts fighting every opponents' creatures? Sounds awesome.

Re: Non-White Board Whipes

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:12 pm
by yeti1069
PrimevalCommander wrote:
8 months ago
yeti1069 wrote:
8 months ago
PrimevalCommander wrote:
8 months ago
Shout out to Ezuri's Predation in mono-green. It is a bit higher variance, but the high roll is wiping a token deck of 10+ creatures and you get 40+ power of beasts in play. Add your Garruk's Uprising and draw 15 cards into your reprinted Concordant Crossroads for a nice alpha strike.
It also works very well if you have static buffs on the table, or a token copier.
If I have Parallel Lives out, do the extra beasts also fight opponents creatures? So I would have 2x beasts fighting every opponents' creatures? Sounds awesome.
Nope. The extra tokens don't fight, so less removal, but they all stick around for sure.

Re: Non-White Board Whipes

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:24 pm
by Toshi

Re: Non-White Board Whipes

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 4:08 pm
by duducrash
NZB2323 wrote:
8 months ago
Blue Tribal
Raise the Palisade
This is a good card I hadn't seen before