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Chulane, Teller of Tales - "Once upon a time there was a very busted Commander.." [Retired]

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 5:27 am
by darrenhabib

This deck has been retired.


Protection creatures (mass-removal)

Countering creatures

Approximate Total Cost:


I don't often underestimate or overestimate the ability of commanders. Like my ability to conceptualize the "ceiling" of commanders is usually pretty spot on.
But this seasons commanders have taken me a little bit by surprise, performing at way higher potentials than I first imagined.
Greven, Predator Captain far exceeded my expectations, running over other decks like a champ.
Elsha of the Infinite although I expected it to be busted, still worked far better than I thought with manipulating the top of library to keep the cards flowing. Unanswered the game is usually over in a couple of turns of being in play.
K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth was about where I thought it was going to be at, but honestly a little linear.
Korvold, Fae-Cursed King right around where I'd thought he'd be at, very strong, but I did underestimate his Voltron ability to finish opponents.
Chulane, Teller of Tales for some reason presented an even greater underestimation than anything else I've ever played before compared to what I was expecting, and I'm not sure why I let it take me by surprise like that?
I did read his ability "Whenever you cast a creature spell, draw a card, then you may put a land card from your hand onto the battlefield." and it did sound very good. As we all know land ramp in multiplayer commander is exactly where you want to be at to make sure you have good turns after good turns.
But in my mind I'm thinking that I'm going to get good value each turn. What transpired is that it's much more like a combo deck where you just string together turns that don't seem to end...and I wasn't even trying that hard to make the deck like that!?!

My initial take was creatures have a sort of Coiling Oracle ability embedded within each creature, and honestly this should have been enough for me to figure out the ceiling. But it's not until I got to experience it that your ability to just keep playing out more creatures and playing out more lands makes each turn round a very exponential affair. And honestly only like 3 or 4 turns worth of Chulane, Teller of Tales engine of draw and land ramp is enough to get through almost your entire library.
Too be honest in some ways I'm disappointed as I have decks that I've spent a lot of time coming up with tech ways and synergies to come up with similar results, but Chulane, Teller of Tales basically just presents this on a plate. Almost like a dumbing down for deck builders to accomplish results.

My first build I had more of a spread of creature converted-mana-costs. I had 13 more 3-4 mana cards than this final version I've ended up with.
What I figured out pretty quickly is that you want to lower your curve to as many 1-2 cmc creatures that still effect your ability to interact and win you the game.
Because at the end of the day, these creatures can end up being a Growth Spiral each and can easily mean that you double your mana base (or some good amount) after even maybe just a single turn if you get lucky enough.

So in the end I've ended up with 40 creatures between 1-2 cmc, with almost 60 creatures all up! This is probably the heaviest creature deck I've ever made, and for good reason.


There are only 7 non-creatures non-land cards in the entire deck, and I guess I'll start with these as it'll give you an idea for the structure of the rest of the deck.
Not a Sol Ring or Mana Crypt to be found!

So you can clearly see that the advantages of the deck are mainly through creatures. Cleansing Nova, Fracturing Gust and Austere Command are for wiping the board of artifacts and enchantments, which you don't care about.
Cleansing Nova and Austere Command can be used for removing creatures as well in a pinch, although the deck is designed to match creatures versus creatures for more fun battles.

Earthcraft and Aluren are combo cards that can really just keep the flow of cards going for a very long stretch if not indefinitely.

Life from the Loam being a sort of tech card for the deck. Returning 3 lands to have fuel for putting them into play off Chulane, Teller of Tales gives you a consistency and the deck is not short on fetch-lands, so you'll almost always have the fuel in graveyard for it to be effective.

Right so now let's get to the heart of the deck and really that's it's creatures and what they can do to effect the game.
As I've pointed out you really want to have a low mana curve as a 1 cmc Growth Spiral is better than a 2 cmc Growth Spiral which is better than a 3 cmc Growth get the picture.

However you still need to be able to effect the game in meaningful ways and this is where I've gone deep into my knowledge tank and research to try and pull out the best creatures for mana cost that I think suits and wins the game.

There are a lot of obvious mana centered creatures to be played at this low range, so I'm just going to focus on explaining selections for protection, removal and disruption more for this 1-3 cmc range.

Hate-bear and Removal creatures

There is a "hate-bear" range of creatures that are cost effective to make it harder for opponents to have better turns.

Gaddock Teeg is one of the best creatures to have in play when you want to avoid mass creature removal effects.

Because there are zero artifacts in the deck Kataki, War's Wage and Collector Ouphe have no penalty to you and Bane of Progress is just normally a blow-out for your opponents only.

There are not a lot of ways to deal with creatures in the deck, but Ulvenwald Tracker and Gilded Drake are cost efficient creatures for creature removal. Walking Ballista can also be used and Gaea's Cradle can be used to great effect if needing to get rid of pesky critters.

Linvala, Keeper of Silence is one of the higher costed creatures in the deck, but really shuts down a lot of strategies.

I used to have more removal and disruptive creatures like Reclamation Sage, Manglehorn, Trygon Predator, Mangara of Corondor, Ertai, Wizard Adept, Mystic Snake, Venser, Shaper Savant, Tradewind Rider.
However I just found that the converted-mana-costs are just too high to be really efficient.

Protection creatures

There are also a bunch of creatures that help to protect your board as best as possible. Being such a heavy creature deck, you expose yourself to a lot more mass creature removal spells.
However due to the nature of drawing cards and putting more lands into play, even though you are set to lose wide boards from wrath effects, your ability to bounce back or carry on with a winning position is still very high.
So you're either drawing cards to fill up your hand for replacement effects, or putting lands into play so that you can cast out Chulane, Teller of Tales again easily to then start the value train going again. In this respect expect at least one board wipe during the early to mid part of the game to reset your board. Don't be afraid to play into it either by not committing creatures, because you are getting a replacement effects each time anyway, meaning you don't really lose resources by playing this way.
However there a lot of creature to mitigate removal.

From a spot removal (targeted) perceptive we have a bunch of creatures to help with that.

The more important creatures over-time though as you get more and more creatures into play are those that can protect your entire board.
Planar Guide, Selfless Spirit, Dauntless Escort can protect you from wrath effects, so look for these to be key cards to draw into during the game.
Planar Guide has been an all-star as far as getting around non-destroy spells like Toxic Deluge, Terminus, and even things like Decree of Pain cycled.

Shalai, Voice of Plenty is basically the trump card of the deck for being both protection and a way of making your creatures huge to finish off opponents with an alpha strike. Gaea's Cradle being a key card in the deck to make this easy.

There is also Voidmage Prodigy and Glen Elendra Archmage to prevent mass removal effects if need be. It's very possible to get more than 2 uses out of Glen Elendra Archmage during a game due to bounce effects or even distribution of +1/+1 counters.

Note that Gaddock Teeg is one of the best creatures you can have in play to stop wrath effects.

Card advantage and Toolbox creatures

I have to admit that my roots in commander had very much been in the good stuff green and blue department for many many years. But over the last couple of years I've really branched out into different color pies on purpose, simply because the formula worked and I got bored with it. Green always gave me mana ramp and card draw and blue gave me draw and disruption and protection..and well you didn't need anything else.
But I really invested into lower power colors, simply wanting to challenge myself, and examples are Boros with Firesong and Sunspeaker and then later on Feather, the Redeemed (busted, so busted, so maybe not the best example). Then my first time in mono-black with Yawgmoth, Thran Physician and then K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth.
Then my first time with Rakdos with Greven, Predator Captain. I'll point out that I've enjoyed every single game with these non-Simic commanders and decks as well, but a lot in part to being simply WotC also recognizing the need to spread out competitive commander colors more and giving me a reason to try them.

The point of my long intro here is that I've been thrust back into blue and green and it's hard to let old habits and formulas lie.
Thus I'm playing a set of creatures and synergies that I just know works, regardless of the Commander at the helm and I will explain a lot of these, even if they are obvious to a lot of you.

I'll start with the top of library can be played creatures in Vizier of the Menagerie and Magus of the Future.
Vizier of the Menagerie and Magus of the Future can really make sure that you have a continuous stream of spells at your disposal and with Chulane, Teller of Tales ability to draw, you can really dictate not getting lands stuck on-top of your library to allow continuous access to your library. With almost 60 creatures in the deck, Vizier of the Menagerie basically just casts everything.

Beast Whisperer has also turned into a real combo enabler. Once you are drawing two cards off each creature, your ability to draw into lands (to put into play) as well as further creatures to cast, really does end up stringing massive turns together.

The other combination of creatures that I know is simply busted is combining Seedborn Muse with flash cards like Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir, Alchemist's Refuge and Winding Canyons to have the much loved (cough cough) Prophet of Kruphix. "Yay" my opponents say, "this isn't broken at all!".
I will point out that a popular strategy of mine with Seedborn Muse is to use Captain Sisay and Yisan, the Wanderer Bard to get a lot of value. However I was playing these and I found that they are just excess to what you are doing anyway, so cut them. I really cut back on anything that requires tapping for abilities as the game state changes a lot in between a full turn round with summoning sickness and I just found them too slow compared to what the rest of the deck is doing. Mana creatures are different.
Further to this both Chulane, Teller of Tales and Temur Sabertooth can return creatures back to your hand to replay for potential value.
Now there are not a lot of ETB effects in the deck, but you can still return creatures to get more triggers from Chulane, Teller of Tales. For example I often return Plaxmanta or Containment Priest or Aven Mindcensor that all have flash, to recast to get the draw and land drop during these Seedborn Muse turns. The thing is that because you are extending your land base during each of these opponents turns, it's has an exponential effect to how much more you can do on subsequent turns.

Eventual you can have enough mana to simply bounce a bunch of your creatures in the face of a big board removal spell, and easily play a portion (if not all) of them in the following turn, so this is another way to get around these spells. However often I'll have the answer already with previously mentioned protection spells.

I just really like Faerie Artisans, I've rated it as maybe the most underplayed card for level of power in commander..period.

With Recruiter of the Guard and Ranger-Captain of Eos you can get a wide range of toolbox creatures to help with any situation at hand, but if you are simply wanting additional Growth Spiral triggers quickly then you can get Walking Ballista and just cast it for 0 to get Chulane trigger thus getting you a 2-for-1 deal with each of these without investing more mana.

Winning the Game

Without going into a full on stages, strategies, etc, hearkening back to where I pointed out just how efficient this commander is, actually often I find myself literally drawing through almost all 99 cards. Like I play a lot of decks that get through decks in busted ways, but this one is just really good at it.
The "downside" of being able to do this so efficiently is that that bulk of the deck is 1-2 cmc creatures, so therefore on individual levels don't have the same impact as higher converted cost bombs. However the sum of the parts is more than enough to win you the game when you simply get to play out your entire deck.
In fact what normally ends up happening is that when I get down to the last single digit amount of cards left in library, I often end up bouncing both Beast Whisperer and Chulane, Teller of Tales just to make sure I can play out the rest of my creatures in hand to prevent decking.
The other thing is that there really isn't any ways to return your graveyard on-mass. I have looked at what could help out with this, even thinking about Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre to get continuous shuffling back, but honestly I've never needed it, you just need to make sure that don't deck yourself by playing smart.

You will invariably get at least one massive turn where you draw so many cards that you'll end up discarding a bunch of cards at end of turn. At the time you get really worried about throwing away so many good cards and resources. A really great example of this is when you have Vizier of the Menagerie or Magus of the Future in play, and by virtue you've drawn a hand of like 20 cards but you are still playing off the top of your library for value.
The temptation at that stage is think it would be really nice to have a Reliquary Tower at your disposal. But the truth is that regardless of discarding 13 cards or more (which can easily happen), you've already won the game at that stage.
You don't even have mass reanimation cards to leverage this dump, but it doesn't matter.

There is Mistveil Plains and Eternal Witness to get key cards back in a pinch, but I've not actually needed them yet to exact a win.

Another thing I encountered in the "boo-hoo I've drawn my entire deck" is that you'll often run out of lands to search with fetch-lands. And again this really isn't a problem, we are talking about when you now have 20 lands in play type thing and really it doesn't effect your ability to win.
However there is a tech card in the deck with Realmwright to make sure you can still tap them for mana. I thought about Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth but you can give up too many advantages to black players wanting fixing or Cabal Coffers.

Shaman of Forgotten Ways is a common way I'll end the game quickly, reducing opponents life to easily dealt with totals even with small creature attacks.

Why not more "win conditions"? Maybe Kamahl, Fist of Krosa and Craterhoof Behemoth or even Laboratory Maniac? The answer simply lies in inevitability of drawing your deck and backing up your plays with protection and disruption, which the deck has in spades.
The mana efficiency of a low curve means that the deck ticks along with a certain consistency and once you start introducing high-mana curve cards it creates potential bottlenecks.

I did have God-Eternal Oketra in the deck and it was proficient at producing an army of Zombies, but after a few games I came to the conclusion that it was just a "win more" type of card.

I'm just as interested to hear what other people have come up with for their Chulane, Teller of Tales decks, and am I missing anything for my build or even strategies that I should be incorporating?

Re: Chulane, Teller of Tales - "Once upon a time there was a very busted Commander.."

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 3:14 pm
by Sinis
Have you given any thought to Glimpse of Nature and/or Beck // Call? They add a bit of resiliency if Chulane gets answered too frequently, or let you really catapult forward if you get to stick Chulane.

Re: Chulane, Teller of Tales - "Once upon a time there was a very busted Commander.."

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 8:30 pm
by darrenhabib
Sinis wrote:
4 years ago
Have you given any thought to Glimpse of Nature and/or Beck // Call? They add a bit of resiliency if Chulane gets answered too frequently, or let you really catapult forward if you get to stick Chulane.
That's a very good call. Beast Whisperer really is biz when it comes to getting the engine going. I did think about Guardian Project as well.

But a little bit of redundancy will go a long way.

Re: Chulane, Teller of Tales - "Once upon a time there was a very busted Commander.."

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 4:45 am
by BtB20s
Have you considered Ranger Captain of Eos or Ranger of Eos for this build?

Re: Chulane, Teller of Tales - "Once upon a time there was a very busted Commander.."

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 6:34 am
by darrenhabib
BtB20s wrote:
4 years ago
Have you considered Ranger Captain of Eos or Ranger of Eos for this build?
I did have Ranger of Eos in my maybe pile, but I find that I not normally running out of cards to cast. It's more like mana becomes the bottleneck.
I don't have Ranger-Captain of Eos in my collection yet, but I could easily see playing this over Grand Abolisher for example. I'll make this change when I get a copy for sure.

Re: Chulane, Teller of Tales - "Once upon a time there was a very busted Commander.."

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 2:40 pm
by Cow31337Killer
This deck looks great, but you sure aren't gonna make any friends playing it😅

Re: Chulane, Teller of Tales - "Once upon a time there was a very busted Commander.."

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 7:49 pm
by pokken
This looks really solid. Here's a short list of Ephara tech you might find useful:

3cmc interactive stuff
Borrower and queller provide unique effects that can stop other people from comboing but also provide bodies at a reasonable price, that plays well with temur saberbooth - queller providing a near unstoppable stream of countermagic to protect your combo as well. Being able to infinitely O-ring abuse it is too much in my opinion.

I am sure you thought of recruiter of the guard but she's just too strong in this deck in my opinion. If you're actively trying to avoid tutors I can see not playing it but since you play fauna shaman I didn't sense that.

The torpor orb guy (and below, hushbringer) shut off a bunch of strategies and don't really affect you since they're cast triggers. I would consider playing both.

2 cmc bros
Deck feels light on grave hate and remorseful cleric and hushbringer can both bring that to the table.

Not being able to tutor for aura shards makes it quite a lot worse in this deck, and it's also supreme at drawing aggro from the whole table even when you otherwise would not be a problem. I'd seriously consider relic warder or even harmonic sliver over it.

And finally i think collector ouphe is too good not to play most likely as a 2 drop.

Love the deck -- definitely jelly of Chulane's ability as basically being a better bant Ephara. I really love not running any mana rocks in this deck. It's very nice. and it's really nice how Chulane sets you up for a long game by running out a bunch of lands in case you get got by a sweeper.

Re: Chulane, Teller of Tales - "Once upon a time there was a very busted Commander.."

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 11:24 pm
by darrenhabib
pokken wrote:
4 years ago
This looks really solid. Here's a short list of Ephara tech you might find useful:
3cmc interactive stuff Borrower and queller provide unique effects that can stop other people from comboing but also provide bodies at a reasonable price, that plays well with temur saberbooth - queller providing a near unstoppable stream of countermagic to protect your combo as well. Being able to infinitely O-ring abuse it is too much in my opinion.

I am sure you thought of recruiter of the guard but she's just too strong in this deck in my opinion. If you're actively trying to avoid tutors I can see not playing it but since you play fauna shaman I didn't sense that.

The torpor orb guy (and below, hushbringer) shut off a bunch of strategies and don't really affect you since they're cast triggers. I would consider playing both.

2 cmc bros Deck feels light on grave hate and remorseful cleric and hushbringer can both bring that to the table.

Not being able to tutor for aura shards makes it quite a lot worse in this deck, and it's also supreme at drawing aggro from the whole table even when you otherwise would not be a problem. I'd seriously consider relic warder or even harmonic sliver over it.

And finally i think collector ouphe is too good not to play most likely as a 2 drop.

Love the deck -- definitely jelly of Chulane's ability as basically being a better bant Ephara. I really love not running any mana rocks in this deck. It's very nice. and it's really nice how Chulane sets you up for a long game by running out a bunch of lands in case you get got by a sweeper.
I have played a number of creatures that are similar to these in certain ways, but it was the converted mana costs that was the main reason I cut them.

I did have Recruiter of the Guard in my first build, but deemed it too expensive. Now I'm contemplating Ranger-Captain of Eos and it's got me thinking about what if I put a zero mana creature in the deck, so that I can use both these for the draw without having to think about further mana investments. I'm thinking Walking Ballista at this stage.
So sure I can still use them for toolbox creatures, but just getting a 2 draw/land drop effect out of both these creatures seems definitely good enough.

For graveyard hate I was running Stonecloaker as I could get repeated triggers out of it for Chulane ability as well. But again I just removed most of the 3 cmc for 1 cmc instead. It's a drop in power level of creatures, versus the simply Growth Spiral effect.

I did do an ETB count when making the deck for the Torpor Orb creatures and it doesn't effect too many of them, but Bane of Progress is a reliable a beating so was reluctant to include any. But this probably a mistake considering the amount of times that the game is played without drawing or playing this single card in the deck.
I'm going to go with the Hushwing Gryff as I found the flash elements of creatures to be really great with Seedborn Muse using Chulane (or Temur Sabertooth) to bounce them to recast for value. So even though it costs more than Hushbringer this seems like a good way to go.

Honestly I'm just waiting for the price of Collector Ouphe and Brazen Borrower to be affordable (on Magic Online), although I think Collector Ouphe will just keep getting more expensive :(
But shoe ins for sure once I get my grubby hands on them.

In regards to Spell Queller, I did have Venser, Shaper Savant and Mystic Snake but again shaved because of cmc. The thing about reactive spells like it is that you can't use immediately to keep digging (if wanting the effects). Where as the Voidmage Prodigy and Glen Elendra Archmage you can just dump onto the board. This becomes especially relevant with Vizier of the Menagerie and Magus of the Future. I guess you can just cast it without needing to target a spell, so not really a bottleneck, except it is 3 mana (which I consider expensive).

I mean Aura Shards just takes over many games. When it's good, it's game winning. Even if opponents remove it within a turn or two you still gets a 4 for 1 type thing. But with all my other mass artifact and enchantment removal, with it in play opponents often hold off on playing out more of them, and maybe I can get them to play into the Cleansing Nova, Fracturing Gust and Austere Command more if I didn't have it in play. So I could cut it for this reasoning as well.

I did have Leonin Relic-Warder in my original build, but I'm just so reluctant to play it into wrath effects, as it's always the number one setback regardless and opponent getting back their artifact or enchantment feels bad. I guess its the other reason not super stoked on Spell Queller as solution (although it can stop Supreme Verdict which most countering can't).

Right so yeah the below changes are what I'll endeavor to make to try and make it more tuned, but still need to get hold of them. Thanks for all the mighty fine suggestions :)

I was a little unimpressed with Mulldrifter as Chulane trigger goes first before you draw the cards, so often you miss out on the "definitely play a land" aspect that I was imagining it would be more consistent with.

Phantasmal Image has been really good, but got to make room somewhere.

Oracle of Mul Daya might seem like a crazy cut, and it literally in my top 5 favorite cards of all time, but in this deck it's just not really needed.You get to filter and play lands in a different way and 4 mana turns out isn't as rewarding for the result as you think.

Re: Chulane, Teller of Tales - "Once upon a time there was a very busted Commander.."

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 10:59 am
by MitoZ
I think Brazen Borrower is bad card, coz all good staf from it - it's adventure instant, and you can reuse it only after few actions. I think Venser, Shaper Savant is much more usefull.
And why there is no Shrieking Drake, Stonecloaker, Whitemane Lion, Kor Skyfisher, Dream Stalker and Cloudstone Curio? They have high synergy with Chulane.
And if you use so much manadorks why there is no Thousand-Year Elixir and/or Concordant Crossroads ?

p.s. sorry for my english -_-

Re: Chulane, Teller of Tales - "Once upon a time there was a very busted Commander.."

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2019 1:56 am
by darrenhabib
MitoZ wrote:
4 years ago
I think Brazen Borrower is bad card, coz all good staf from it - it's adventure instant, and you can reuse it only after few actions. I think Venser, Shaper Savant is much more usefull.
And why there is no Shrieking Drake, Stonecloaker, Whitemane Lion, Kor Skyfisher, Dream Stalker and Cloudstone Curio? They have high synergy with Chulane.
And if you use so much manadorks why there is no Thousand-Year Elixir and/or Concordant Crossroads ?

p.s. sorry for my english -_-
The thing is that you don't run out of creatures to cast, you mainly run out of mana. So re-casting bounce creatures, I personal find is not necessary. So rather than creatures that don't progress the board, I'd prefer to just play out creatures that do.
I've really avoided non-creatures spells, and so Thousand-Year Elixir and Concordant Crossroads fall into that category and there are actually only 12 mana creatures that tap for mana which isn't enough to warrant, for simply giving haste to them.
Earthcraft is a lot more special as it allows any creature to tap for mana and can get around summoning sickness.

Too be honest I think that Food Chain would be the next logical inclusion if I wanted to go for the more combo angle.

Shrieking Drake would probably be the only bounce creature I'd think of playing, but as I said, you are never short on cards in hand. It just about how much mana you have.