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How to i get card art to fit?

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 10:20 am
by Shaper
I just found this CCC and was giving it a go and i can't seem to make the art fit the card farm for the standard fames, it auto scales for saga frames, am i missing something or is their a reamended size for the art for other frames and if so how is anyone meant to find it? Looked all for this site and others for answer.

Re: How to i get card art to fit?

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2023 5:55 pm
by AceNex
I have also been struggling with this!

Re: How to i get card art to fit?

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2023 6:47 pm
by 40kbabe
bump. image formatting also an issue here.

Re: How to i get card art to fit?

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2023 6:50 pm
by void_nothing
@Feyd_Ruin Do we have recommended sizes by frame?

Re: How to i get card art to fit?

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2023 9:14 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
Apologies for missing this. Feel free to @ me anytime anything like this comes up.

The art processor will shrink/enlarge your art, and it's designed to crop out the least amount it has to in order to get the right aspect ratio. That's great, but sometimes those automated crops cut out the part you wanted to see. Planeswalkers have near full-frame art, so the art is "tall" (a 3:4 Aspect ratio). Thus if you submitted a square piece of art for a PW, for instance, it will have to cut off slivers of the Left and Right of that image in order to make it fit the frame. If your Planeswalker wasn't in the center of the square art, then it can easily cut part of him off and make the art look uneven, etc. (One day we may have AI that can "see" where to cut, but alas, for now it's just a generic slicer)

The only way to avoid the processor from cropping is to supply art that's about the right aspect ratio (ie: wide art for Battles vs Tall art for Planeswalker, etc). If it's exact, it won't cut anything, but otherwise "close" works 99% of the time.

I Love IMG has a free online crop tool that's easy to use for quick crops. Croppola is better for getting the ratio just right. So grab your piece of art, upload it there, and then crop it close to what the frame wants. When the art uploads and formats, it won't have to cut much/any to get it to fit, and will give you what you uploaded.

Below is a list of the frames we have, the exact height/width it saves, and (most importantly) the Aspect Ratio.
These ratios are rounded to neat numbers, but it's what I personally use, and they've never done me wrong.

I don't know why I haven't thought to make a table before.
(I'm absent minded, that's why)

FrameWidthHeightAspect Ratio
Text Token5608007:10
Game Marker5608007:10
Aftermath Top5051888:3
Aftermath Bottom4122445:3

Additional note:
Our processor currently doesn't handle WEBP and a few other new file formats. This is a current limitation of our host atm. JPG and PNG are your best bets.

Re: How to i get card art to fit?

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2023 9:29 pm
by Feyd_Ruin
Using Croppola:
  1. Head over to Croppola.

  2. Upload your image:

  3. Change the ratio to what's listed on the table above:

  4. It'll adjust it to a more reduced fraction, but that's fine.
    (11:8 is the same as 1.38:1)

  5. Put the crop where you want it.
    — Click and drag inside the box to move it.
    — Click and drag an edge to enlarge/shrink the box.

  6. Then just click download to get your crop:

    @Shaper @AceNex @40kbabe
    ( @s to make sure you see both replies :) )

Re: How to i get card art to fit?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 1:48 am
by AceNex
Thank you so much! I had been doing full art but I think this will work out better. Much appreciated!