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8 more images for upcoming MtG products, no context

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:38 pm
by Raptorchan

Keep in mind, there can be UB products, supplemental products or even Universes Within versions of UB characters.
But personally I am excited to see Polynesian world, beastfolk (Everdell?) world, and most of all, Wild West world.

Re: 8 more images for upcoming MtG products, no context

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 3:22 am
by void_nothing
MaRo's most devious ploy since previewing the Eldrazi brood lineages while replacing every noun with Goblin. Here's my thoughts about where these images may come from.

War being with a Carnotaurus arm: Muraganda (see The Mimeoplasm's dino arm... admittedly this is not much to go on but it seems not coincidental)

Woman who tamed a hydra: This is what OP seems to think could be a Polynesian mythology plane? It looks like the Theros style of hydra, however.

Fanatical knights on horseback: No idea - those gobbos are being chased down by the knights attempting to slaughter them, right? I'm reminded of the Knights of Thorn from old Terisiare, but a The Dark throwback set is just about out of the question lol.

Assassin conjuring blades: Not much clarity on the world here either. Seems like a plane with a darker tone to be sure.

Investigator operating a camera from the bushes: Innistrad??? Slight steampunk tech, that cool hat, and sneakily taking a picture of what could be a cult ritual fit there.

Goose hydra: I'm convinced this is an Eldraine creature.

Brave mouse versus fire magic wolf: This also feels like more Eldraine, so for now I'm going to call this mouse Syr Squeaks.

Smiling coachman with skeletal hands: Yes, definitely getting the wild west world vibes here also...

Re: 8 more images for upcoming MtG products, no context

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 4:56 am
by Raptorchan
Now, a gallery with higher quality images.

1. @void_nothing: Nope, this is what I thought to be the one of those wicked conyinent-shaping Polynesian gods. But now I think it can be related more to Ixalan and probably Aclasotz. Look at these bat-riding guys at the background.
2. That's Theros for sure.
3. That's just Rohan warriors chasing Saruman's goblins. More LotR sets incoming.
4. Looks like this lady is wearing a Rakdos costume.
5. A cameraman seems to take pictures of... Drannith? Probably a Capenna cameraman. I don't know.
6. That's Eldraine indeed, look at these golden eggs.
7. No notes.
8. Aaaand this is just Old Rutstain in a cool hat traveling his carriage among strange non-Innistrad buildings. Omenpaths in action, I guess?

Re: 8 more images for upcoming MtG products, no context

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 2:35 pm
by void_nothing
With those clearer images, I have to agree with basically all of those conclusions, except that I still think that the mouse knight is on Eldraine. Why is Rutstein's hat glowing???

EDIT: More LotR is welcome in my mind, but the Rohirrim were already well-covered in Tales of Middle-Earth, and on the Universes Beyond front I was hoping for 40k.

Re: 8 more images for upcoming MtG products, no context

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 5:44 pm
by CommanderMaster999
The results are in


Hydra goose — wilds of eldraine

The skull guy with a dinosaur hand — caverns of ixalan (Ps its a "God" creature)


The Rakdos guild like member with the knives flying — Ravnica remastered (hopefully reprints are just as good as domnaria remastered did,)

The guy with the camera — Murders at Karlov manor (Ravnica revist 4), but here's the catch it's not gonna be guild focused this time we're just visiting the outside the guild area his time (but we will still see some of the legends from all three previous ravnica visits.)

Old Rutstein in a cowboy like outfit — Outlaws of Thunder junction, this is the end of the wait for a Wild West plane but the catch is this is a villain focused plane (outlaws) from another picture we have a silhouettes of Oko, Rakdos, Vraska, and maybe Tinybones, Trinket Thief

Hydra lady — Modern horizons 3, that's right the modern formats back is gonna be broken again. And it's gonna have DFC cards in this one… and on top of that one picture shown has the… eldrazi titans so we're likely getting a 3.0 of them and probably eldrazi archtype in the set just like slivers in modern horizons 1

The mouse about to face a giant wolf — Bloomburrow, an all, antropomorphic animals plane…by the way this is gonna be the second set in the entire history of magic with 0% humans in the set just like lorwyn.

The horse riders chasing goblins — Lord of the rings tales of middle earth part 2. That's right it's not over yet we're getting a second Lotr set already (in a way makes sense since we didn,t get isildur as a card in the set.)