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[Developing] Golgari Counters

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 3:59 pm
by pektusman
2G for a 3/4 antelope? Yes, please! 3B for a 4/5 scorpion demon? Where can I sign up? There's somewhat of a slight drawback though; you have to put -1/-1 counter/s on a creature you control when these bad boys enter the battlefield (its put on them when no other creatures are in sight, so Ornery Kudu is basically a 2/3 for 2G and Soulstinger, which by the way, is the baddest a** name for a common creature, is a 2/3 for 3B, stats which aren't that eye-popping). So how can we abuse these disadvantages, you ask? Why on Young Wolf, of course!
Version 1.2 (older versions can be found on MtG Sally)
Golgari Counters
Approximate Total Cost:

Current Build (09/12/2019)
So "killing" the wolf with an Ornery Kudu nets you a 2/2 (Young Wolf) and a 3/4 (Ornery Kudu) on the same turn. much value so wow :-o

And with War of the Spark giving us the proliferate mechanic back, I searched for additional synergies using +1/+1 counters and I came up with the Unleash ability from Return to Ravnica, with Thrill-Kill Assassin's deathtouch and Rakdos Drake's|Dragon's Maze evasion being the most notable ones. This deck is geared towards aggro so blocking is almost always going to be irrelevant. Aquastrand Spider|Dissension also helps with the counter-less proliferators (Bloom Hulk and Pollenbright Druid) by "donating" a +1/+1 counter to them before proliferating.

Wickerbough Elder|Eventide (1 main and 1 SB) is there for hitting random Journey to Nowheres|Zendikar as well as for Bogles and Affinity. Festercreep|Morningtide from the sideboard round out the creatures, ideally to bring in against tokens-based decks.

In keeping up with the theme, the deck's removal/interaction is provided by Grim Affliction; the proliferating counters of Serrated Arrows|Duel Decks: Garruk vs. Liliana; and Cartouche of Ambition's -1/-1 counter (and life gain to boot). I'm also testing Fate Transfer as a means to punch through the last points of damage or to transfer the random -1/-1 counters to a pesky blocker. And having 30 creatures, drawing 3 to 4 is almost always a guarantee with Lead the Stampede|Mirrodin Besieged.

Having playtested a bit, the sideboard is geared up towards beating Bogles/Heroic (Innocent Blood|Odyssey, Wickerbough Elder|Eventide); Boros Bully/Elves (Festercreep|Morningtide, Nausea|Exodus); Delver (Serrated Arrows|Duel Decks: Garruk vs. Liliana, Claws of Wirewood|Scourge); Tron (Nihil Spellbomb|Scars of Mirrodin); and Burn/Aggro (Cartouche of Ambition, Pulse of Murasa|Oath of the Gatewatch).

What do you guys think? Have I missed cards that go well with the counter theme?