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Kadena's Sultai Shenanigans

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 1:25 am
by Rorseph

Kadena's Sultai Shenanigans

Table of Contents


I've been trying to make Morph work as a mechanic in Commander for almost the entirety of the 4 years I've been playing the format. I've played Ixidor to limited success and Animar to moderate success. Ixidor was fun and flavorful, but not very powerful, whereas Animar was powerful, but not very flavorful and had limited synergy beyond cost reduction.

Enter Kadena.

Commander Analysis/Why Play This Commander

Let's get the obvious bits out of the way first: Kadena will be the default commander for Morph until something better comes along again. While she's on the board, you'll play one morph for free and draw a card on each of your turns. This is an incredible value engine. Add some Flash enablers and things will start to get silly.

  • Kadena is a value engine unto herself.
  • This deck has answers for almost everything
  • Morphs are fun!
  • This is going to be a reactive deck. You'll be holding mana open to play Morph costs most turns.
  • You're not going to win a huge percentage of games because this deck has problems with inevitability

Deck History

As stated previously, I've had a morph deck in one form or another for a good while now. I started with Ixidor and it worked well enough. It didn't win very often at all, but it was fun. I moved on to Animar, which became less of a pure Morph and more a deck that cared about cost reduction and had some Morph creatures there, too.

Current Decklist
Mk. 1 Decklist
Approximate Total Cost:

Card Choice Discussion


Deck Philosophy

Deck Strategy

Early Game Strategy

Mid-Game Strategy



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